Threatened Woodland~object!
By Arlene
Woodland Trust to fight largest ever UK loss of woodland
Act now!
Help save 160 hectares (400 acres) of historic Caledonian forest from destruction by registering your objection with Perth and Kinross Council. Object online by visiting Perth and Kinross Council planning website then and search for planning application reference: 09/01273 and object by clicking on the ‘leave a comment’ tab.
Comments will be accepted until 31st August.
Development plans to build a vast housing and leisure complex threaten to flatten 160 hectares (400 acres) of historic Caledonian forest north west of Perth. A further 240 hectares (600 acres) of associated woodland is also threatened from the plan submitted on a part of the vast Dall Estate, which boasts unique eco systems and rare wildlife formed over hundreds and probably thousands of years.
The Woodland Trust Scotland has now added its objections to a growing list of dissenters listed with Perth and Kinross Council.
The South Rannoch woodland lies next to the Black Wood of Rannoch and is the most southerly remnant of Caledonian forest in Scotland. Formed at the end of the last Ice Age it is considered to be one of the last remaining wildernesses in the British Isles.
The potential loss of woodland – the size of Regent’s Park and bigger than Hyde Park in London (over 2 and half times the size of Glasgow’s Pollok Park) – is the biggest amount of threatened ancient woodland the Woodland Trust has ever encountered.
South Rannoch woodlands are home to a wide variety of wildlife, much of which is not found elsewhere in the British Isles. The ‘Red List’-protected capercaillie, the population of which has declined so rapidly that it is at very real risk of extinction, is found in the woodland, together with the equally rare black grouse which is one of the most rapidly declining bird species in the UK.
Other important dependent species include bats, red squirrels, wood ants and golden eagles.
Our view
“The Woodland Trust Scotland has submitted its objection to the plans. The proposals will effectively pour concrete over this habitat, destroying the valuable wildlife within and isolating the Black Wood of Rannoch even further”, says Andrew Fairbairn, Policy and Communications Manager Woodland Trust Scotland.
“It is disappointing that, in this day and age, with so much more awareness of the importance of protecting the natural environment that a developer can propose something so damaging and ludicrous that would result in thousands of years of evolution being lost forever.
“Ancient Woodland is an irreplaceable habitat and there has been no attempt to minimise the damage to it, it will just be razed to the ground if this goes ahead.”
He continues “We call on Perth and Kinross council to throw out this planning application, due to the totally unacceptable level of environmental vandalism it will cause, and to allow this fragment of the once great forest to remain.”
Areas of Caledonian Forest covered Scotland but now only small fragments remain. Ancient woodland is the richest habitat for species in the UK, the UK’s equivalent of the rainforest.
28 Aug, 2009
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i cant believe the plans they have for there Arlene ;-(.
ill log onto that site now and lodge an objection if i can
28 Aug, 2009
good for you Eileen
~cut and paste any of the above if you need!
28 Aug, 2009
~make sure you put the full 09/01273 in the box!
28 Aug, 2009
This is my objection Comments:
I can't believe you will allow the desecration of an important area of ancient Woodland in order to provide another not needed retail development and golf course etc
It is completely inappropriate at a time when the world is losing acres of trees every day that we should tell the locals not to fell their rainforest because of global warming when we then turn round and chop down our equivalent.
I support the Woodland Trust their point of view as follows
“The Woodland Trust Scotland has submitted its objection to the plans. The proposals will effectively pour concrete over this habitat, destroying the valuable wildlife within and isolating the Black Wood of Rannoch even further”,
“It is disappointing that, in this day and age, with so much more awareness of the importance of protecting the natural environment that a developer can propose something so damaging and ludicrous that would result in thousands of years of evolution being lost forever.
“Ancient Woodland is an irreplaceable habitat and there has been no attempt to minimise the damage to it, it will just be razed to the ground if this goes ahead.”
He continues “We call on Perth and Kinross council to throw out this planning application, due to the totally unacceptable level of environmental vandalism it will cause, and to allow this fragment of the once great forest to remain.”
28 Aug, 2009
;-( well Arlene , ive tried but with no luck. i havnt given up yet tho
28 Aug, 2009
~Eileen send me your email add and I will forward the email from the Woodland Trust~you may be able to get in that way!
28 Aug, 2009
good for you Arlene............
28 Aug, 2009
phew Arlene i got there in the end, i NEVER give up lol
28 Aug, 2009
I'm on my way to put mine in! I used to work on the Dall estate when it was a school, & met my ex-husband there! It holds a lot of very special memories for me, quite apart from the ecological implications! Its far too beautiful & special a place to do that to it!! Thanks for letting us know! If I cant get in, I'll pm you my email address!
28 Aug, 2009
Well done Arlene...
...yet another of your blogs drawing our attention to important aspects of saving the environment. :o)
28 Aug, 2009
I cant get in!!
It's telling me the reference doesnt exist!
28 Aug, 2009
~if you have problems another way is to go onto the Woodland Trust site and scroll down to campaign update~click onto that and nearly all the way down on the left you will find this :-
'Woodland Trust to fight largest ever UK loss of woodland'
click onto that and it will take you in~I think the links are embedded.
click on" planning applications online" and then when you get in type the number in the top box with the slash and click search at the bottom~no need to fill anything else in and when you get in click on click to view!
28 Aug, 2009
i had the same problem Madperth but got in thru the woodland trust website
28 Aug, 2009
well done Eileen!
28 Aug, 2009
I too will register my objections Arlene, although I don't think it will do any good as money has probably changed hands already and more will change hands once the application is accepted. I'm afraid that I have absolutely no faith in human nature and I bet the decision to go ahead is already made and we are just going through the motions. This world is so corrupt that whatever casualties are involved, money talks the loudest.
Sorry to be so pesimistc but thats what I feel.
28 Aug, 2009
This is an utter disgrace. Many Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Arlene. I will be straight over there to leave my objection. An outrage, especially as Perthshire is known as "Big Tree Country", and I've been blogging all year about this fantastic part of the country.
28 Aug, 2009
Done it! I ended up sending a direct email to: & putting subject as ref:Planning Application 09/01273/IPM
That got in! Here's my blurb;-
I wish to register my vehement objection to the plans put in to desecrate this area of essential bio-diversity & natural beauty!
How anyone could think we need yet another golf club instead of preserving our wildlife & woodlands is beyond my comprehension!
If anyone has probs, try doing it the way I did!
28 Aug, 2009
Arlene put up the url to go directly to the protest... most folk are not going to putz around if you don't... Oh and I totally support this but have not yet managed to find a way in!
28 Aug, 2009
~unfortunately you may be right but I have to try!
28 Aug, 2009
Marie yours is very similar to my objection. i had also put in that i believe it is far more valuable as it is now to all species than yet another golf course and luxury hotel
28 Aug, 2009
You and me both Arlene.
28 Aug, 2009
Moon Grower, try what I did!
Well put, Eileen! By the time I got in, I was a bit aereated & couldnt remember what I wanted to say! But it's now in my "sent" box in my emails, so i COULD resend it (several times) & edit it!!
28 Aug, 2009 ~planning applications
Viewing and commenting on planning applications
Planning applications online gives you summary details of all planning applications submitted to and decisions made by us since 1995. You can also view documents associated with any planning application submitted from the beginning of September 2007 and planning applications which are or have been subject to appeal by the applicant.
As a result of the new planning regulations introduced on 3 August, the suffixes for planning application reference numbers have been changed to reflect the new application types. These new suffixes will be applied to new applications from 3 August and to any pre-existing undetermined applications. If you do not know the new suffix for an application you can simply omit it when filling in the application reference box in the planning applications online search page. For example, instead of 09/00348/FUL just enter 09/00348.
28 Aug, 2009
I had to search for Dall to find it, couldnt get to it by the ref no.
28 Aug, 2009
Here is the address you need to bring up the official perth & Kinros Council online objection form re this planned development. It's a long one, but, here goes:-
- PHEW, but worth it.
28 Aug, 2009
Well done that man!!!
28 Aug, 2009
~Thanks David!
28 Aug, 2009
No probs. Well, I'd better get over there and "do the deed". just going to print off some other available-online objections to this one, including the John Muir Trust's.
28 Aug, 2009
I haven't been able to do it online. No surprise there since I'm no good with things like that - - so I've got their address and I'll send them a nice little letter instead.
29 Aug, 2009
Hywel, try the way I did it (posted further up!)
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks Marie, I'll try that :o)
I'll do it tonight - have to go now.
29 Aug, 2009
Okey doke! See you later!
29 Aug, 2009
This gets worse, the more I read about it. membership fees of £2,000,000 annually - who is going to visit at that price, I wonder? Flying in by helicopter or seaplane? Noise and fuel pollution disaster waiting to happen. The few roads to this place can scarcely let two small hatchbacks pass safely in opposite directions, so there won't be space for limos, that's for sure, also lorries. etc., involved in any construction/development work.
The Dall Estate website (there are already small holiday homes to rent here) has a a beautiful photo of the scenery aroubnd the estate (cheek now, given the plans).
Anyone rich enough to come to such a place is going to do so to hide away and relax; they will be adding little, or nothing, to the local economy.
If the venture, should it materialise, fail, it will be too late for the trees, wildlife and landscape affected.
29 Aug, 2009
~have they forgotten about the recession?I thought even billionares had losses!
What a completely antisocial,only for the mega rich elite scheme~lets totally ruin the countryside for the sake of a few dollars!
You should read what's happening out in Dubai and Kuwait~the playgrounds of the rich are feeling the pinch too!
29 Aug, 2009
My comments, sent via the official Perth & Kinross Council Planning Dept's online comments/objections form. (easy to do, and you get your comments e-mailed back to you, as a record). I have copied and pasted them below.
These proposals would irreversibly damage the landscape and wildlife in this sensitive area. They would not benefit the local communities to any significant degree, in my opinion. They would be out of keeping with the natural beauty, which brings more visitors tom the region than this development would. Road access is restricted, without public safety being put at risk by increased traffic, including heavy vehicles involved in any construction/development work. The potential for clients to be brought in by air via helicopter/seaplane would present noise and fuel pollution problems.
There is a potential for the project to be halted after work is commenced, or for the proposed venture to fail. Damage to the natural surroundings would, however, be irreversible.
Perthshire aready has, in my opinion, a fair share of "exclusive" holiday retreats, golf courses, retail outlets. I would be dismayed to see the "Big Tree Country" administration consent to a project which inolved the destruction of trees and beautiful landscape.
29 Aug, 2009
PS. It took me all my time to keep it constrained and "dignified", I must say!! :-(
The Scotsman newspaper recently ran articles on this proposed development. You can read 3 articles by visiting;
30 Aug, 2009
~reading the letters on the articles in the Scotsman,there were a few who welcomed the extra jobs.What a price these jobs will cost!
30 Aug, 2009
Have been thinking, of course, about the creation of jobs. This is the only good thing in all this. I'd hope, however, that the wages would be substantially higher than the minimum hourly rate.
30 Aug, 2009
~would there be lots of local jobs created~a fair bet they will get east European staff for peanuts!We find that everywhere we go!
30 Aug, 2009
Here, too, and have come to sort of know many through the shops, etc., I visit, as well as in my own workplace. They are all very happy, for which I am glad, but a sad indicator of their own, and our, country's state of affairs. Other countries are losing some of their most talented people, who are not in the occupations they trained hard for, and employers here are "laughing all the way to the bank", because they have a seemingly un-ending workforce to hire from. I say "seemingly", because I have read of fields of crops, such as strawberries and raspberries, being left unpicked and to rot, due to a shortage of "foreign" labour. There are, of course, many people who would be available to harvest those crops but, sadly, here, they are relying on some Govt benefits, and the current rules and regulations mean that, if they did take up some of these seasonal, or part-time, opportunities, their benefits would be slashed, and they and their children would be worse off. Where is the logic, I wonder?
I remember, as a child, doing the "tattie howkin' (potato lifting) in the surrounding farms in October, for pocket money (schools had, for over a century, breaks at crucial harvest times - now, here, it is TWO weeks, so good for a holiday in Spain, or wherever). We got picked up at 6.00am at the local bus-stop by a (real) cattle-truck, driven to the field, and followed the tractor, picking the unearthed potatoes as fast as we could, because you got paid by the weight, not the hour. Sore backs - but felt filthy rich, lol!
All the uncollected potatoes were just left in the fields. There were 4 of us kids, and we then spent weekends well into November traipsing round those fields with our parents, collecting up those pots left behind. We stored them in brown paper sacks in the garden shed, and they lasted us all winter - and all for free! Haven't tasted home fries like them in decades, either! Never hear or see any of this now.
Great memories!
30 Aug, 2009
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I have sent my objection off!
28 Aug, 2009