Disaster or Opportunity?
By AndrewR
My lilac tree is more than twenty years old and twelve feet tall. It has flowered well every year, and gave no signs of having any problems.
But this morning when I went into the garden, it had acquired a desperate list to port.
With less than two weeks until the garden is open to visitors, I had a major problem. Do I attempt to prop it back up and hope it recovers? Or do I cut it back and see how it reacts? And how far?
Well I went for the drastic option!
As it was growing in front of a west facing fence, I may have a new planting opportunity if it fails to recover. The iris below is a shade lover, so that would have to come out as well. Then I have a sheltered spot for something else.
Unless the lilac recovers of course.
25 May, 2014
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What an awful decision to have to make, especially when its in full flower. Did you take some of the flowers into the house to enjoy?
25 May, 2014
oh what a brave move. I think it's an opportunity to stir things up a bit so go for it:)
25 May, 2014
Stera - the flowers were going over so it didn't seem worth saving any of them.
25 May, 2014
Whilst it's sad to lose a lovely tree, it does provide a new opportunity to do new things.
26 May, 2014
You may be surprised how well it may recover, Our neighbours across the road have a lilac that has been growing for nearly forty years and had got very large, but when new people moved in two years ago they completely cut it right down to the ground but left the roots in, now two years on its flourishing once more and is looking good, sadly I am told that they are intending to remove it, and that's a shame.
28 May, 2014
I love lilac: appearance, scent, the lot. However, as a child I was forbidden to take in the flowers into the house and I had to admire the bloom from afar.
This superstition was held by most of the villagers in my old home in South Wales. (Actually I never saw the flowers inside any home).
Has anyone else here heard of this superstition?
Shame-faced, I have to admit I still admire lilacs OUTSIDE!
28 May, 2014
I've heard that superstition. I've also heard you don't put red and white flowers together (blood and bandages or something). Now, I happen to like red and white together so I have planted a small area with just these colours. Nothing unlucky has happened since I did, and that was several years ago now.
28 May, 2014
We had red and white flowers at our December wedding, with bridesmaids in red velvet. We'd never heard of that superstition then but we are still married 43 years later so we must have weathered any bad luck!
My dress was white velvet with swansdown collar and cuffs - I made it myself and it cost me all of £6. Makes you think when you see dresses that cost four figures doesn't it?
28 May, 2014
Oh goodness what a pity......must be something to do with the wet winter......good luck with your opening Andrew hope you get lots of visitors....
4 Jun, 2014
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wow that is one serious list.
planting opportunity as I see it. Go for it AndrewR :o)
25 May, 2014