A few random pics from the last few days.
A bit of sunshine and a lot of rain!
Love my semps..
Looking up, I like looking up :)
One of the grapevines (black)reaching for the sky, its started twining round the crossbars of the pergola, im so excited..
The banana i said i wouldn’t buy (Musa) I couldn’t resist.
Trying to disguise the ugly black pot the plum tree is planted in, when i had the bench here you couldn’t see it but now it sticks out like a saw thumb..
My T Rex, a first for me, grown from seed, im really excited about this, i hope it gets massive this year :)
there are more plants in pots in this area not visible yet, I think they are waiting for summer lol..
Im not happy with the raised bed yet, again plants are slow, the big daddy on the far right (hosta) is annoying me, its too big this year and throwing everything out, in my sight of vision anyway so its coming out next year, i have 3 in the front garden that are Huge, much bigger than this, ill have to move them around in autumn when they are dying down..
I bought these 2 hostas for £1 50 each from wilkinsons about 3/4 years ago, look at the size of them this year, arent they big, im allways checking for slugs and snails and putting down fresh pellets lol. im obsessed :))
I hope summer arrives soon for all of us and we see our plants as they should be, Bigger haha..
7 Jul, 2012
Previous post: One months rainfall in less than 24 hours!!!
Next post: Look what the sun brought out..
Bigger and flowerier too!! I like that Big Daddy there Dee, it takes away the straight edge of the raised bed, but I can understand why you want to move it. I thought of you today, was in GC they had a stunning chocolate leaved Canna...nearly bought it for in my conservatory..wish I had now..typical!
7 Jul, 2012
..it was about 5'tall as well! Got two pots though, so off out tomorrow to find two Heucheras for them!
7 Jul, 2012
garden looking very jungle like now Dee and lovely to, i sometimes think like you we would be better off going green and doing away with trying to get things to flower with this awfull summer again.
what you have created is a fine display and i love it :o))
7 Jul, 2012
I bet it was gorgeous Karen (the canna), probably red or orange flowering, can you not grow Canna outside? Lol at the pots, i do that, buy pots and have nothing to plant into them then have to go plant shopping, great isn't it :))
I had my Cycad next to the hosta last year but it looked swamped this year (the cycad) so i planted it at the other side of the bed where i can see it, Big Daddy is deffo gett'n took out next year..
Thanks Stickie, Lovely thing to say..
PS Karen, Pic3 can you see my silly wooden birds hehe..
7 Jul, 2012
Me too San....all the flowers are soggy and sad. Dee's deck looks marvellous with those chairs and pots...I think I'll pop down there and have a Pimms with her.....you fancy it? I'll bring the Pimms, and the Borage flowers, you bring the Lemonade and some strawberries...sorted! ;)
7 Jul, 2012
Thanks Sand, appreciated, I know i dont grow as many flowers in the back garden as i do in the front but its july and there should be more colour, some of my trailing plants are flowering but they haven't trailed yet! now thats weird !!!.
7 Jul, 2012
Lager for me Karen, I could just down a lovely cold pint lol..
7 Jul, 2012
Well, funnily enough, I have some silly birds like that in my conservatory....I will take a pic for you tomorrow! lol :) Yes, Canna had orange flowers and yes, they do grow outdoors here, but not very well.
7 Jul, 2012
Its all looking fab YD :)))))
7 Jul, 2012
Your garden is looking lovely ... you've got some exotic-looking plants ...
7 Jul, 2012
It looks grand Daisy, we might not like it but the plants are loving it, we`ll all have gorgeous flowers for autumn and dark nights....
7 Jul, 2012
Well all those 'wacky' pictures you put on earlier this year have definately had some impact on your garden. The pergola area is a real success you must be soooo pleased ( I would be) Your garden looks like a series of well furnished rooms. It is a shame we've not had the weather for you to get out there more and just enjoy it. Lets hope Lincslass is right in her prediction for a better autumn with dark nights and gorgeous flowers. Maybe a bit of lighting for late night sitting out ????
8 Jul, 2012
Love your garden YDD it always looks so inviting. How is your front garden now did it suffer much
8 Jul, 2012
Think your garden looks so lovely
8 Jul, 2012
Thanks everbody, looking forward to seeing your birds Karen, i got tailfeathers to attatch with mine, i didnt bother lol.
Im loving the pergola Poppyl, as with everything new in a garden it will be better next year :) I have electrictricity in the garden with lovely lights attatched :)) but i dont sit out much, too wet and cold, hopefully a better autumn Linclass..
Drc, the front garden has drained away with no damage to anything but i know the borders wont be as nice as last year, my seedlings still look like seedlings so not much hope for them :(
8 Jul, 2012
Thats better than I feared, I thought you might have a lot of muddy rubbish left behind.
8 Jul, 2012
Just found this. I think your gaden is fascinating, and it looks lovely. I envy you the big hostas! Don't they look good beside the fatsia?
17 Jul, 2012
How did I miss this, it has come together beautifully, you must be pleased with it now. We are growing T Rex this time, a pressie from a friend, they certainly grow very large... did I see an Echium also?
5 Aug, 2012
Hi Dd, did you start the Trex from seed? I tried for 2 years then someone advised me to lay them on damp kitchen towels on a plate wrapped in cling film and the next day they had shoots!!! I have 5 in the garden, arent they lush and tropical?
Yes i have one Echium also from seed, 3 germinated but only one survived but im still happy :))
Hows your tropical border doing?
5 Aug, 2012
Well done you must be green fingered, must try that method for growing T Rex, 5 plants !! you wont be able to move lol!! lost our Echium last winter.
Our tropical border is on the move.....again lol at the moment it is at the experimental stage, will do a blog when it is finished, may take some time, more complicated than we thought!! also OH is not happy with my ideas lol
6 Aug, 2012
He's not happy! im glad hubs not a gardener Dd, everything would have to be eddible lol..
Re the Trex, I made a mistake :/ i only got one with a normal sowing, it was the Ricinus i used the paper towel method on. Sorry im a div sometimes :)))
Looking forward to seeing your tropical border this year, Have you had an open day? ill go look..
7 Aug, 2012
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its all looking so bright and beautiful
7 Jul, 2012