By vf1
What a change in the weather today. Lets hope we all get lots of rain as the gardens really need it. My 8 waterbutts have been dry for a month after being full to overflowing after winter. As welcome as the sun is after our long cold winter, I’d really really appreciate some nice prolonged showers.
5 May, 2011
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i hear you, my waterbutts are empty and we've had no rain here in my part of surry since 18 march.. time for a good steady rain spell i think :-))
5 May, 2011
I am in Derbyshire as well, another very warm sunny day, keeps threatening rain , but none as yet.Roll on .
5 May, 2011
It is raining here in Glasgow and boy does the garden need it.
5 May, 2011
Here in the West Midlands we have been promised a slight chance of rain - been dancing and singing all morning but nothing yet.lol.
5 May, 2011
nothing here yet either and the suns coming out now.....
lucky you Linda-- I just hope it knows when to stop!!
5 May, 2011
We had a few spots of rain this morning but I really do mean spots - the paths and practically everything else were completely dry, so I don't think that amount would have made much difference to the garden unfortunately.
5 May, 2011
I was told today that some newspapers are saying it could be like this for another month....
5 May, 2011
Our pavement here was slightly damp this morning, but nothing since. We had a thunderstorm about 3 weeks ago on a Saturday, luckily, and a fair bit of rain for 20 minutes or so, but otherwise, nothing. Forecast for the weekend in London though, but who knows how much it'll be ... I'm worried in case they start muttering about hosepipe bans...
5 May, 2011
We are on a water meter too and I have yet to organize a water butt....the forecast says rain on the weekend so I hope that is right. Our soil is all cracked and looking like cement!
Had some spots of rain last night but like others have said it amounted to nothing really.
6 May, 2011
it was on my windscreen this morning-- but didn't reach the ground.....
6 May, 2011
Not a drop here today, but I've seen the forecast for overnight - looks like lashings of the stuff is arriving, and very noisily too, lots of thunder and lightning, so I'm getting ready for a muggy, noisy night of disturbed sleep, lol!
6 May, 2011
lucky you Bamboo,i wish we could have some.Put your ear plugs in and have a good night. lol.
6 May, 2011
reaching the ground now!!!!-- lovely........:o))))
7 May, 2011
whoopee rain at last, it must be that singing i did last night.:o))
7 May, 2011
Well, no thunder, no lightning, some rain starting around 1.30 a.m. - not too sure how much, certainly not enough to keep me awake, think we probably didn't have much actually.
7 May, 2011
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Me too :))) spent a lot of money on plants, don't want to see them die :((( plus being on a water meter does not help at all :(((( so I appreciate both.
5 May, 2011