Mud Cat
By CatFinch
Today I printed out and put up my first ever in my over 15 years of retail…“Going Out of Business..Sale Begins Today” signs…We had a good day of sells…and as the word spreads I expect it will get better each day until it is all gone…but at least I will be able to pay some bills that need to be paid…I have a favorite poem by James Broughten…he lived her until he passed away…I have his books of is one that helps me to remember to live fearlously and with joy…love to all ~Cj
Shake out your qualms.
Shake up your dreams.
Deepen your roots.
Extend your branches.
Trust deep water
and head for the open,
even if your vision
shipwrecks you.
Quit your addiction
to sneer and complain.
Open a lookout.
Dance on a brink.
Run with your wildfire.
You are closer to glory
leaping an abyss
than upholstering a rut.
Not dawdling.
Not doubting.
Intrepid all the way
Walk toward clarity.
At every crossroad
Be prepared
to bump into wonder.
Only love prevails.
En route to disaster
insist on canticles.
Lift your ineffable
out of the mundane.
Nothing perishes;
nothing survives;
everything transforms!
Honeymoon with Big Joy!
~ James Broughton ~
(Sermons of the Big Joy)
2 Dec, 2008
Previous post: Sunny horse day
Next post: Mud Cat Closing
~thinking about you, and wishing you courage Cat~it's a brave thing you are doing! love and best wishes!
2 Dec, 2008
GO GIRL! You know it's the right time and thing to do. Try to look forwards, not back.
Love and hugs, Spritz.
2 Dec, 2008
If you type in to your browser.. you should be able to find a place where they will show a TV interview I will be doing today...I sent and e-mail to them because they interviewed me 3-4 times last year at this same time when this whole ferry problem started...right away they called for a radio interview over the phone which played yesterday afternoon and then i got another call & e-mail asking if they sent a news crew over from Seattle would I give an interview..I told them yes and they will be here this morning. The fellow interviewing me was kind enough to ask if there was anything else they could do for me ..he told me my story was a very compelling human interest story...we will see...but I do not intend to change my mind on this...I am gettng excited at the thought of moving in a new direction....thanks for your love & support..~Cj
2 Dec, 2008
Catfinch ~
TV star. Now there's a new direction for sure. :o)
Thinking of you and hoping everything works out happily. xxx
2 Dec, 2008
LOL way..but I do what I have to...thanks for your support TT.~Cat xxoo
2 Dec, 2008
I have been sending out e-mails and making calls to the east coast all morning...canceling orders that were made to arrive in December and through the spring and summer..glad that is all done. Hope I have not missed anyone...! ~Cat
2 Dec, 2008
Hi Cat just to say i wish you all the best and hope everything works out for in the future, will be thinking of you.
2 Dec, 2008
Hi Cat, i know just how you feel - i have been through this my self, but when i look back actually a good thing in the long run, these things usually are, as one door closes, another opens. good luck.
2 Dec, 2008
Thank you Clarice and Majeekahead...right now I am hoping to make enough in my last days to cover some bills and expenses...I am hoping for that at least...for now..LOL. Today is much quieter than yesterday even with the sale here...I am going to have to go put a going out of business sign on the street sandwich board I have...better get to work on that next! ~Cat
2 Dec, 2008
Hi, We had D.I.Y., shops, when put the last one on the market to sell it, we never deamed that it would take seven years to find a buyer!
We had a "Closing down Sale" that did so well, we kept having to go to the Wholesalers and buy more stock. It did mean that we paid a lot of bills off.
I am happy to be out of retailling, and especially now with the Credit Crunch.
Good luck with what you want to do.
2 Dec, 2008
~tried to get it online Cat but no joy~was it a good interview?
2 Dec, 2008
They called and told me they had 2 reporters out far have not heard from them...maybe tomorrow or later this interview yet. Thanks for trying to look of it...~Cat
2 Dec, 2008
Hi Cat,
I'm sorry to hear you're closing the shop.
Sometimes decisions are dificult but we have to move on.
As they say - one door closes and another one opens.
All the best and good luck for the future.
3 Dec, 2008
Thank you all for your good wishes...I am calling the two local papers today..did not want to start out too fast until we figured out some details..this way we will be ready for more shoppers in the next 3 far so good.
I feel more and more that this is meant to be..~Cat
3 Dec, 2008
Given this blog a 'like' as a gesture of support.
Thinking of you, Cat, and yes, it is meant to be and will work out for the best. :o)
3 Dec, 2008
Thank you TT...I appreciate your vote of support..xx~Cat
3 Dec, 2008
~we are all hoping for the best for you~let us know if you do get on tv~that might get you more customers!
3 Dec, 2008
Sure will
Arlene...thank you...!
3 Dec, 2008
hi cat, hope it all works out for you. you have a lot of support from this side of the pond ............steve
3 Dec, 2008
I am SO sorry to hear that you have to close!
Small boutiques like yours can be so great to shop in, but I know that they can be a lot of hard work and long hours.
Here's to hoping you will have an even better opportunity soon!
3 Dec, 2008
Thank you for your comments and good is day 4 of my going out of business sale days which will come to end on the last day of is gradually becoming more well known that I am clsoing.word of mouth for the most part...lots of we will miss you's and even some tears...lots of them trying to be strong for me..lots of them flying in like vultures and asking for even lower prices...LOL..guess they feel it can't hurt to try...they always say , I will be back next week when it is lower still...I figure it will be far busier next week!
Called local newspapers yesterday...they did not seem all that interested unless I were to place an ad...too bad for them...not going to do it. the TV station is still planning to come when the flu bug gets over raking them over the coals there. I have a sign board on the street that I will put a large going out of business sale on today....was saving that for when I felt I had %% all figures out..and how to make my register do it right...seems under I guess it is time.
4 Dec, 2008
~chuck the vultures out Cat~make them wait~their nerve will break before yours!You may well have loads of customers once the tv programme is made~ so stay calm!
4 Dec, 2008
Yes, the TV reports could bring in a lot more customers, so stay strong. :o)
4 Dec, 2008
Come help me chuck em...Arlene.....these be BIG vultures!!...
you got a good arm on ya....
TT...I need back up and in person...why don't you just load up yerself and your fleet of Olympic .. Welliens ...and have a practice run at the games....over here...we could do all manner of throwing tossing and picking and shoving....swimming and mud bogging...can well....might want to give it a thought....
4 Dec, 2008
Cat ~
We're all certainly supporting you.
Can't you feel the warm wishes across the internet ?
Touch your hand on the top right corner of the screen.
There you go.
Positive vibes from across the ocean. :o)
4 Dec, 2008
TT...thank you ..I feel so much better now.... ^..^
4 Dec, 2008
Hi Cat - I tried to find the film - couldn't - could you post a link please? S.
5 Dec, 2008
I will when it happens....seems the flu has taken down a few reporters and being we are 2 hours away they are waiting till the sick ones have revived to send someone over.....I will send a link ...thanks for looking Sid...hugs ~Cat
5 Dec, 2008
~how are you doing Cat?how is business?
7 Dec, 2008
About to close for the night...been a little busier today...the whole town is hurting..lots of 30% off sales going on...I am going to go to 40% on regular things and stay at 50% off Christmas on Monday...stay at 30% off on selected items....I will not go much lower than that through the month as I know I can also sell a lot of my inventory on e-bay etc. don't really want to give it away.
Thanks for asking...~Cat
7 Dec, 2008
I'm pleased that you are doing okay~there are a lot of sales over here too~people are not wanting to buy in case it gets cheaper!
Any chance of the tv crew putting in an appearance?
Will you be working Sunday or can you have a day off?
Keep your chin up!
7 Dec, 2008
Thank you Arlene...I am still expecting the TV crew..I am sure they know they have time before I am done. I am taking today to clean carpets at my house...I have use of a commercial cleaner and have carpets in 2 bedrooms that can use it....the rest of the house is either tile or hardwood. they need cleaning too...but mopping and vacuming is not too hard too do. I have my realtor coming by tomorrow so Dallas will watch the store today and tomorrow...I have got to get it in better shape, I have been ignoring it something terrible lately.
love & hugs..~Cat
7 Dec, 2008
Cat ~
We're all thinking of you.
Once that TV crew arrives, I hope they will make you into a famous TV star earning millions of dollars. Lol.
You are being brave and also very sensible with your plans.
A chaplain once told me that the thinking about doing it, is much harder than the actual getting on and doing it.
I haven't used his actual words, but I think you know what I mean. Now you've started your new plans, you can see it through to a better future.
Hugs. TT xxx
7 Dec, 2008
Thank you TT...I have felt overwhelmed to the point of brain numbing in the last few says...could only focus on what was put right in front of me...nothing else...did not seem to be able to move frontward or back....stuck...I am doing I think it is part of the process...feeling alone in it is part of it. My family is so busy working and trying to keep their own lives hard to ask them but they are willing. My grand daughters stayed over night last night....ages 10/11/13..they cleaned my livingroom & kitchen up for me while i was at work....and surprised me with it when I came home...they even made me a card to let me know that they precious of them. All any of them have ever known is me in this house and in retail..I think they are having a hard time with it too...They like to stay here together...two are sisters and one is a that they are older it is much easier to have all 3...! LOL....on the card they called me a "Beautiful and Awsome Grandma."..can you imagine what that did for my spirits? ~Cat
7 Dec, 2008
They sound nice girls :-)
8 Dec, 2008
awwww that was a lovely surprise for you CJ
8 Dec, 2008
Lovely girls, I agree. What a wonderful job they did in cleaning up for you and making the card. Just remember that every task you tackle is another one which won't need doing when you wake up the following day.
I have several times in my life been in a situation where the future is a bit unpredictable to say the least. Amazingly, it does all work out okay, even if at times you can't see how that can happen. You look back and realise that over all, events and decisions happened for the best.
Try to keep yourself healthy because you'll need strength of body and mind to achieve all this. hugs. TT xxx
8 Dec, 2008
~you will get through this and when you are sitting in the sun next year with Flash you will look back and you will have forgotten how bad it was~ you have been through worse already!
We are all there with you in spirit if not in body!As TT says stay strong!
love and best wishes
8 Dec, 2008
Thank you all for your encouragement...I really do appreciate it so much...Love and hugs to all of ya....~Cat
9 Dec, 2008
Hugs to you from me as well. Forget the newspapers. I put in an add in two that cost me near 100.00. I got three customers.
Give me a private note with your address and I will let people in Sequim know about this.
Been there. It was at .20 cents on the dollar and Heronswood took most of it.
As for your grandkids, do make use of them. My youngest was a shukster for sales that I nearly was embaressed by.. At 12, Naomi helped me at your Pt. Townsend plant sale and was underselling me on the side. "I'll take 12.00 for these if you buy 3 of these. Five dollar plants.
I was dumbfounded. Anyhow, things are sorta dead for me. If you get in a pinch for help. Let me know.
Bad weather forcast for this week and I am SO behind on my own protective stratagies, but my employers come first.
11 Dec, 2008
Such a hard step to take Cj.....but I'm sure this new road is the right one to follow and a new adventure's getting through all the necessaries thats the drain. We did this 2 years ago when we moved back here from Spain....selling the properties....selling everything and coming back when house prices had risen 100% too. But we're pleased we can heave a sigh of relief now and know we did the right thing. We had Xmas cards today from friends out there who are still trying to sell and they are returning to the U.K. simply for work now and leaving their homes!
Love to you X
11 Dec, 2008
Herb ..believe it or not on the 15th..the Port Townsend Leader (not much good for anyting rag) will be interviewing me and taking pictures at 1:00 in the afternoon..wanna come that day? Will have Gloria maybe then too..and GardenFriend from Wales.. will be joing on Web Cam..and if I can get some more locals there, Allison might want to be there as well..we can have a riot for Barney Burke the reporter..he is bringing his camera...LOL..should we make a scene!!!! ~Cat
12 Dec, 2008
Janey..I keep thinking that this time next year...everything will seem new again..actually it all ready does..but will be so glad to get through all of this...thank goodness for GF..he is helping me get through this so much better than I would have otherwise. hugs..~Cat
12 Dec, 2008
Wow, Cf ~
Please let us know how things go on 15th.
Sounds amazing. :o)
Great to know on that day, you'll have so much support at home and from Gf over here. :o)
12 Dec, 2008
It is all very amazing..I feel as if the whole world is with me here..and yes GF is a very special part of my world right now...very caring and supportive. I wish I could have all of GOY there with me...I think having GF on web cam should startle the reporter a bit....LOL...
12 Dec, 2008
we will all be with you in spirit CJ that day.
12 Dec, 2008
I will try. I still need directions or address. Name of store!
If blog rules prevent, send it as a private message.
I will even wear clothes. Are you following the weather warning.
The 15th. might be interesting in more ways than one.
HIGH being 26. F. I am afraid this will slow down sales.
Do you sell snowshoes?
I would be taking the bus!
12 Dec, 2008 you know where the ferry dock is here? I am right the water side can take a bus right to the corner by the you know the plaza where we have Swains here? And yes the weather is supposed to get very cold and they are talking about snow...could be a problem...GF..maybe the only one there...wonder if the reporter will even make it!!!!...LOL...lets hope we get to pull this off ....goodness!
12 Dec, 2008
Thank you Irish...I know you will be...hugs...~Cat
12 Dec, 2008
Herb as to your friends in Sequim...the address won't work...tell them Mud Cat...the flag store with windwheels on the rocks by the ferry the back of the plaza...I have I always directed people here by "In the Plaza by the Ferry dock...the address is Harrison doesn't exist...why do they bother with Harrison is uptown..not on the water at all..don't know.
12 Dec, 2008
Shall be thinking of you Cat on the 15th and sending you strength my sister Witch!! Now if I could get this damned exhaust fixed on my broom.....well imagine that.....and Gilli too we would give them what for!! lol Will Gf be there in person and Gloria? Am so looking forward to hearing about it if we all focus here when having our teas about 6pm you should get a power surge!!!!
12 Dec, 2008
GF in person? naw...not this time...web cam works well most of the time...LOL...for now it is good.
We are making a plan for visiting....cannot wait ...LOL...~Cat
12 Dec, 2008
He....he you are the only one who has seen him Cat....for the rest of us he has been mysteriously just out of view! lol
12 Dec, 2008
Thank you Cat. I wish I had thought of that earlier. Lythia knows everybody! She could have emailed all of her sisters of materialism. One of the big fancy chains in Seattle even sends a limo over to pick them up. Honest to God truth. Nordstrom.
When big Mick sees that limo come in the driveway he goes into a form of cataleptic shock.
Knowing his vulnerability, I phoned garbling my voice and represented myself as the truck driver needing directions for the delivery. .
I learned this trick from a master. Mary Ann used to be a major traveler. Her husband was not. The last big one was to New Zealand and Australia. John was home, when Robbie (a friend and trickster) called in the best Australian Accent. "Is this Mr. John Stephens, this is Quanta’s Airlines and we are holding a large box for pickup sent by your wife."
My wife didn’t send anything. "Oh, sir, we must disagree, and you see it is becoming a bit of an issue. You see, it is a Kangaroo and well; the box is getting a bit rank. Would you please kindly hurry over to pick it up." He then gave John the airport gate and all that.
John freaked and was heading out the door when others in the know intercepted him.
I sent your directions to Lythia.
12 Dec, 2008
~ good luck for Monday Cat~keep us all informed on how it goes!
12 Dec, 2008
Thank you have been such a help to me.
Herb the bad weather has mostly been bluster and terrible rain here so far...the ferry ran through agood part of it yesterday...and it is calm far...I am waiting to see if the arctic blast will know as I do how the weather here can never be truly the horses all blanketed and ready for it yesterday...water heaters in their water tanks everything ready...still have a couple of stalls to ready with fresh bedding today that is all..if the weather holds machinery will clean much out of paddocks a bit as well...
I had not thought of terrorizing my male customers the way you have but it would have been fun for sure...
Janey.....GF never lets me see more than the top of his head...but he does have a nice voice...LOL...not really..I can't tell you that...LOL...he would love it if I did though...he does have a face ...surprise ! LOL...I am looking forward to Monday..should be an interesting day how ever it comes off...thanks to's and hugs to all...~Cat
13 Dec, 2008
We are all rooting for you, Cat! I'm glad you have support. You do 'virtually' as well - lots of GOY members!
Keep smiling. Love and hugs, Spritz. XX ( ) ( )
13 Dec, 2008
Thank you Spritz...I can feel the power!!!...Earth Force is very strong.... long live the dirt!!!...LOL....I have a lot to smile about lately....!
xo ~cat
13 Dec, 2008
It seems I have been conspicuous by my absence from this blog. Just read it all and all the comments. You know my thoughts are with you and my support too.
I'll be anxiously awaiting a report on the 15th. We all can't be there in person but we will certainly be there in spirit.
You go girl !!
~ Gilli xoxo
13 Dec, 2008
Thank you Gilli...are you holding back this arctic blast up there that they are threatening us with down here? Would help if you could let it come on down and get it over with or just keep it to you too! ~Cat
13 Dec, 2008
Yes.....gosh.....It's so big......It's so cold......Oh No!!.....Cat, I can't hold on much longer......the wind chill is freezing my fingers and toes and nose........It's slipping.....Ohhhhhh..........there it blew me over and is now on its way down to you.........batten down the hatches and pull out all your woolies.....this one is nasty.
13 Dec, 2008
Thanx ever so much Gilli....I can see it from here...wet stuff from the south has been holding it north but it is pressing down on us....I am caught right in the clashing the winds have been fierce all day yesterday ..calm right now but are expecting...more wild winds today and tomorrow...then freezing and snow...will see...been blanketing horses and putting heaters in their water tanks etc....they have their woolies next..thanx for holding it back as long as ya could... xo
13 Dec, 2008
One thing I missed was my camera. The sea waves were ferocious, acually coming over one road I had to drive.
Add freezing and that would be one grand shot. Not yet, so far. Perhaps Gillian has a stronger grip than she knows.
Way over. Like the top of my truck!
13 Dec, 2008
They were like that here too Herb..waves crashed right out over part of my deck at Mud Cat...I did not think to get my camera out....seen so much ot this stormy wave business here over my 9 careful out there....calm today..wind is coming from a new direction and Edmonds is getting pounded pretty bad today....I have heard from customers....
13 Dec, 2008
Today was nerve wracking,interesting and fun...GF came online...soon after he came on Gloria and Bruce came through my door...after a hug and pictures taken...we visited a bit...she and Bruce have plans to marry while here...may have dinner with them tomorrow evening. The reporter was Gloria and Bruce moved daughter and her daughter Elise came and my friend Steven came as well..Steven & Stephen(GF) sat and had a nice conversation while we waited for the reporter...When the reporter grand daughter Elise entertained GF on web cam, they made friends and I am afraid I will never get a chance to visit him when she is around now my daughter and my friend all talked to the reporter. Not sure how he will write up what was said..but I did not hold back with my feelings on it...I forgot to buy
Allsorts..but GF had a box of his own and nibbled away on them as we visited later..teasing me with his favorite pieces...all in all...things went well with the temperatures in the 20's..was bone chilling cold here with a light wind...brrrr...Skyline could not make it down in the freezing weather..will be looking for him another time...
16 Dec, 2008
Glad to hear things went well CF. I'm also glad you didn't hold back at all. That's what the press wants ~ the true feelings.
When does the article come out in print?? When it does can you transcribe it onto a blog?? I would love to read what they put.
It's been cold here too with just a light wind, thank goodness. Still, its frostbite weather. :o(
16 Dec, 2008
Dear Cat," Skyline could not make it down in the freezing weather..will be looking for him another time."
Cat, I even checked out bus schedules. then... COLD, both from nature and from this website.
I discovered that I also needed to protect my flanks on this website. I do not welcome shark attacks.
SO COLD. I started the kerosene heater this morning and got the stove going in the barn. All that sort of stuff.
24 F. was my high and the greenhouse was just above freezing this morning so I think you understand.
I am sure you are blanketing your horses.I am looking at my stached fleeses ever more longingly.
16 Dec, 2008
Get out your fleeces is going to be a long winter...sure glad we heeded the weather predicitons and prepared our horses for this cold.
Sorry you missed us today you were certainly in our thoughts....hmmm...not sure about sharks....but I do know that doing battle with something you can understand, and maybe cannot give you so much pain... gives relief, when nothing makes sense and all you want to do is have a war, because the thing that you are up against for real, is so large and ugly, there is no way to beat it and you feel defeated, no matter what you try to talk yourself into.
16 Dec, 2008
Gilli..the reporter said it might come out in this weeks paper which would be this wednesday..or if they could not fit it in then next weeks..this paper only comes out once a week....would prefer this weeks as it would help sales sooner but will be lucky with this paper, if it come's out at all as it is a politicallly motivated rag and not sure if I can trust that it will come out at all...when and if it does I will do my best to send it in a blog or as a link to an onlie site for the paper...thanks for your thoughts and support. I think he got a nice picture of my daughter, grand daughter & me on the breakwall with the ferry in the background. Will see....there may be that at least...!
16 Dec, 2008
Dear Cat,
I think I am prepared. One wise woman I respect from Port Angeles agreed with my forecast of a bad winter. I felt that in my bones, but only this lady agreed with me.
The latest forecast says this may last until the end of the month. I am below 18 F. as we speak and the small amount of snow is dissolving. Not good.
Manure bags in the greenhouse. 14 bag of leaves and now the Kerosene heater.
I was going to invite the homeless to set up their cots under the cactus flats but the carbon monoxide from the heater might be a problem. I decided to nix the idea. Since Jim sold the backhoe, such options have been minimalized. Republican solicitors included.
16 Dec, 2008
LOL..Herb...gottcha...I am all electirc here...ouch....wish I had some wood or kerosun heater...used one on boats many years ago...was using one during the Artic Express actually living in Friday Harbor in the harbor on a boat when the 100mph winds hit...wouldn't have missed it for the world...never will forget the forces at work that night.
16 Dec, 2008
Cf ~
Looking forward to news of how the newspaper reported your story. Glad you told them the whole truth and I hope they print the family photo on the breakwall. Great to have support from Gf and his liquorice allsorts. :o)
16 Dec, 2008
Yes...well all he did was show off..eating his favorites in front of me and when I asked for one ..he said no your not getting any of these...and laughed....but he has promised me a box when I come to visit...LOL..I told him we would each have to have a box so we would not fight over them...they will be much fresher than anything I can buy here...curious about that...
16 Dec, 2008
CJ- Hope that everything works out for the best. Good luck to you :)
29 Dec, 2008
It is the only way it can go...thanks for your good wishes...~Cat
30 Dec, 2008
Only just caught up with the comment of 16th Dec. !
Thanks, Tasteyg for posting on this thread or I'd have missed that. :o)
Sounds like Cj will be costing Gf a fortune in Liquorice Allsorts. LOL
30 Dec, 2008
And chocolate....
30 Dec, 2008
Cj ~
The Cadburys seems to taste better in Britain than overseas!
When you visit, I'll suggest chocolate that would be suitable.
30 Dec, 2008
ok...lets keep this our little secret....hehehehe
31 Dec, 2008
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- Oh! Deer
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- "Shorty's Nursery"...A Washington State Garden Center
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2 Jul, 2008
awww CJ that is sad news, i know sometimes you have to do the hardest thing which is what you are about to do. i finished up a business last yr, was a hard decision but it has worked out for the best.
huge hugs for you HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
2 Dec, 2008