*Solstice 2017*
By Lori
Here we are again, and it has turned cool. Only a few sweltering days so far and the highs for the next five days in 18-20 degree C. range. Everywhere else it’s roasting hot.
Deer in the garden this morning.. nothing really up yet, besides the onions and the herbs. They love kale and I have only one plant that survived last winter intact. I’m growing pumpkins this year and started them in the greenhouse…they’re finally “in ground” and fingers crossed, doing well too.
My first perennial poppy is in bloom…three lovely flowers. I’ve always had the annual papaver from seeds taken every year for the last 50 or so! but this is the first perennial poppy and I’m hoping I can spread it around.
Was hoping for a blue lupin from a packet of seed mix…alas. pretty pink to go with the red/orange poppy and silvery white lamb’s ears! no patriotic Union Jack garden colours for me! lol… I still have the red/white of our Maple Leaf though. This July 1st is Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation.
The tradescantia, T.Sweet Kate, was divided this spring and seems happy in the little niche bed beside the water and the larger bed close to the irises.
Water iris (yellow) pseudacoris, placed along the stream years ago…lost in a flood, and then reclaimed, has divided and actually is blooming in the spot where it was first intended.
I love lupins, especially the brilliant Dutch Blue ones… I’ve planted packets of seeds in hope. So far no blues…but this peachy pink is so pretty.
The ugliest lily pond in the country holds one of the most beautiful lilies. Back for it’s 10th (or is it 12th?) year and the frogs are happily returned too.
In case you think I’m crowing a little…It’s probably because I am so happy that all the flowers pictured in this blog were not immediate success stories. I had to try and try to get them situated in places where they’d survive the winters and have enough sun and warmth to succeed. The Delphiniums, below, could be a little more fullsome but I’m delighted that one plant (2 yr) and a package of Pacific Giant seeds has produced the first of my delphinium collection… and it’s going to be a collection…whoopee. Now if I could just get the digitalis to like my woodland!
The spring of 2011, two small shoots of a daylily were almost cut off by the lawn mower. I knew it wasn’t one of mine because I didn’t have them in the ground yet…so I took the little roots and put them in the new “transfer” bed. I’m really glad I did: just look at this radiant lily, and the scent is just wonderful!
So, the last picture will be of the future…
This looks like a messy spot now…but in future it well be the site of my “cordwood” construction cabin/studio. With all the downed trees this year, and having to get rid of a rotting lumber pile… I decided that, with rock for the foundation at hand, and an area that appears (at this point) level enough, I need a work space and this could be it! Will definitely need some help making the log frame but the cordwood walls will be done by me. Have glass for skylights… but need a door and sash. I’ve been squirreling away bits and pieces since we came here but until that huge tree fell I didn’t have the cordwood… ;-))
21 Jun, 2017
More blog posts by Lori
Previous post: *Spring delayed...is spring denied* 2017
Next post: *Summer 2017 - June*
Your plants are beautiful. It's as if they become part of your life, especially when you have to work at helping them survive.
Good luck with your work space :)
22 Jun, 2017
You have got some lovely plants and I really like your lupins. I've wanted to grow them for years but this is the 1st year I have managed to do so. Your work space sounds great and what an achievement it will be doing most of it yourself. Good luck and can't wait to see it progress :-)
22 Jun, 2017
Your plants are wonderful Lori love your water lily I am hoping my other or will appear . I shall look forward to seeing your new project.
22 Jun, 2017
Gosh Lori you never stop do you!!. Its a grand feeling when something appears that has seemingly defeated your efforts in the past, I love the colour of your water lily and I dare say the pond isn't really ugly, good luck with your workspace...
22 Jun, 2017
Wow Lori you have set yourself a task there with the work cabin. Please keep us up to date with the progress- its quite an undertaking but you'll get there. What a beauty that water lily is! And there might only be one Delphinium but isn't it a perfect blue?
23 Jun, 2017
thanks Ladies, thanks Hywel! I'm biting off a lot, I know. There have been so many areas that I had to work on first, that the spot behind the old shed just got pushed down the priority list. Will have to take a pic of the rock pile that I've discovered nearby... ! they're so huge. I'm going to need to do some thinking on how to move those boulders, let alone place them. Was looking at Stonehenge yesterday, online, of course. If they can move their boulders...so can I. I can see you all shaking your heads in unison! lol...
23 Jun, 2017
Where there's a will there's a way Lori :)
24 Jun, 2017
Thanks Hywel... :)
27 Jun, 2017
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You get a greater sense of achievement when you have to work a little harder at getting plants to flower, don't you. It's worth all the perseverance though. Good luck with your new work space.
21 Jun, 2017