Summer garden flowers
By Janey
Hello everyone, it was so good meeting up with Karen the other day, I realized just how much I was missing you all!
So it’s time to catch up and see how things have been with you this summer. I don’t know about yours, but my garden has been quite overgrown with all the torrential rain and then hot sun, upwards and upwards everything has grown, the ivy on the walls the highest it’s ever been so that’s another ladder job to look forward to (!)
Anyway here are just a few pics of things flowering in my garden over this last month or two.
Clematis Etoile Violette has been beautiful this year, so many flowers, it’s my favourite clem.
Here it is scrambling through Rosa Graham Thomas
This is a stunning rose, with a fantastic apricot scent. It could be Lady Emma Hamilton like yours Karen or Lady of Shallott, whichever I love it.
Here it is again last summer, just before the flowers open fully.
A similar type, this could be Jude the Obscure. The only downside it has is that the heads are quite heavy for the dainty stems, and usually hang downwards.
Mmm….never mind the flowers, the leaves smell great to me….sorry you didn’t get to see her Karen.
Gorgeous Geranium Rozanne, a lovely gift from Karen which I’m now going to add to my garden plants…:))
1 Aug, 2015
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Lovely to see you back, Janey! You have some gorgeous plants, and what a perfect gift from Karen is the Geranium Rozanne. . . it will be flowering for you for weeks :))
2 Aug, 2015
Thank you Sandra and Sheila! Yes haven't our plants enjoyed the weather, I know I've had things flowering together this year that normally wouldn't do, and the roses have been wonderful....
I've been busy with house maintenance....everything needed attention all at the same time, but fingers crossed no more raining inside as well as out...:((. Time to sit back and have a look at your lovely gardens.......X
2 Aug, 2015
Hi Janey. Your geranium looks great. I think it is the same as my rose. In the top pic. it looks like Lady of Shallot, but the shape of the flower is more like Lady Emma and in the second photo it definitely looks like her. I shall have to keep an eye out to see how tangerine mine go a they mature. I've always fancied Lady of Shallot...such a beautiful colour. :) I'm still not sure which it is. It was great to meet you and see the garden for real Janey. I think the golden millet will be going in to the fernery area as it will need a bit of shade and that area is my only shady bit really. Lovely to see Poppy! :)
2 Aug, 2015
It all looks so wonderful Janey. A bit of sun makes all the difference especially with Roses.
2 Aug, 2015
Hi Janey! lovely roses and clems. thanks for the update on your garden.
2 Aug, 2015
Missed you Janey. Your garden looks fab. Super photos as ever
2 Aug, 2015
Lovely photos Janet...the roses are stunning.And, I agree, the Etoile Violet is one of my favourites looks excellent with the yellow rose.I used to grow one through a Hypericum at my old garden for a similar effect!
2 Aug, 2015
Hi Janey Its nice to see you back and lovely for you and Karen to be able to meet up the geranium is perfect for your cottage garden the roses and Clems are gorgeous x
3 Aug, 2015
Yes I agree Karen, Lady Emma Hamilton. Your fernery sounds ideal for the millet, it is so pretty in early summer, brilliant lime ribbons......
Thank you Linda, yes the roses have been wonderful...:))
Thanks Lori and Dawn, bit overgrown now though!
Oh that must've looked stunning Paul, hope youre well settled with your new garden now......
Lovely to be here Amy! I bet you've been very busy in your garden since your holiday.....hope alls well X
3 Aug, 2015
Nice to hear from you again Janey. Your garden is as lovely as ever :o)
4 Aug, 2015
Thanks Hywel.....lovely to hear from you too....hope alls ok, shall be checking into your garden again soon...:))
5 Aug, 2015
My new garden is well on its way thanks Janey....a bit more planting next spring but nearly there!
Pictures on my latest blog.
8 Aug, 2015
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Welcome back Janey,it's lovely to see you again,and your wonderful Garden..and your little friend too :o)Your Roses are gorgeous,and it was nice for you to meet up with Karen,with a gift as well :o) I know we have all complained about having so much rain,but our plants have enjoyed it,this year..xx
2 Aug, 2015