By 230338
I had a gardening dream last night and it was,nt very nice. Visiting my greenhouse i decided to get a close look at my tomatoes but on close inspection i fell into the largest Tomatoe and could,nt get out. There i was in an Alicantie up to my hair line and terrified. A voice beckoned " what on earth are you doing here" i turned to be confronted by a huge White fly. It was then i realised it was,nt a normal dream as a little lady appeared and said " Use my coal fueled i pod to get assistance". I held the i pod but the coal fell out into my tomatoe so i climbed up the i pod onto an ajoining Rose cutting then back to the Tom and slid down the skin onto a leaf. that was close i thought until i realized i had landed in the whiteflys mouth. I awakened very very sorry for having not fed my Toms the previous day. Well thats A whacky dream but thank heavens not a usual one. Take care all enjoy Tony
27 Jul, 2011
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You've been at that extra strong cheese before bed again, haven't you! That was some dream....sorry! nightmare! And why is there never a fuschia cutting around to give a buddy a helping leaf out of a sticky situation! I hope the coal didn't make too much of a dent in your lovely tomato, I'll have to change the fuel source for the Ipad to nutty slack...it's much smaller! Less damage! Ohhh! That whole whitefly bit reminds me of the old film 'The Fly', Bleuchh! The bit at the very end, when he's on a park bench, squeaking" Help me! Help me!" Uurrgh! Made my skin crawl! And as for you falling into it's mouth....!!! Yucckk! Make sure you get out to the greenhouse first thing in the morning and get those tomatoes fed, before they come in ravenous to you and wolf down your boiled egg! And keep off the Wensleydale, Wallace! Lol! Sweet dreams!!
27 Jul, 2011
I too have weird gardening dreams but i don't think you would want to hear about them.Your toms. look healthy and not a white fly in site!Were is that lovely park?
28 Jul, 2011
Drc 726 Glad all is well with your tomatoes Drc. Hope you don,t fall into one (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
28 Jul, 2011
Rose 1949 Be a devil and explain your dreams. Foxdenton hall park chadderton, its my favorite Park. The hall was erected in 1620, and the grounds are full of historic designs. Take care enjoy Tony
28 Jul, 2011
Lol Tony I had to have a giggle at your dream seems your guilty consience was overtaking your sub consience well at least they look good and so does that flower basket lovely and gorgeous photo of the park.
28 Jul, 2011
hi Elizabeth Blooming heck nutty slack is it. Your a very nice lady of many Fuels. Only veiwed the film Fly once and thats what i did right out the door. Elizabeth i am not allowed to eat Eggs at breakfast due to Tiny(he may think i,m a cannibal) on the other hand i may eat Tiny instead (LoL). On second thoughts knowing where his beaks been not likely. The year before last my Tomatoes found there way into 3 houses and like my blooming little gem lettuce not a morsel was i offered. Ecky thump its no wonder i did,nt grow Strawberrys (LoL). Hope you see the error of nutty slack in your ipod ,but then again i got out of my tomatoe using it. Be good be brave and most of all take care Tony
28 Jul, 2011
Hi sixpence Not a dream i would like to have again. i have now fed my tomatoes (LoL). Take care Tony
28 Jul, 2011
No Tony , you really don't want to know. I'm only going to mention one word Alan Titchmarsh!
29 Jul, 2011
Ooooeer! Rose...;0) Lol!!
29 Jul, 2011
Hi Rose1949 Not,not ,not, Alan titmarch yikes and my freind Elizabeth is stricken to. Rose why are you dong this to us? we come in peace and my freind Elizabeth comes in several peaces (LoL). Great laugh take care Rose . Enjoy Tony
29 Jul, 2011
Ha! Ha! Just the perfect start to a weekend...have a good ol' laugh! Have fun!!
29 Jul, 2011
I take it you both don't like him then ( or is that an understatement!) On a better note ,there is a heatwave coming! Don't blink or you'll miss it!
31 Jul, 2011
Hi Rose1949 No i personally gave the wrong impression just for a laugh. I am sure Elizabeth has an open mind on Mr A T. My belief is that all gardeners of Mr A T s reputation can be knowledgeable and we have to appreciate that. Elizabeth is a very good gardener where as i consider myself an amateur but learning every day. You were correct Rose, 106 F in greenhouse. And my Tomatoes are loving it. Take care enjoy Tony
31 Jul, 2011
I will tell you something i have never talked about on here ( probably embarassed. I actually applied to go on this last programme of Alans.My Gardening news magazine asked us readers to apply if you came into certain catergories, one of them doing the garden on a shoe string , which we have. I sent them a long story about the history of the house and the fact that it is in the middle of allotments which was farm land and the house a farmhouse. It was bequeathed to the council and made a grade2 listed building and then passed on to a housing association.Afterwards one of the producers got back to me and asked for 2 pictures. WOW! I was so excited that i sent loads of pictures ,going on about how great it was to see Alan back on the tv. Went on and on , grovel,grovel,hubby said he thought I'd perhaps said to much,desperate is a word that comes to mind. And the outcome of this...never heard from them again!
1 Aug, 2011
By the way I expect Elizabeth will have a good laugh. I can see the funny side now.
1 Aug, 2011
Lol! Rose pet! I would never laugh at you! That was very exciting, and you were really brave to apply for it, but they should of got back to you...very bad manners! My Mum would not have approved! Well, Rose their loss, our gain! You must have been very disappointed, but never mind! You got us!
(whisper:I like Alan Titchmarch too! Yay!) Ahem! Who said that? Lol! ;0)
1 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose 1949 its correct what elizabeth stated Rose, you should not have been treated like that . I once had to send 2 photo,s of oil paintings i wanted valued on antiques road show but not a titter did i get back or my photo,s. Guess they cannot be bothered. Take care Rose Tony
1 Aug, 2011
What a nice thing to say, Elizabeth .On that subject , I must say I was disapointed in the programme as it was made out to be about "the man in the street" and most of the gardens were by money people.Can you imagine if they had agreed ,there I would be in the garden with a silly smile on my face just gazing at him. How sad is that!My friend Julie kept saying to me ,"can I come ".She even took a book he wrote to Tatton Park show to have signed and was really upset when he left early .I don't know if i ever told you about that day Elizabeth. Tony, what a shame about your photos.Perhaps you should have taken them to the show, then you could have been on the tv too,lol!
3 Aug, 2011
Hi rose Yes we talked about taking the pictures but we were warned it may have been a long Waite before viewing so we sent the photo,s instead . like all antique shows though. Take care Rose enjoy Tony
3 Aug, 2011
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I made sure I fed my toms tonight - sleep well.
27 Jul, 2011