By yorkslass
I thought you would all appreciate knowing that Kate has sadly caught Covid, after such a short time on the wards. She was already very tired, which I guess reduces resistance. She’s talking about returning to work but really should have a rest first.
I know some of you will want to hold her in your prayers.
The reports of carers’ daily lives in hospital is very worrying – they are true heroes.
7 Feb, 2021
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Hope you get well soon Kate. Xxxx
7 Feb, 2021
I too hope she makes a speedy recovery. Get better soon Kate.
7 Feb, 2021
You will be in my prayers. I hope you make A speedy recovery. Take care to all of your family.
7 Feb, 2021
You were in my thoughts, Kate, and will be in them still. We all miss you on here and I send all love. xx
Thanks ,Yorks, for telling us. x
7 Feb, 2021
Get well soon Kate. Give yourself time to get strong before you try to do too much. x
8 Feb, 2021
So sorry to read this and wishing you a good recovery Kate ... :o)
8 Feb, 2021
Thank you, everyone. You are all so kind and a really lovely bunch of people. I do appreciate all your kind words, thoughts and well-wishes.
I’m getting a bit better, albeit still coughing and aching all over. Still a bit fatigued and head fuzzy.
It could be worse. I’m taking the time to think about the garden in spring and all the things that need doing and I want to do.
I do hope you are all well and safe out there.
Thank you again, love to everyone xxxxxx
8 Feb, 2021
So sorry to hear for you ,so many around me .hope you get better very soon
8 Feb, 2021
Kate, so good to see some words from you. Just take it easy and get yourself better. Thinking of you ... :o)
8 Feb, 2021
Thank you Shirley and Mossy, it’s very kind of you both. I am grateful to have your best wishes in mind. x
9 Feb, 2021
Recent posts by yorkslass
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1 Nov, 2020
What sad and depressing news, I will certainly hold Kate in my prayers. Thanks for the information Sue, I've been wondering about her.
7 Feb, 2021