Day of rest
By 230338
Got up watered my Roses got my paper read the fortunes to Tiny(our budgie) he was,nt impressed about his. Then i fitted a new mirror to his bath and he was,nt happy about that either so i sprayed him. Poor tweety pie got his nose dislocated in anger. Then i re-activated my Video camera after it being safely stored for 2 years. It needed charging but the old tape brought back memories. Then off to the GC and so many beautyful plants. My good lady took a video of myself and 3 gardening employees all smiling. And i took a snap of valerie and 6 smiling gnomes(LoL). My good lady requested it. Decided to get a third hanging basket in the sale £ 4-50 with liner. And got Tiny another mirror. He has a thing about mirrors and he thinks he has so many freinds (LoL). By gum i thought its Lunch time and drove 10 miles back home. Very hot was glad to get back. Take care enjoy Tony
3 hanging post brackets i fitted on saturday
My palace (Shed) painted saturday
Tiny and Dolly
31 Jul, 2011
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Gnomes photos ? who said gnomes photos ?
Love the pic of Tiny with his toys :o)))
1 Aug, 2011
Why the cat in the shed guttering Tony and where have the gnome's gone? nice picture of Tiny :-)
1 Aug, 2011
Ohhh! Well spotted Mavisc! I never saw that! Why is the Kitty in the guttering, Tony?! Did it get blown up there in the dynamite down the wellie incident? Lol!
1 Aug, 2011
Did that basket come with flowers ? If it did that was a really good price.At least now I know who Tiny is.
1 Aug, 2011
Och! Poor Rose! I forget you don't know who everyone is! Tony will have to explain...there's quite a cast in this production!
1 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose1949 Elizabeth is a good friend she eats Pizza and walks planks. I supply the Pizza but try to avoid planks. Stickietoffee warns me of spies in my garden. And last but not least Terratoonie likes Tiny(Our budgie) and i adore crocus her budgie. Sorry Rose1949 but i have to go now as Elizabeth has sent two chaps in white coats who are beckoning me through our lounge window(LoL). Take care rose enjoy Tony
1 Aug, 2011
hi mavisc52 Thought cat in shed gutter may have put pigeons off but it did not work. Gnomes (PINKY and PERKY) on first photo near fence. We put fuchsia in hanging basket. Waiting now for bulbs for the two vacant baskets. Take care enjoy Tony
1 Aug, 2011
I see them now, do you have a lot of bother with pigeon's Tony ?
1 Aug, 2011
I only ate two bites of that horrible pizza, Tony! (it was truly yucky!). Lol! I hope you didn't get those two nice gentlemen's white coats all grubby! It took me ages to get them and the other strange coat, with the extra long arms, all sparkling clean!
1 Aug, 2011
Elizabeth you devil ,so it was you . I am totally down hearted me first officer had me bundled into the brig. Rubber wallpaper was,not nice either i was frequentley made to bounce off it (LoL). Did you collect the reward? may i have half of it as the porridge and water does,not appear to be agreeing with me. Loved the extra long arm bit . Take care Elizabeth Tony
2 Aug, 2011
Hi mavisc52 Yes i have tried many ways to stop them but to no avail. I love wild life but although i wouldnot harm them pigeons are some times messy. We have clouds of smaller birds here and they are great. Take care enjoy Tony
2 Aug, 2011
Glad you enjoyed it Tony! By the way there was no mention of a reward, and although, I will admit to the cleaning of said coats, I personally think it was those two gnomey ruffians who set you up...big style! I think they may be huffing because you moved them from their posts, after the Great 'Buttgate' Incident, and now they can't see all the action!
2 Aug, 2011
hi elizabeth Have to be careful what i say about Pinky and Perky Elizabeth i have been warned not to antagonise them. I only said "Auntie Elizabeth is going to marmalize you both" and the spare mower packed in. Smoke from Motor gave me the impression all was not well(LoL). The blade and housing was also extremely hot. We had just finished the rear lawn when it lost the plot. We now are awaiting delivery of our other mower and are quite mowerless. Pinky and Perky such nice little gnomes(LoL). Its turbo Fred,s fault, and i am going to pop his balloon. Take care Elizabeth, Great blog thankyou Tony
3 Aug, 2011
Good blog Tony! Well its different. And whats this about planks Elizabeth? Come on, I told you about Alan, didn't I!
4 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose1949 thankyou for comment. Since i have no mower at present i am going to retire until to morrow and then its Tinys playstation if i am lucky. take care enjoy Tony
4 Aug, 2011
Hello Tony! Those folks have kept your mower for a long time haven't they?! Maybe they are going to hold it to ransom! You could offer them a bribe of one roguish budgie, with a slightly worn down beak, or a small determined tortoise, with a moderately scratched shell, and... as a bonus...a little yellow, deflated but happy little balloon! But don't do it! I love them too much! My life would be bereft without them, wee pets! They give us a lot of comedy material! They're too dear to our hearts...the mower will be back soon, maybe Monday? That's not too long to it?! ;0)
5 Aug, 2011
Hello Rose! Yes, umm, well, the planks! Well, when Tiny is pretending to be a small pirate called, Capt Tiny, he has ambitions of building himself a little pirate ship, a tiny galleon of his own! This is for when the rain is so bad that Valerie, Tony's good and long suffering wife, can't get through the puddles to the shed to give Tony his sandwiches at lunchtime. Capt Tiny, rows them over for her, and for a reward, he gets to look in all the mirrors that his lovely family have bought him! This is his absolute, favourite pastime, other than having a dance and a nibble along the top edge of the morning newspaper, while he shares his breakfast with Tony, no frightens Tiny, thinks his Dad is a cannibal!
So he has to get this boat building wood from somewhere, and my theory, is that Tiny is ripping the floorboards up in the Palace (shed!) and using them to whittle himself a new 'Black Pig' or should that be, 'Black Budgie!'
My involvement with the planks is, that when I'm being a bold girl, I have to walk the plank on Tiny's galleon! I was just saying to Tony, I've walked that bloomin' plank so often, I've worn a groove in it! When Tiny's a bad boy, he has to go to the naughty perch! When Tony's bad...well Tony's never been bad! Could never be bad! So that's the plank connection Rose! Whatever will it be next?!! Watch this space! Lol!
5 Aug, 2011
Do you know what Elizabeth I am absolutely no wiser and think that you are both mad as hatters!Perhaps you better have a mad hatters tea party and invite me as well because i think i am getting as nutty as you!
7 Aug, 2011
Afterthought, perhaps you should read about my jam making on Shirley's page about the cake made from plums.
7 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Thankyou for telling on Tiny and my blooming floor boards. I am partial to roast budgie and thats what he is going to be. Tiny has just offered me one of his mirrors to put me off the idea. I refused the offer of course on the grounds that the guy in the mirror frightened me. I cannot find the plank with a groove in it(LoL). Another job for D I Stickie. Take care Elizabeth Tony
7 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose Thats wonderful please bring your jam and plum cake. I am approaching barmy Rose and Elizabeth is getting there slowley, so please bring your own chair as well. Take care rose Tony
7 Aug, 2011
I'll deal with you two in the morning! Got to go to my wee bed, take my mad hat off, hang it on my peg leg and put my poor sore head down on a nice soft pillow!
Night night!xx
8 Aug, 2011
Sorry you two , my little story about jam making is on strollers page. Having yet another senior moment. If you can't find ,I will tell you all about it. Another big mishap of mine! Hope you had a good sleep Elizabeth and didn't fall down that big hole and gatecrash the party!
8 Aug, 2011
I've just read about your big jam debacle, on Strollers blog, and the tears just ran down my face! It's so funny! Tony, you'll have to go a read it! And I think, after reading that, you definitely qualify to be a member of the Tiny gang! Honestly, it was so good, just one disaster after another!!
Sorry I'm only getting back now, been under the cosh of a migraine since I put my poor head down(see above!)...but now I'm back...!
9 Aug, 2011
Can,t type for tears take care Elizabeth.
9 Aug, 2011
Oh wow Elizabeth I've never been a member of a club before! I'll make some of my special jam to celebrate! Glad your migraine has gone now.
9 Aug, 2011
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Och that's nice you both had a lovely day! Nothing like a leisurely stroll round a nice garden centre...fully stocked with gnomes, by gum! Don't be telling Terra you've got a photo with so many gnomes on it...she'll faint! And poor Tweety! Maybe Tiny's manipulating you so you'll give him a shower rather than a bath! That must have been some bad horoscope you read out to him! He took it very badly!
I wondered where you had gone to Tony, Sticki and I were talking on your last blog, and it got very daft!! As usual!
31 Jul, 2011