Nice day
By 230338
Weather great so out to my palace i went, a happy bunney at best. Painted my palace exterior, re-sighted 3 hanging baskets on the concrete wall posts and fitted brackets to the post,s. Planted a Fuchsia bush for my good lady. Then cut wooden hanging rails for my good lady to put hangers on(These to be fitted tomorrow). Then i did a little on Tiny,s PlayStation. At that point my good lady came to the patio table with a ice cold orange still water for me. Had i been a camel i could have lasted longer but alas my hump was dry. Should i have a nap i wondered, no i may have a bad dream i thought since Rose had shocked me with a name she had divulged. So i sat and listened to the birds singing but became upset since they were bathing some 7 ft away and i had no camera at hand. Contentment came as a call from the wild uttered" set the table dinner is nearly ready" so i did and i enjoyed it immensely. That was my day hope you all enjoyed. Take care. Tony
My Palace and patio (after pressure washing paving)
My eating area
Blooming heck how did our Ellie get there
29 Jul, 2011
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Hi Elizabeth Is,nt she a beauty? Ellie does,nt like noise but she is exceptionaley observant. Pinky and perky at new positions due to loosing their heads when the water butt fell on them. Flipping heck they can,t let Turbo in i have enough probs with terrible Tiny. Its high time i withdrew their shovels. By all accounts my Rose(you inquired about ) is named Silver jubilee. Like honey bee,s good lady and i did a hatchet job on the lawn but alas the blooming mower packed up . Its had a full service and we pick it up on monday. Been very hot here , sprayed Tiny 4 times today but he still refuses to bathe . Am on enforced rest duties tomorrow(NO work) valerie has put her foot down. We are going to veiw a very large Garden centre . My freind thanks you Elizabeth for the ant tip and they are no longer up to their ant-ticks. Take care Elizabeth speak to you tomorrow. Tony
30 Jul, 2011
Hiya Tony! Ellie's just a wee honey! That's no hatchet job on the lawn, it's lovely! Did your reserve mower break down too! I know your main mower was in for a service, you'll be glad to get it back! Good the ants have moved out of your friends house...or wherever they were! Have a good time at the garden centre!
31 Jul, 2011
Now that was supposed to be a secret Tony! Gorgeous little girl, I bet your so proud.
1 Aug, 2011
hi Elizabeth Res mower used on front lawn. They have,nt serviced our main Mower yet. We hope to have it back asap. Take care Tony
1 Aug, 2011
Hi rose 1949 very proud she is always pleasant. Thankyou Take care Tony
1 Aug, 2011
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Och for dears sake!! Look at that wee button!! Look at the wee dimples on the back of Ellie's hand! :0)) and one in her chin, just like Keiths!! Awww, she's going to be a real heartbreaker, she's cuter than the cutest thing in the world!! Adorable! Give her a wee squeeze from me!
You've got the garden sooo neat Tony! That pressure hosing has brought the patio up an absolute treat, it looks like it's just been laid! It shows off the newly painted fences and the rejuvenated grass to a tee! And all the grass edges beautifully trimmed, you both deserve a rest this weekend. It's all looking the bee's knees!
By the way...have you noticed that Pinky and Perky aren't at their posts outside the Palace?...they've made a break for the border!...d'ya think they're digging a tunnel to let Turbo through?
29 Jul, 2011