Evergreens [ Especially For BA]*
Like a number of people on Goy I havent had much interest in my garden lately with all the wet and cold weather we have had, then I saw BA’s lovely blog on evergreens which inspired me to go and have a look around my garden to check out how mine have fared this winter. What a treat to see so many different species all doing very well, so thought you might like a little Tour around my garden.
these are one of my favoutite shrubs , love their colours and the pretty bell like flowers, I have a number of varieties both in the front and back garden.
Japonica Forest FLame
Japonica’s Beautiful Flowers
Dwarf Variegated Pieris
Large Variegated Pieris
Another favourite ,they make good subjects for Topiary especially dome and ball shapes, also there are a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours, the larger ones seem to be more prone to frost damage.
Hebe, pinguifolia “Pagei”
Hebe Ochracea
Hebe Brachysiphon
Hebe,Armstrong " Green Globe", used here to make an edging around the Box feature
Hebe Windermen, the colours throughout the summer are stunning
Euonymus , just love these especially used as standards,
I have Three of these small standards [Golden King] last year they were badly damaged with the severe winter but recovered remarkably well.
The larger standards I have had for at least 10yrs now they are the Silver Queen species and make lovey feature plants.
Euonymus , Eradicans Fortunea, makes striking groundcover, it is versatile too looks great growing up against a wall.
Euonymus Ovtus Aureus
Ferox Argentea [Hedgehog Holly Identified by Terra ;0)!
Aucuba, Golden Spotted Laurel, Although known as a big shrub, this one has struggled to get going in my garden
Lonicera nitda Baggesen’s Gold, wonderful plant with its striking gold foilage, responds well to chopping back if it gets out of hand.
Rhododendron Ponticum Variegata, a lovely Rhodie with wonderful foliage and lovely purple flowers
Buds and Promises!!
Rhododendron Elizabeth, also full of buds!*
Choisya, Sundance
Daphne Odora Variegata
Hope you have enjoyed this little tour, thought I had better save the big Trees and Conifer family for the next time;0))*
4 Mar, 2012
Previous post: Latest Paintings "Conker and Truffle2*
Next post: We Are proud to Announce we are now Great Grandparents ;0))
Pleased you like the pictures Sandra, my garden isnt that big I just pack them in lol, strange about the Holly isnt it last year it had what looked like a cross between berries and flowers, I envy yours with all its berries, that is the reason I bought it for, still its a lovely shrub!Have you just had that Hailstone ? Simon and Clare are doing a 24 mile walk today, glad Im nice and dry and warm indoors;0)
4 Mar, 2012
Great pics PP, saving to favs for ref.
I love the Hebes & the forest flame.
I have only just started to appriciate the evergreen shrubs & find myself lookin out for them all the time now. They are def the backbones of the garden.
4 Mar, 2012
lovely carole, its surprising how many lovely evergreens you have once you go out and look, great pics and look forward to the bigger ones next ;o)))
4 Mar, 2012
You have a splendid selection of evergreen shrubs Carole , your garden always looks attractive through out the year with so much foliage variation ....
Good luck to Clare and Simon , it's been pouring down here it's funny but I did say to Tony this morning "this weather reminds me of walking in Wales " ,it always rained when we walked there ... they will be ready for a nice hot bath and a good meal ... :o))
4 Mar, 2012
What a lot of lovely shrubs, as i am looking at them i'm thinking i've got one of those, i've got one of those,
(not as many as you have) nice to see their names..
4 Mar, 2012
these are beautiful, thank you ~ put this on my favourites. i love pieris too, those hebes and Euonymus look really good.
4 Mar, 2012
Thanks to everyone for all your lovely comments, it is suprising once you get into the garden and see how many different ones you have, they are the back bone of the garden, dont know what we would do without them;0)
4 Mar, 2012
Absolutely lovely selection of evergreens, Pp ... I have a Hebe pinguifolia Pagei' but it refuses to grow up ... always spreads out like a prostrate plant! ... Do you prune or clip yours into shape?
4 Mar, 2012
Lovely to have such an interesting tour on such a wet, horrible afternoon! I love your hebes and will definitely make a note of the names for the extra spaces I now have in my garden. I particularly like pinguifolia Pagei and green globe. What a horrible day for a 24 mile walk -we did 3 with the dogs this morning and that was more than enough! Hope Simon and Clare get on OK.
4 Mar, 2012
You have some lovely evergreens their Carole...
4 Mar, 2012
That's a wonderful blog Carole.
Lots of useful information and lovely photos.
Thank you :o)
In your photo, the Golden King looks similar to Hedgehog Holly... Ilex Ferox Agentea....
4 Mar, 2012
I wondered if it was a different Holly,Carole,as Terra has suggested a similiarity to a different one..maybe it had the wrong label? it really doesn't look like mine....We didn't get the Hailstorm,Carole,but the sky looked so ominous ,and it came black as night..then cleared to daylight again,with just a quick shower..I guess we have been lucky today,but it has been so cold..Simon and Clare are so brave,walking all that way,in this weather..like you,nice and snug inside,has been the order of the day..:o)
4 Mar, 2012
Thanks ShirleyI do prune my Hebe Pagei to keep it compact and rounded it also helps to thicken the growth;0)
Thanks Gee and Michaella Hebes are great as there is one for every type of situation and I love the variety of colours;0)
Thanks Terra pleased you enjoyed the blog, it could be that the labels on my Ilex have got mixed up as it definately has an Hedgehoggy look about it;0)
Thanks Sandra just had a text from Simon and Clare they have walked through winds rain, sleet, hail and snow! both very tired and are sat in front of the fire now having a brew 0))
4 Mar, 2012
Lol. Carole ... I was very tactful...
... didn't want to suggest switched labels.. Lol.
If it is Hedgehog Holly, that is lovely.
I have two of those :o)
4 Mar, 2012
I have a new holly Silver Queen (male-yes!) and was told I needed a Golden King (female- yes! ) nearby in order to get berries. Trouble is, I can't find one locally. Will have to try online.
Lovely, lovely selection of shrubs, PP, and so many lovely shapes and colours.
4 Mar, 2012
You know me,Carole..open my mouth and brains fly out..I must learn to be more tactful like Terra..:o))..
Glad Simon and Clare are back ok..making me shiver just thinking about their walk !
4 Mar, 2012
Wow - you've some smashers there PP
4 Mar, 2012
Those evergreens are a garden full on their own Pp. fantastic variety, lovely blog.
4 Mar, 2012
I was wondering where the room for the rest is myself !
4 Mar, 2012
Thanks Sheilar, Grandma and P.P thanks all its amazing how many you can pack in a small spae ;-))
4 Mar, 2012
Hi Pp, love this blog and I'm so jealous...you have such a wonderful variety of evergreens, some I don't know, so will google. I've never seen euonymus on a stick before, are they grafted? I did prune my holly Golden King so it looks like a lollypop on a stick, but I don't think you can do that with euonymus can you?
I don't know if anyone else has said this although sharp eyed Bloomer put her finger on it....Golden King is not prickly...I'm afraid you may have an imposter:-( Looks very pretty though:-) My I.Golden King took years to berry , I think they need a male. I've added this to my faves so I can get some inspiration. I lost all my posh hebes last winter so I'm googling windermen to see if she'll survive here:-)
4 Mar, 2012
thanks B.A the Euonymus are grafted they make excelent feature plants either in a pot or in borders, yes seems I do have an imposter but love it all the same. this is my first year with Winderman so we shall see, but Pagei is a winner ;0)
4 Mar, 2012
Lovely plants - going into favourites. (At least it would if I could find the Add to Favourites tag!)That little ball and ring arrangement is so imaginative - beautiful.
4 Mar, 2012
Steragram..scroll down to the end of the blog,to where you start comments..you will see 'add to Favourites' in between 'Nominate for Goypedia' and 'likes' .Hope this helps :o)
4 Mar, 2012
Hi Terra and Sandra I have just read Ojibway's comments on Golden King perhaphs mine has grown prickly because she hasnt got a mate Silver Queen lol will have to sort her out with a nice male Silver Queen and see what happens ha, ha
Thanks Stera please you have added to your favourites;0)
5 Mar, 2012
Hi Carole ...
My hedgehog holly photo .... ferox argentea ... is on the blog below ... I hope this helps you to compare ...
[ my blog of 7th December, 2011 ]
5 Mar, 2012
will check it out Terra thanks;0)
5 Mar, 2012
Just had a look Terra I think it is definately Hedgehog Holly;0) Thanks for the chance to view your lovely blog again too;0)) Have amended its name x
5 Mar, 2012
Hi Carole ...
Hedgehog Hollies are lovely, aren't they ...
I have two of those in my front garden.
I also have Golden King [female] and Silver Queen [male] in my back garden.
Glad you enjoyed reading my blog again. I hope you can buy a correctly labelled Golden King for your garden. :o)))
5 Mar, 2012
5 Mar, 2012
You have some beauties PP, the backbones of our gardens. They do give us form and colour to admire during this parculiar month, so far today we have had rain, sleet, winds and now a bit of sunshine.
5 Mar, 2012
Thanks Stroller, wouldnt be without any of them ;0) we had the same weather you are getting yesterday, sunny today for a change but cold wind;0)
5 Mar, 2012
Its been a pleasure to see your shrubs Pansy, I am gradually adding more in my garden, I agree they do provide the backbone especially in the winter and early spring, I do love the ball shapes, hidden amongst other planting they provide height and create more interest to my eyes..
Adding to favs..
5 Mar, 2012
Never mind,Carole..it is a lovely Holly anyway..and while we are on the subject..there are no more Holly's in our area,and our Golden King always berries well every year,without the help of a Silver Queen,or any other variety..I used to have a 'Van Tol' self pollinating one at the other house... but why this one has berries on it's own,I don't know..but just glad it does :o))
5 Mar, 2012
That's what I thought Sandra, but it isn't there...
5 Mar, 2012
"Add to favourites" is just a little way below the final blog photo of buxus... is that where you're looking Steragram ?
5 Mar, 2012
All looking great PP...I have bought a few evergreen to plant in the garden this year...many are the same you have shown - thank you for sharing, I can get a better idea now :)
Like you most of my Rhoddies have lovely big fat buds - just waiting to show off! I have a Red Elizabeth - much darker foliage than your one - they are gorgeous aren't they :)
5 Mar, 2012
They certainly are, the varigated one is a real stunner all the year round ;0)
5 Mar, 2012
Lovely collection of variegated plants you have there, PP! I had no idea there were so many variegated Euonymus! Those standards are really impressive! :-))
7 Mar, 2012
Thanks Balcony, nice to see you!
7 Mar, 2012
Thanks Terra - I couldn't see it before anywhere but have it now. World's original thicky here!
7 Mar, 2012
Oh goody,Steragram..glad you found it..as an afterthought,I wondered if you had pressed it before,unintentionally,as if you had,it wouldn't show up,as the site would already know you had added it once?
Hope this makes sense,as I'm not the best at explaining things..maybe Terra could explain it better ..:o)
7 Mar, 2012
Your little Robin is rather cute
11 Mar, 2012
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A lovely blog and pics,Carole..I didn't know you had so many varieties of Euonymous..You are lucky to be able to have a big enough garden,for all those shrubs...I was surprised you don't have berries on your Holly,as despite it's name,it is female..mine has lots on,in fact they seem to stay on all year..wonder why that is ? The only difference I can see,is that your's is much more prickly,than mine....
4 Mar, 2012