Found a friend and everything is doing well.
Walking around the garden, seeing how things are growing I came across a new friend.
I thought he was hanging on for dear life as it was getting a bit breezy.
Lillies are going to be good this year.
Tree ferns are growing well.
Weigelia is doing well.
visitors to the Aquliegia.
Seedlings are doing well.
and for a nice splash of colour, my favourite plant at this time of the year Primula Viallii.
15 May, 2009
Previous post: Newts
Next post: Bank holiday Morris Dancing
Oh wow! What a lovely garden, I love the winding brick path too. Our tree fern is way behind yours, it is only just showing sings of new growth! And the Aquliegia, I think we call them Grannies Bonnets!
Mildred x
15 May, 2009
You were lucky to be able to meander round your garden today... we've had another rainy and chilly day!
Thanks for the tour - all is looking good.
15 May, 2009
Lovely photographs, although I only like your friends in pics I,m afraid,.....I can see why that is your favourite,another for my wishlist its a beautiful flower........
15 May, 2009
Ginellie, if you look closely at the pic of the path, you can see a gap in the hedge behind the tree fern that takes you down to the pond.
Spritz, it rained off and on all day. These were taken after I had been potting on in the greenhouse. I usually take my camera when I'm out incase I see anything interesting.
15 May, 2009
Loved the tour around your garden, stunning picture of the primula.
15 May, 2009
OK, T&T, I'll let you off! Guess what - it's raining again today!!!!
16 May, 2009
Quess what it rained alday yesterday, and on & off alday today, loved your blog, like your new friend.
16 May, 2009
Is it a dragonfly? body looks too fat for a dragonfly but i'm no expert!! lovely garden TT, everything looking good
16 May, 2009
Lovely photos and garden..... your new friend....
everything is looking good...........
16 May, 2009
what a fantastic dragonfly. they are a real relic from our past. even pre-date the dinosaurs :o)
16 May, 2009
Great photos T&T - your garden is looking great :-) My lilles seem to have more buds this year too - in spite of the LBs!!
22 May, 2009
Flicking through an old magazine, I have found out that the dragon fly pic is prior to him climbing out of that skin before he becomes the streo typical dragon fly with the long abdomen.
22 May, 2009
I Love your Aquilegia lovely colour, but what was your freind that you found what is the name of this insect?
12 Jun, 2009
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Lovely photographs. I especially like that arch and the meandering path beyond. Where does it lead to I wonder.
15 May, 2009