By Genuisscuffy
Not really a gardening blog but something I wanted to say!!!
I have a friend who is in hospital awaiting an operation (a big one) and got a phone call yesterday morning to ask if I could get something for her – of course I said yes what did she need (thinking nighty, toothpaste etc!) but no she asked for “an angel” (well to be honest I know I’m good at finding things but an angel…!)
Apparently there is a little shop near where she lives that sells them and she wanted one before her op – how could I refuse.
So off i trundled and the shop assistant said “hello I’ve been expecting you – you are to choose which one you are drawn too – apparently you have to choose from the heart (whoosh that went over my head!!)” so i picked a little pink quartz one and she smiled and said"thats what L** said you would pick" – freaky or what!!
So last night i went visiting my friend – gave her the angel and she handed her straight back and said" I wanted you to choose her because she is for you – to look after you while I cant" well I welled up, she welled up and we were both in tears when a nurse came in and asked if we were alright!!
I was just so amazed that someone could think of me when she is facing something so huge in her life that i just had to say “there are some smashing people out there!!!”
27 Aug, 2009
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What a wonderful story... brought tears to my eyes...
I hope your friend will be in better health soon. x
27 Aug, 2009
When I was waiting for my heart surgery I was in CCU for 8 days and out of the blue a patient in the next bed gave me an angel when she was transfered out. When I was moved to the ward on the wall beside my bed was a poem about angels, I opened the local paper and their was a picture of a toddler called angel, I tuned into the local hospital radio and they were playing the song Angels. A book arrived about angels it had been posted to me by mistake. and one of the nurses wore an angel on her uniform. Somehow i knew everything would be ok.
I had encounter patients with angels before but never had any experience myself. I have not seen any angels since my discharge.
27 Aug, 2009
Some people are very thoughtful even at the worst times. You're very lucky to have a friend like that.
27 Aug, 2009
What a kind person she is hope her opp will be ok.
27 Aug, 2009
Humans are angels without wings. Your friend will be fine, I hope. Treasure her, she really is the angel.
27 Aug, 2009
One of my Sheltie's veterinary nurses has the name "Angel" and she wears a name badge saying "Angel".. :o)
27 Aug, 2009
One to treasure indeed! Heres hoping she (and you) get through this & come out the other end smiling!
27 Aug, 2009
Have we added L** to Indy's nightly meditation?
27 Aug, 2009
Will do!
Done B! I'd've included her anyway, but now Indy & whoever else joins in will know too!
27 Aug, 2009
What a lovely thing for your friend to do, I was in tears reading this and sincerely hope all goes well for your friend..........
27 Aug, 2009
Oh thank you all for your kind comments - we did a course at college together and she "mothered" us all - a very special lady.
28 Aug, 2009
hope your dear friend soon recovers from her op, ive been there and its a lonely place even with all your friends and family support, but im here to tell the tale, my prayers are with you both :o))
3 Sep, 2009
Has she has the op yet GS??
If so, I pray all went well.
3 Sep, 2009
Hi, yes thank you she has had her op but it wont "cure" her she has a large tumour growing from her collar bone to the top of her skull - when they tried to put a camera up through her vein to see what it was feeding on she had a stroke which has paralysed her down her left side. They now say there is nothing more they can do except chemo and radiotherapy but it wont cure her and she would rather have this time as she is than go through all that and still not be cured. The op was just trying to take some of the tumour away from the big vein that runs down your neck (sorry cant remember the name) so she can swallow a bit easier. It is really hard as she is such a lovely lady and luckily as she says "the mouth still works!!" Thank you all for your kind thoughts - I did tell her I'd told you all and she did laugh when I said I'd thought she'd gone daft asking me for an angel!
3 Sep, 2009
How sad! It's a very hard thing for you to know there isnt a cure, but she sounds like one brave lady! And her angel WILL watch over you!
3 Sep, 2009
What a lovely story, I`m sure your friend`s angel will help her get through her surgery safely.
Sandra x
7 Dec, 2009
Hi thought I would just let you know she is still doing ok - been on radiotherapy which has helped.
8 Dec, 2009
That's great news, GS! :~))
9 Dec, 2009
Wonderful to know that your friend is doing well.. :o)
9 Dec, 2009
Hi GS Just read about your friend, how is she? I hope the radiotherapy has helped & her angel is with her.
19 Mar, 2010
Shes still doing ok shes been having radiotherapy and although the tumour is still there she is coping better. Shes moved into her own flat with carers (warden controled and she just shouts that shes ok every hour when they ring!) but still has a smile on her face!! (and always makes sure you leave one on yours - very special lady!)
19 Mar, 2010
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Oh - I do hope your friend will come through this and get well. :-) She really is a good one!
27 Aug, 2009