"New" Gardeners' World
By AndrewR
Well after months of moving the time of Gardeners’ World around or cancelling it altogether, we finally got a one hour program tonight (and will for the next few weeks). What did everyone think about it?
2 Sep, 2016
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I have it to watch on video.it will be nice to sit down and watch it with a cuppa without it finishing as soon as it's started!
3 Sep, 2016
Same here ... shall probably watch it this evening.
3 Sep, 2016
DD - like you, I enjoyed the longer, less rushed format. The one thing that annoyed me was the woman planting up the containers for the front garden in Toxteth. Not only was it unsustainable (moisture lovers with crocosmias which will rot in wet soil), but she kept referring pelargoniums as geraniums. For a program that is supposed to be educational (as well as entertaining), this is unforgivable.
3 Sep, 2016
It's what irritates me with the programme, little gems mixed with annoying stuff
3 Sep, 2016
enjoyed the longer programme but wonder if we shall be getting an hour next season!!
3 Sep, 2016
Agree with you Andrew about the containers, but chances are they will all be treated as annuals anyway and binned when they get a bit untidy! Watching the Council men bin all the Polyanthus bedding, they all go to compost, always saddens me - they won't give you even one!
I enjoyed the new programme, not sure we needed the weather forecast though - mind you us Brits are paranoid about the weather!
3 Sep, 2016
I enjoyed it but I'm with you Andrew, those pot wouldn't look good for long.. I'm going to dream if delphiniums now.
3 Sep, 2016
In the past I was a big critic of gardeners world but the last couple of years I really believed it has turned itself around and the new hour format is welcome.
However, I dont trust them not to tinker, going back to old habits which is to add personality presenters rather than experienced and knowledgeable ones - hence the rather poor 'token' pot filler in Toxteth.
Lets hope the programme makers learn to trust the present format and leave it alone as it really appeals to gardeners and not try to get to smart again and make it an uninformative boring turn off.
3 Sep, 2016
Just watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it all except like many of you the pot planting part and agree we didn't need the weather forecast, I now have Delphiniums on my mind, I love them and have only my blue ones left, made me realise I need more, lol, spent a long time studying Adam Frost's section to see if I could recognize where his house actually is, he was previously living only a few miles away from us and is still in Lincs, my son worked for him for a while before he was married and of course I'm not far away from Barnsdale and have been a number of times so always interested if Adam is featured in the programme, be really good if that was the next new garden that we watch growing in future GW...Yes I was pleased and hope BBC has learnt its lesson, we want proper gardeners not fancy dressed up ones that do not get their hands dirty, just smile at you, whilst looking very uncomfortable if they have to pretend they are actually doing the work...
3 Sep, 2016
Andrew I have given up on the Pelagonium/Geranium divide...... fighting a loosing battle......mind you it didn't stop OH and myself shouting at the screen PELAGONIUM you silly woman!!
3 Sep, 2016
Hi Andrew, I gave up on GW a few years ago, but maybe after reading your blog, I will have a look at it, Derek.
4 Sep, 2016
Like Derek I sort of gave up on it. I tend to watch the Beechgrove garden program. its back on today.
4 Sep, 2016
I have just got a TV licence now I am old enough for a free one (we have never had a telly) so I can watch the gardening programmes. Please will some kind soul tell me what's on when and which channel? Last time I had anything to do with a telly there were only three...
4 Sep, 2016
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We thoroughly enjoyed it Andrew...... especially the delphinium man!! the jungle in Sheffield, and Carol Klein's contribution all in all a decent program, instead of the normal rushed half an hour....... what are your thoughts?
2 Sep, 2016