Useful Website
By AndrewR
I was searching for information on hebe ‘Heartbreaker’ (spritzhenry posted a picture of it yesterday) and came across the website which I thought members might be interested in. It gives pictures and descriptions of hebes in cultivation in the UK and there is a section for New Zealand as well.
A useful reference site
12 Feb, 2009
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That's a shame. I shall wait until June at least before giving up on anything although I think the lophomyrtus is a casualty. Checked under the (two layers of) fleece and the loropetalum might just make it but it's touch and go
12 Feb, 2009
any thanks for this, Andrew. I have just bookmarked it too.
Last year I took cuttings from several friends' hebes, it will be very useful in trying to ID them.
I guess we shall all find some plants have not weathered this winter, but as you say we may well be surprised by what survives.
12 Feb, 2009
Thanks for this website.
Some hebes seem much more hardy than others.
I have hebes which really suffer in the cold, and others which continue to flower in the freeze ! :o)
12 Feb, 2009
And me, Tt! The dark-leaved one was called 'Purple Queen' aka 'Amy' and it was specially ordered from Wisley. It should have survived a 'normal' winter here, but of course we suffered an abnormal one!
I shall just to have a go with the Lophomyrtus, as both my Loropetalums seem OK, one has a few damaged leaves, while 'Firedance' looks fine under its fleece.Sorry about yours, Andrew. :-(
I am going to dig the poor Hebe up and pot it up, then keep it safe until I see if it could possibly recover. There are a few shoots near the base which are alive.
12 Feb, 2009
Sounds like you might be able to save that Hebe, Spritz.
Fingers crossed. :o)
12 Feb, 2009
Well, Tt, it can't stay where it is in the sorry state it's in!
It will go into 'intensive care' for a few months. LOL.
13 Feb, 2009
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Yes, I agree with you - I have it as one of my 'favourites' and it is helpful in all kinds of way.
Unfortunately, it couldn't save my dark-leaved Hebe from the frost, though!
12 Feb, 2009