Hello Everybody!
By Lori
On New Year’s Eve we marked the beginning of our third year in the new place. So quiet…with van Gogh stars…howling coyotes…and turkeys at the bird feeder!
Won’t bore you with weather reports…just like everywhere else the weather has been bizarre. The one constant this winter has been change!!! lol…extreme cold with periods of flash flooding! extremely bizarre.
Here is a lovely member of a family of five black squirrels which came to the feeder during the first thaw and cleaned up on everything! The gray one is Rufus trying to fool the squirrels into thinking he’s one of them! …
Spending the time indoors during the cold season has been hard for Rufus…from his perch in the window he watches the turkeys and squirrels…whiskers a-twitch.
This winter I have managed to get some repeat bloom on my orchids…but I’m still working on my kitchen and trying to make it habitable for us…then I’ll give my undivided attention to my shivering little orchids.
Last season was one of excavation…the digging and rock moving produced a couple of beds on the creek valley margin and the area nearest the drive will have a few more rock garden plants this spring.

While looking for catalogues of shrubs and hardy perennials I came across the PW Proven Winners page and made a comment on a new introduction. Upon closer reading I found that by doing so I had entered a draw for a “Seed Storage” kit…. checked my email and was surprised to find they had contacted me and asked for my mailing address! A few weeks later this arrived in the mail!
Have decided to buy Winterberry, Ilex verticillata,
for the creek valley shrubbery…and some of the PW Incrediball Hydrangeas and maybe a viburnum or two…
Have never had room for a shrubbery before…this is going to be such fun.
February is the month of seed catalogues. I sit looking out at the expanse of frigid whiteness and wonder at the seasons passing so quickly from this to verdant beauty…the local groundhog, Wiarton Willie did not see his shadow this year…so hopefully this will be gone in the next six weeks and we can jump on the carousel ride for another season. Spring is coming.
17 Feb, 2013
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Fantastic pictures, lovely blog.I've never seen Squirrels that colour before!
Enjoy planning and planting your shrubbery.Probably the best part of gardening....new borders/beds!!!!
17 Feb, 2013
i loved seeing the pics of the black squirrels, never seen them before. we just get the grey ones here.
17 Feb, 2013
Nice to see you out of hibernation Lori :)
Lovely pictures and I've never seen a black squirrel before either.
You have lots planned and I'm sure you will enjoy every bit of planning, preparing and planting!
Well done on winning that competition, maybe your lucky year!
17 Feb, 2013
I so enjoy your blogs Lori. Lovely to see what is happening in your part of the world. I like the black squirrels. Saw some when I visited Canada a few years ago. Its all looking good and taking shape now isnt it.
17 Feb, 2013
Lots of hard work ahead , Lori , but all worthwhile .
I just love all the seed catalogues , too . A time to dream .
17 Feb, 2013
What lovely colours those trees are. I didn't know there were black squirrels either - aren't they beautiful?
17 Feb, 2013
wonderful blog Lori...Nice to hear from you...:>)
17 Feb, 2013
we had a colony of black squirrels not far from us Lori, quite beautiful to watch. Always enjoy your ever changing blogs.
17 Feb, 2013
Lovely to hear from you again Lori, its always good to see the seasons changing the look of your garden, some glorious colours surroundng you at times, its coming along so well each year, time flies when we're having fun doesn't it, although some of yours looks like very hard work, well done on winning the draw, no excuses for losing your seeds now, lol.
I love the photo's of the squirrels and your orchids look smashing, I'm afraid I can`t have them here as I never seem able to keep them going, looking forward to seeing more of your garden this year....
17 Feb, 2013
Nice to touch base again with goY friends...Roll on spring!
Will have to do a blog about my "shrubbery" search. I never knew there was so many aspects to shrubs...lots to consider. After the deep dark early winter it's refreshing to think about blooming times...and leaf colour and blossoms and berries. Enjoying this very much. Thanks for your kind comments and well wishes.
17 Feb, 2013
I have been looking out for you Lori and was so pleased to read your blog.
The squirrel looks to have a thick fur coat , extra warmth for the hard winter I guess.
Loved the wonderful colour of trees, ours are so bare still.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
18 Feb, 2013
Gosh 3 years Lori, cant believe its gone so fast and you have achieved so much, lovely photos, love the black squirrel, so cute, hope its a great year for you Lori :o))
18 Feb, 2013
Hello Mary and Sandra! Thanks so much. Tried to show what the patch looks like autumn thro winter...it's all bare branches now, but our temperatures are starting to change and we can now feel the heat in the sun on the south slopes...soon it will be maple sugaring time. So much work for such a little bit..but it is so uniquely delicious that the dividend makes the work worthwhile. Yes our squirrels are nice and fat too...they raid the birds suet and cache the sunflower seeds. Had five of the little beauties on the bird feeder tree all at the same time!
19 Feb, 2013
Hi lori,I love your black squirrels! It must be quite a challenge to have so much space...but I know you have big ideas to match! Lovely wild flowers you have too. ope spring is early and not too wet for us all this year!
19 Feb, 2013
The squirrels are just a joy to watch. Sad too, when you see the effects of natural predation. Of the five I'm sure we will still have a pair by end of summer. I am loving this new gardening space...I call it a space because I don't have to fill a lot of it...nature has taken a hand. But I have some BIIIIG plans for a new shrubbery and I'm enjoying getting all the inside info on the net and on goY...Btw...congrats. The walled garden sounds like a lovely opportunity for you and Kath. Will follow all your (pl.) blogs with interest. Regardless of the spring weather, 2013 promises some interesting times!
19 Feb, 2013
Lol...thanks...you don't miss much Lori!
19 Feb, 2013
no, no, no, yess....Karen. That would be taking too much credit. Have decided to try out a new forum and a little bird told me the news!
25 Feb, 2013
Aha....a lot of people are 'trying out new forum' I think. We've lost a good few people during the past year. I don't know what's happening, or why, but it's a pity. Hope you don't disappear!
25 Feb, 2013
I'm still here, Karen. Had some difficulty establishing myself on the other page, not sure why? Love Goy...I'm not jumping "ship"..lol. Have been on this forum since 2008. ;-)
14 May, 2013
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- Quick check in... it's been a year.
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Lovely to see you again Lori hope it warms up soon for you.
Looking forward to seeing your Spring.
17 Feb, 2013