Aster nova-angliae
By AndrewR
Just as many plants are winding down for winter, asters brighten up the garden. While many of the newer varieties are short, there are others four to five feet tall, and more suitable for a position at the back of the border. These are mainly novae-angliae varieties which have occurred naturally from a species that hails from Canada and parts of the United States.
They like an open, sunny position (the flowers will not open fully in shade), with a soil that is not too dry. Although mildew resistant, the lower leaves may be affected if the plants are under stress through lack of water. These also tend to die off as the plants come into flower, but this effect can be reduced by pinching out the young growth in spring when it is about six inches high. The flowers close in the evening, making them less suitable as cut flowers, and they do not adapt well to growing in containers, but in the garden are able to perform at their best.
Here is a clump of four different varieties in my garden just now
Looking at them in closer detail.
‘Violetta’ was the first one I bought. Photos never do justice to the really dark colour of the flowers on this plant
‘Harrington’s Pink’ is a strong grower, with paler pink flowers
‘Andenken an Alma Potschke’ is not a name that rolls off the tongue, and the colour may a bit violent for those who prefer more delicate shades
While my latest acquisition, the perversely named ‘Primrose Upward’, has flowers of a strong pink colour
Now I’m after a white-flowered variety to complete the autumn picture in this part of my garden.
16 Sep, 2014
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They are lovely Andrew - i remember them from last year too. Fabulous colours. Mine are nowhere near out yet.
16 Sep, 2014
Always a treat to see the autumn flowers Andrew....
16 Sep, 2014
They look wonderful Andrew I'm a big fan of Asters too,just treated myself to a new one at Harrogate Show last week ,pale pink that fades to white with dark stems,'Les Moutiers' , can't wait till it looks as good as yours :-)
17 Sep, 2014
Beautiful I really dont know why we only have one and a wild one....
25 Sep, 2014
Love them..and have a field full of them. (all wild) The weedier Ciliolate Asters (white) have taken over parts of my lot. They like the sogginess down near the stream and each autumn they are a mass of buzzing white. The bees just love them.
25 Sep, 2014
Just visited the national collection at Picton nurseries...wonderful selection.
1 Oct, 2014
DD - yes, I saw your photo. It is now one of my favourites.
1 Oct, 2014
Have just done a blog on our visit Andrew, there were some white ones there...
7 Oct, 2014
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They are amazing Andrew, I love the Harrington’s Pink and so nice to have some late color in the garden. I will try some next year thank you for the blog :-)
16 Sep, 2014