A Totally Confused Blue Geranium*
*I recently put pictures of two different but equally pretty Blue Geraniums on my site, one I thought was Johnson’s Blue and the other I didnt know the name of. After Googling both I find that what I thought was Johnson’s Blue isnt [the leaves are different] and my annonymus one could be lol I will put on both with their corresponding leaves and will be interested to know what other Goyers think;0))
[Not "Johnson’s Blue “] Could be” Blue Sunrise" ?
Matching Leaf
“Johnson’s Blue”
Johnson’s Blue [Finely divided leaf]
Hope you are not as confused as me now lol*
19 Jun, 2011
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Well....I can tell you they are both geraniums...lol and very pretty they are too :)
19 Jun, 2011
I've just put a pic on for you, Carole, of my 'Johnson's Blue' ... see what you think now! lol !
19 Jun, 2011
The first one is not JB,the second one is like my G Johnsons blue and its got the five petals,
19 Jun, 2011
I can`t even go out and compare them, I think mine has gone down under.lol.
19 Jun, 2011
they are very blue whatever they are!
19 Jun, 2011
Very nice I have just bought to Johnson Blue's for my front garden an my leaves look like your first geranium eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek now I am confused:(
19 Jun, 2011
So what does that make my Johnson's Blue then ?that is now not Johnson's Blue, but still it is a lovely Geranium as Whistonlass say's :-) I have an unidetified one on my latest blog as well.
19 Jun, 2011
Sorry at closer inspection (looked out the window first time) mine has the same leaf as your second photo:) But I love your first geranium too:)
19 Jun, 2011
I have just posted a couple of photos of my JB for comparison.
19 Jun, 2011
So..the plot thickens! I don't think mine is J.blue either now..its leaves look more like the first one !..just been to have a close look..
19 Jun, 2011
Shirley your latest pictures qualifes as Johnson's Blue as the the leaves meet the discription;0)
19 Jun, 2011
Dcr I agree and hope your leaves match too;0)
19 Jun, 2011
Oh Dear Nana what about your flowers which do they match with? Bingo Johnsons Blue then!
19 Jun, 2011
Dcr leaves do confirm J.B;0))
19 Jun, 2011
It's a difficult one to I.D. - so much so that I've just added another pic of it to my Garden Page for reference - lol!
19 Jun, 2011
Sandra join the anonymous! perhaphs you would like to research Blue Sunrise, Im jiggered!!
19 Jun, 2011
For all those undecided or grateful for all Blues, I think I agree! more confused than when we started , but for all those with the true J.B.congratulations I think lol;0)))What a lot of fuss over a name, I dont know who started this;0))O(
19 Jun, 2011
I`m going to say they are both a lovely shade of blue and await the verdict, lol..
19 Jun, 2011
They're both pretty whatever their names are :o)
20 Jun, 2011
Thanks Lincs and Hywel they are both lovely geraniums , so it doesnt really matter which is which does it;0)
20 Jun, 2011
I'm not bothered either,Carole..both nice and both purple ! ..
20 Jun, 2011
20 Jun, 2011
I agree with Hywel. I haven't any! but am confused anyway, just reading all the comments. Lol :o))
21 Jun, 2011
Hi there: neither of them are 'Johnsons blue': first one could be 'magnificum', and the second one has got Geranium pratense somewhere in its parentage: it looks like one that I have, but it ain't 'Johnsons blue' which should have fine veins on the petals and is a deeper blue colour as it is a sterile hybrid between Geranium himalayense and Geranium pratense. As it is sterile, it wont produce any seeds at all, so if you see any on your plant, it is something else. It really bugs me when nurseries and shops sell plants that are incorrectly named. Selling Pelargoniums as bedding Geraniums makes my blood boil and I tell them so whilst explaning the differences and pointing out that they could be prosecuted under the trades description act for misselling if someone wanted to pursue it! Rant over!!Hope this helps.
10 Jul, 2011
Hi Geraniumdac
Thanks for your information, its very interesting about the seeds will check tomorrow to see if it has any, I wonder if you have a picture of Johnsons Blue for my future reference?
11 Jul, 2011
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Now I am as confused as you are my Johnson's Blue is the same as what you think is Sunrise ! help
19 Jun, 2011