Middle of May meandering!
By Owdboggy
Since I am not going to be able to garden for the next 4 to 6 weeks I thought I ought to take some photos of what it looked like in the middle of this month.
The front garden after scarifying and overseeding.
Through the side gate.
Over the field gate.
Over the field gate
Through the Kitchen window
Magnolia Susan
Armeria maritima
Arenaria montana Snowcap
White Lilac
Aethionema saxatile
Syringa meyeri Palibin
River bed
Clump of Alyssum spinosum.
Anthyllis montana rubra
Iris sibirica
Shrubby Lonicera tatarica Hacks’ Red
Entrance to the Hidden Garden.
Centaurea montana form
Path behind the ‘D’ bed
Double Peony
?Styiriaca colchica
Entry to the Yellow Border
Entry to the Vista
Across the Sedum Scree to the Lollipop lawn
Down the Vista
Hostas bed
Bridge, Alpine lawn and Boulder bank
Side of the Wild life pond.
Polygonum superbum
Weigela alba
The Wild life pond
Bottom lawn to the Summer House
Entry to the Damson wood
Slate bed settling before planting up
The Pergola
Daphne Alpina
Bill on the Swing seat
Down the Vista
Geum in the Water meter bed
Iris bearded type
Iris bearded type
Iris bearded type
Iris bearded type
Yellow Lilac
Path off the Pergola
Flower bed from the path
More path
Papaver hybrid Fire Works
Through the Arches
The Gazebo in the Grasses
Tree peony
Tree Peony
Clematis montana
Path between the New Forest Bed and the Prairie.
Libertia grandiflora
Kniphofia northiae
Gravel garden and Rockery
Dwarf Berberis
White Mossy Saxifrage
My Greenhouse
Crevice Garden
Raised bed with alpines under the Damson tree
Small Rock garden
Weigela variegated form
Silver Saxifrage
Silver Saxifrage
Silver Saxifrage
Clematis Niobe
Rose Joseph’s Coat
Allium karataviense
Camassia leichtlinii alba
Saxifrage Mossy pink
Achillea ?taygetea
Armeria pseudoarmeria
Armeria pseudoarmeria pink form
No idea
Armeria maritima alba
Roscoea Early Purple
Veronica Ulter Blue
Erysimum alpine Orange form
Silver Saxifrage
Veronica ?spicata alba
Silver Saxifrage
Globularia repens
Geum trifolium
Silver Saxifrage red flowered form
Achillea ?
Roscoea cautleoides Kew Form
Roscoea scilloides pink form
Erinus alpina Dr. Hanele
Iris sibirica Silver Edge
Iris sibirica Silver Edge dark form
Thermiopsis montana
Weigela versicolor
Euonymus europaeus
Clematis montana wilsoni
Geum hybris
Sorbus shrubby form
No idea, but not a broom or Cytisus
Geum hybrid
Geum hybrid
Iris sibirica
Not a clue.
No idea, but a small tree
Iris sibirica Lilac form
Helianthemum whote form
Papaver x hybrid
Allium karatviense Ivory Queen
Valeriana phu aurea
Iris Pacific Coast hyvrid
Red Robin flower
Bearded Iris
Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus)
Viola cornuta minor alba
Saponaria ocymoides
16 May, 2017
Previous post: August Amble
Next post: Selling Up.
Oh now I am pleased I have managed to sort my Goy out, I might have missed a meander around my favourite garden, Ob you have made my day, I've always enjoyed the tour around what I always refer to as your estate, you never disappoint me, the photo's are a joy to see, next best thing to actually being there, I like the new slate bed and will be looking forwards to seeing it progress as you plant it up, thankyou Ob for another peep, the photo's are lovely.....
16 May, 2017
Your garden must take hours and hours of work to keep it looking so good, same amount of time to show us all those beautiful photos. By the time I got to the end, I had forgotten what was first, senior moments. I can always look again and again.
16 May, 2017
Wonderful. How will your amazing garden manage without you?!
16 May, 2017
The shrubby Honeysuckle is Lonicera Hack's Red.
16 May, 2017
So many beauties you have your garden looks wonderful per usual Bill bought a smile to my face a neighbours cat sits on my bench so I call it bench cat its real name is Molly love your pergola area and vista beautiful what do you grow on the pergola your green house is a dream your garden is a credit to you.
16 May, 2017
The Pergola has a mixture of Jasmines and Viticella clematis growing over it.
17 May, 2017
I`ve just enjoyed taking a stroll round your wonderful garden, thank you.
17 May, 2017
You have a truely stunning garden and it brings such pleasure taking a meander around. I have 4 damson trees here that I've got high hopes for this year, 2 years ago, previous owner hacked but so last year they didn't even get blossom on but this year they were covers :-)
17 May, 2017
Thank you Owdboggy I bet it smells lovely when the Jasmine is out pretty mixture.
17 May, 2017
What a wonderful garden, something to aspire to. I did manage to weed out the thistles the other day and some nettles. I bet they haven't the nerve to show their heads in your garden. All the plans are stunning and I discovered the name of one I have (the Libertia Grandiflora) which I didn't know the name of. I can't believe that you have so many out yet, my Polygonum is nowhere near in that much growth yet. Keep up the good work and thank you for posting so many wonderful pictures.
17 May, 2017
The weeds are there, they just do not show up in the photographs.
18 May, 2017
what a lovely blog.
Your garden is stunning and as already said so well stocked. Such interesting planting.
18 May, 2017
What a great garden and what a lot of work you have done to make it so good- loved the walk around it. Thank you I might pinch a couple of your ideas if you don't mind? Really inspirational!
19 May, 2017
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Wow once again! I hope it all behaves itself while you are away from it. One of those white and blue Centaureas has just come to live in our garden but hasn't been planted yet.
I fancy the idea of a damson wood...and that shrubby honeysuckle is new to me as well. Hope you will be back in action as planned.
16 May, 2017