Sowing seeds today
By Janey
Hello everyone……I was surprised this morning, we had a vivid blue sky and hardly any snow left….the sun was shining and I thought just maybe we were on
track again for Spring.
Popping into the greenhouse I was struck how warm it was in there and I decided
to sow more annuals. I’m still waiting for the Alchemilla Mollis to sprout but fingers
crossed they’ll soon be showing through. The frothy limey green flowerheads are one of my favourites as they complement nearly all shades and especially the blues and purples. Checked on the Sweet Peas…Giant Waved, ….. and they’re
looking really strong another couple of months and they will be out there by the trellis…..where already the very dainty summer Clematis Radar Love..with it’s abundance of golden yellow bell flowers, is already sprouting from the stems.
Rummaging around in my bag yesterday I came across two dried up seedheads
minus the seeds which were sprinkled liberally amongst the dust and the odd sweet in the bottom lol. These I managed to retrieve and though I’ve no idea of what they are they’re planted too…so I am really looking forward to seeing what they turn out to be….a great surprise from me to me!
After reading Gilli’s blog on her lovely Miniature Roses, I gave my one a prune and sprayed it with anti-fungal spray….hopefully that will keep the black spot in check this year. By this time Finn who was with me was waiting to go back indoors as he was not too well today… into the warm we came…..Finn to have a biscuit in his basket and me to have a coffee and a read of David Austins rose catalogue…….mmmmmmm………
3 Feb, 2009
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Well done on getting seeds sown.
That same job is on my list of tasks for coming days.
Do let us know on this thread, please, how the seedlings look, and what you've actually grown. LOL. Thanks.:o)
3 Feb, 2009
Well the seed heads were long, bellshaped and when you looked at the end they were made of four tubes which held the seeds Lol I must have picked them at Normanby Hall, Eileen.
3 Feb, 2009
Will do TT...pleased Finn's a bit brighter now...think he pulled himself yesterday when he skidded in the snow.
3 Feb, 2009
Oh, I didn't realise Finn had slipped.
I hope he perks up even more tomorrow.
Such a lovely dog. :o)
3 Feb, 2009
Janey I did exactly the same at the end of Autumn , I have no idea what the seeds were ..
your seeds reminded me of Aquilegia can you remember picking any seed heads .
I hope Finn soon recovers from his slip over and hasn,t pulled anything to badly :o)
3 Feb, 2009
Well done simply being to get anything done Janey.Snow gone here but freezing cold lol
3 Feb, 2009
It's nice to know you were able to do something in the garden Janey. The only thing I could have done was build a snowman. lol.
I hope you tell us what those seeds are after they grow. It will be a nice surprise for you.
3 Feb, 2009
Poor Fin Hope he`l be Ok soon? Wonder what those Seeds r Janey? Cant wait2find out myself ;)
3 Feb, 2009
I hope Finn soon feels better Janey. Poor thing.
Hmmm. Would they have been Columbine seeds? or perhaps Delphinium? Or maybe they were seeds from the very rare but highly sought after Sweet Tree - having been found in the bottom of your bag.??!!
Lovely blog Janey. Keep us posted on the progress please.
3 Feb, 2009
Your blog made me feel all springy (if you know what I mean) sorry to hear about the way my daughter is going to call her baby boy Fin, she expects him in April, we are all very excited....again!!
4 Feb, 2009
Thanks all for your lovely comments....I have told Finn you are all wishing him well....and he's a lot better today.
Amy and Gilli.....I think the seeds are Aquilegias or Columbine....I recognise the seed heads now...Lol I'm hoping they are pink and fluffy...but they may be dark blue singles...will keep you all posted. I wonder what your are seed heads to go on?
Ooh a new grandson exciting and Fin is a lovely name...I bet you can't wait till April!
I'll do my best Marguerite to send the blue across...but for now I want to keep it here awhile...Lol.....can't believe how warm it is in the greenhouse! I'll send you a pic of it Marguerite..:o)
4 Feb, 2009
Columbine seeds are very dark and shiny that I have had...was given a tin of them and had a fight with the racoons over them..and they were they need a good freeze here. I had bulbs and seeds stored in an outdoor laundry room in the woods many years ago...racoons came in and ransacked the place..I will never forget going to their snag that they lived in and kicking it and throwing the can and rocks that I could find at it...yelling.."There how do you like that?Me coming and messing around your things!".... I am sure they were not at all impressed at my fury...just curled up and being nocturnal..went right back to sleep..if they ever even woke up.
5 Feb, 2009
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Hi Janey, i think you will be one of the very few who managed to get any gardening done today.
lol be interesting to see what those seeds where in the bottom of your bag
3 Feb, 2009