*Spring delayed...is spring denied* 2017
By Lori
Hello GoY gardeners!
Spring in Eastern Canada has been cold, wet and windy. June has given us a bit of sunshine, so I’ve braved the bugs to bring you some pictures of what’s going on in my little patch.
The Hazel thicket has a carpet of foam flower and Jack in the pulpit…
These are the rocks/boulders which help to anchor the huge firs along the stream… I’m busy planting the understory, cleaning and culling so that it will mature easily without disease which can be fostered by crowded spots. Along the stream the ferns are now accompanied by hosta, hemerocallis, geranium and astilbe.
Last season’s work on the streamside has produced some better vistas. How I love my weed whipper… it tames things in areas where I could not possibly use a mower.
Last spring I traded some irises with a friend and it’s a joy to see them blooming… and my favourite, “Double Your Fun”, is not the first to bloom this year… one of the new ones which I have no name for has taken that place of prominence.
This years Jack in the Pulpit is happy in a niche, and not too far away I found a clump of new JITP babies..
In May we had the first severe storm of the season, and it sounded like a freight train approaching. When the winds finally broke over the ridge they took down two huge poplars, practically at our back door. I watched in horror as I heard the rush of the wind and the crash of breaking branches. It was blown over exposing it’s roots and lifting the soil off the rocks underneath. The power of nature can be terrifying. the next pics are of the tree and the vicinity.
Two other large Poplars were ruined in the fall of the first one… one split strangely, directly above the path. When the removal starts it will be a staged operation because any misstep could mean a log on my head!
Yearly, all the deadfall from the winter before has to be removed or you cannot walk in the forest!… the mess this year was the worst I’ve seen. We will have wood for the winter.
The last pic shows my progress at clearing a walkway up the hill… Some of the logs will be fashioned into rustic benches.
Clearing out the scrub and mess improves the area for young trees to assert themselves and helps keep the senior trees undamaged by falling branches and windfalls.
I’m always inspired by the giants. They’ve been standing there for a century or more! Imagine that!~
4 Jun, 2017
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Glad your safe Lori ashame the trees fell but better down now than falling on you especially the one by your home and path. Love your stream it looks glorious with the ferns such gorgeous Iris to looks exciting your woodland where you ve cleared and those giant trees that stand so proud dont think though it s a little patch? its huge.
4 Jun, 2017
What a 'patch' you've got. It's looking great. Love those Irises.
Shame the tree came down, but glad your safe.
4 Jun, 2017
Good to hear nobody got hurt or house damaged. Have you got any large trees within falling distance of the house or greenhouse?
I love your no name iris, gorgeous colours.
All your hard work on the stream is really paying off now, it's looking so good.
You take care.
5 Jun, 2017
You've worked hard, Lori ... many improvements ... super photos, especially that last pic of the tall trees ..
5 Jun, 2017
Oh My!! you be careful when wandering in your patch Lori, it must be quite frightening when one or more of those huge trees falls and also a lot of hard work keeping it clear, am I right in thinking your stream collapsed a while back due to flooding, surely I remember you working hard to rebuild in places, it looks so clear so whatever you have done its paid off.
Great photo's Lori, what I wouldn't give to have access to one of your stumps with all the roots ( sigh) I can only dream..
5 Jun, 2017
What a shock that storm, glad you are all unscathed. I am surprised you have any time for blogging, keeping up with your little plot! Lol. The stream is beautiful and everything looks so natural.
7 Jun, 2017
Thank you GoY friends!...
I was going for "natural"... so a special thanks to Siris. We are slowly thawing out and this week we will have four whole days with temps in the 20's C.
Hope to resume blogging on a more regular basis... but as someone said, (sorry, it's my old memory again) there's hardly time for garden work, let alone blogging. I'm up early so I can get in some work in the cool of the morning... better get going!
8 Jun, 2017
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Your "little" patch! LOL. The stream is repaying all your hard work now. Love the irises.
Lori you lead such an excitingl ife! Glad the storm didn't damage your house.
4 Jun, 2017