A Racing Start
By AndrewR
It has become a tradition here at Devonia to count the number of plants in flower on New Year’s Day. The autumn weather here in Bracknell was incredibly mild and this year’s tally is 31 different flowers!
Clematis ‘Lansdowne Gem’
Colchicum hungaricum
Coronilla glauca
Cyclamen coum
Daphne blagyana
Epimedium grandiflorum
Eranthis hyemalis
Fuchsia microphylla
Jasminum nudiflorum
Knautia arvensis
Leucojum aestivum
Lithodora zahnii
Meconopsis cambrica
Narcissus – 4 varieties
Reticulata iris – 3 varieties
Rosa ‘The Fairy’
Rosemary – 2 different ones
Viburnum tinus
Vinca difformis – 2 different ones
Happy New Year everyone. Let’s hope it’s a good one for gardeners.
1 Jan, 2016
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Next post: Is it a bird, is it a plane.....
Goodness, that's quite a list! Happy gardening in 2016!
1 Jan, 2016
Happy New year, Andrew.
1 Jan, 2016
Happy new year, Andrew, I wish you many happy gardening days ahead in 2016!
1 Jan, 2016
It must be very sheltered where you live Andrew. We have had nothing but strong winds in Northamptonshire which most plants dislike. Better than floods anyway.
I had a job to close my car door. Very few flowers. The
neighbour's Conifers out the back almost bent over in half, could possibly have been harnessed to produce electricity. Wonder why this hasnt been tried ?
Never mind, another 4 weeks and we will be 'round the corner' and getting nearer Spring again.
Now, where did I put my planting plan ? Seven raised beds, no Potato seed where manure went, one of different coloured Carrots, must remember to get some Eviromesh for mini Cabbages, what else did I decide to do last autumn ?
1 Jan, 2016
Good grief that's quite a list. Don't think I have quite that much flowering, although seeing my iris start to flower was a surprise.
Happy new year, hope it's a good one for you.
1 Jan, 2016
Now that is a challenge I will have to go round and count them tomorrow.
A good show of flowers out in your garden Andrew. happy new year too.
2 Jan, 2016
Goodness me Andrew I can spot 15 in our garden, some several months too early!!
Wishing you a very happy gardening year and a successful opening day too......
2 Jan, 2016
Gosh thats a lot Andrew, I have a fair few here but nothing like you...
Best Wishes for 2016 and Happy Gardening....
2 Jan, 2016
Wow! That is amazing Andrew. I have one small Rose. Happy New Year.
2 Jan, 2016
What a list, Andrew, I should think that's a record.
My garden is too wet for anything so I've not been round it yet but a lot I put in are new plants so hope the wet doesn't kill them b4 they get started.
3 Jan, 2016
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Happy New Year,Andrew..a large selection in bloom there..just a few Primula's in mine,and a couple of Pelargoniums,which I forgot to bring in..I hope it's a good gardening year for us all too..
1 Jan, 2016