"A Late August Garden"
I have just been out in the garden taking some pictures to record the garden and plants that are in flower at this moment in time,before the Autumn Season is upon us, its such a good way of comparing from year to year. So my friends you are very welcome to join me in my little walk around the garden;0))
We start on the patio with its steps leading upwards to both left and right sides of the garden, the patio is very colourful at the moment filled with a large number of pots and baskets.
The Center piece is the Water feature with a canopy of Cottoneaster and identical pots mirrored on either side.
The Cosmos are a picture just now planted all around the garden, they were grown from seed this year and I am really pleased with the results
The next three pictures are just to give you an idea of the layout of the garden
Right hand side
Center and back end
Left Hand side
Oriental Lily “Mon Lisa”
Lily Star Gazer Rosy Pink, big, blousy and Fabulous!

Patio View.
Just Love this picture, the Cosmos are almost making an arch araound the Water Feature;0)
Up the steps now onto the main Garden area to see what treasures we can find!
Here we have the Birdbath with the pretty rose “Hilda Ogden” looking on.
“Bowles Mauve” much loved and visited by the Butterflies!
A lovely lilac “Petunia” enjoying its sunny position,9)
New this year a lovely Fuchsia with very pretty varigated leaves [name unknown?]
This Acer "Negundo is a real beauty and really enhances the Bird House [ Im hoping to take cuttings later in the year]
My favourite Sedum “Purple Emperor”
Sedum “Joy” this is almost ready to colour now and is planted at the edge of the borders throughout the garden.
“Acer Palmatum” a new one brought this year from Morrisons on one of our GC jaunts with Bloomer; isnt it doing well Sandra;0)
A Japanese Maple, “Acer Dissectum” I just love this Acer it is leaves are so graceful and lovely colours;)
“Acer Palmatum” also doing very well two years old now!
“Salvia” What a whopper this is going to be, grown from seed sent from Simbad;0)
Fuchsia “Tom Thumb” on of my favourites love the limey green leaves and the long slender flowers.
Heather [sorry forgotten the name].
Fuchsia “Pink Galore” a little disappointed although looking very healthy there are no sign of flowers yet, does anyone know is it a late Flowerer?
The lovely “Red Dragon” a fantastic plant sent to me from Sanbaz, Its such a robust plant and looks fantastic with the sun shinning through the leaves!
Clematis I was very pleased to see this make an apearance this year, it was planted 3years ago and I can’t remember which one it is, can anyone name it for me? ;0)
Pieris Japonica “Forest Flame” I was pleased to see the lovely red bracts appearing and also flowers forming too, I thought they only came on in spring!
Pieris Varigated “Forest Flame” this one is gorgeous with the green and cream leaves, such brilliant shrubs aren’t they ;0)
Lavender “Hidcote” This is high on my Top Ten list wouldnt be without it, so easy to take cuttings too, Ive lots of little one growing in the borders;0)
“Cheryl’s Shadow” A very pretty little pale pink flower and lovely copper coloured leaves [ideal for the rockery] kindly sent to me from Gee.
Nitda “Baggesens Gold” If you haven’t got this one put it on your shopping list, the beautiful colour lights up the borders and great for topairy too
Euonymus “Golden King” I have three of these standards and they make great focal points, they do take a bashing in severe winters but dont give up, just look at the brilliant new leaves on this one;0)
Heuchera “Silver Scrolls” Wonderful plants this was sent to me fom ShirleyTulip, the colour and pattern is lovely; I have quite a few in my little collection now , the only problem is its so hard to tell some of them apart,especially if you are like me and lose the labels lol
Heuchera “Blackberry Jam” kindly sent from Karensusan [hope I have named it correctly Karen , but I love it whatever its called;0)
The next three pictures are views of my little pond, just to show you how it has matured over the last two years, a project we did which was very hard going but worth it all for all the pleasure it brings.
The Rockery
Another project we have done which like the pond was extremly hard work especially for my husband Harry who carried all th heavy stones and did all the digging, I just did the pretty bits planting it up! I am going to thin it out a little in Autumn as some of the more vigorous plants are taking over, but again worth all the sweat and tears.
Well Friends its been a long journey, I just got carried away, I hope I havent bored or tired you out, Im ready fot a cup of tea now! Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed ;0)))
24 Aug, 2013
Next post: September Views
Fabulous garden! So many amazing flowers, thanks for such a lovely blog.
24 Aug, 2013
Sounds like you had another good lunch out today!! Good for you Pp. your garden is a delight and has so much colour, that lily is amazing, is it in the ground or a pot? and do you bring them indoors for the winter? Lovely (long!) blog. Lol
24 Aug, 2013
As usual - it's been a delight looking around your garden. It all looks incredibly healthy. Your pond is just gorgeous and how well your rockery has come on in such a short time. I can see why you love it!
24 Aug, 2013
Thanks Sandra great lunch today! not touched a bite to eat since we got home! Im sure the Acer was the one I brought from Morrisons although I do have Orange Dream a well but its struggling! I have had another look at PinK Galore I can now see a couple of tiny buds ;0)
24 Aug, 2013
Thanks Louise, its amazing when you start to have a close look round the garden and see how many different plants you have and then sit back and think how much you have spent lol
24 Aug, 2013
Thanks Grandmage we did indeed have a good lunch as always! The Lily is in a pot, no special reatment and I leave it outside during the winter! and yes a loooong blog lol
24 Aug, 2013
Thankyou Scottish , Im pleased you enjoyed your visit, I am delighted with both the rockery and the pond [they say simple things for simple minds lol] ;0)
24 Aug, 2013
Beautiful and tidy, Acers look wonderful what else can I say, other than wish mine was that tidy.
24 Aug, 2013
Aww thanks Bjs the Acers are one of my favourites!
24 Aug, 2013
Absolutely wonderful, a garden to be proud of! So many lovely plants.
25 Aug, 2013
Your garden is lovely carole... :)))))
25 Aug, 2013
Thanks Snoopdog Im sure all the ladies willappreciate your comments;0)
Thanks Jent for all your lovely comments, I just been out to measure the pond, the container is 3ft 6 in diameter, then we used brickrs to suuround it and then the planting which makes it all look bigger, Good Luck with yours if you take the plunge! you wont regret it;0)
Thanks Andrea so pleased you like it;0)
Thanks to you too Holly ;0)
25 Aug, 2013
Your garden always looks gorgeous Carole :-), so much time must go into keeping it so pristine, I'm always green with envy when I see your acers ;-)
Looks like the salvia will explode very soon ;-)
25 Aug, 2013
Hi Jent if you do go ahead with a pond be sure to let me know;0)
Hi Kathy Im quite excited it looks bigger than ever today!will it come back again next year?
Thanks for your lovely comments and the Acers do grow well in my garden apart from Orange Dream ut Im going to move it to a more shady position later next month;0)
25 Aug, 2013
Love it all, but really love the patio area, it is so pretty. And those acers are amazing. I love the leaves of Acer Dissectum it is really really pretty. I have a couple of acers but one of them I had in the border I have had to repot into a big pot as it was struggling, think it needed to be in its own space so moved it and am hoping it will survive. Just so nice to have a wander around and a good old nosey into your garden, beautiful peaceful place to be in. Loved it. thank you :O)
25 Aug, 2013
Thanks Olive for all your lovely coments, I do hope your Acer recovers, they are fantastic plants and add so much lovely colour to the garden, pleased you enjoyed your wander around;0))
25 Aug, 2013
Carole I've just had a stroll around your garden it's lovely, so much colour still there. It looks so peaceful just right for a sit down with a cuppa :000))))
25 Aug, 2013
Well your welcome to join me anytime Stripes, let me know and I will have the ketle on ;0))
25 Aug, 2013
hi Carole...good to see you Blackberry Jam thriving! Your borders are really similar to mine in some ways...though yours are definitely better planted. I love your whole garden. Going to add this to faves so I can refer to it!:))
25 Aug, 2013
I think it was also your circular pond that inspired me to dig a large hole!
25 Aug, 2013
Carole...could your variegated Fuchsia be Tom West?
25 Aug, 2013
Your garden is simply stunning, Carole! I'm filled with both admiration and envy.Your hard work has been well rewarded. I love your acers and sedums and the lilies are superb. I got rid of mine today because of a lily beetle problem.
25 Aug, 2013
Thanks Karen I am delighted you have added my garden to your favourites , I have no idea what my varigated Fuchsia is called, perhaphs if you have a picture of Tom West I may be able to identify it, as for my borders mine are so much smaller than yours so more easily to control;0)!
Hi Tuesdaybear thank you for your compliments, so pleased you like my garden, thankfully at the moment I dont have a problem with Lily Beetle. but the Acers seem very happy with the conditions in my garden ;0)
25 Aug, 2013
Yes, I do, in my garden pages..but not in flower. Try googling it and see what you think!
25 Aug, 2013
Love the pond, it is fantastic!
25 Aug, 2013
Absolutely beautiful!
26 Aug, 2013
As always Carole, a joy to walk round your garden.So much colour! Adding to favs.....there are some nice plants, I'll never remember them all.Loved the sedum the dark one. Your Cosmos are so tall, I grew some yellow ones from seed, and they're tall as well. Loved the Red Dragon., will certainly look out for this :-)
26 Aug, 2013
What a beautiful garden I really enjoyed the walk I love my acers & was delighted to find a seedling in a tub earlier this year from the red one Everything looks so healthy & pretty :-)
26 Aug, 2013
I think that Fuschia is Tom West too, I had it last year, but vine weevils killed it over winter/spring :(
26 Aug, 2013
One of the things that you have Carole, which is lacking in my borders is a bit of topiarised evergreen. I would like to add some of that brightness, especially for the winter time...hmmm....:))
26 Aug, 2013
Thanks Karen and Louise for identifying Tom West forme, Ive just Googled it and its a definate, sorry you lost yours Louise I will look out for the dreaded vine weevils!
Thanks Sarahm and Michaella pleased you like the garden and pond;0)
Hi Gralew pleased you enjoyed your walk, the Cosmos are amazing I never dreamt they would be so tall, definately a cert for sowing next year may try some Yellow ones too;0)
Thanks Cazdiane Acers are wonderful arent they lucky you finding a seedling! I thought I may try taking cuttings in the Autumn;0)
Euonymus and Hebes are my favourite for Topairy and I trimmed L.Nitida into a ball shape yesterday and its looking good;0)
26 Aug, 2013
Thanks Carole, I do have a few lonicera, but I really like those tall golden Euonymus balls. :))
26 Aug, 2013
I've a clump in one area of the garden thats returned for 4 years now Carole in other areas they don't, it does say it can be biennial or perennial so I'd collect seed just in case sometimes it will die right back and resprout so don't pull it up to soon, the bracts look good for such a long time.
26 Aug, 2013
I have so enjoyed my stroll round your beautiful garden you have managed the right balance of height colour and texture so well, it was looking at your garden that gave me the confidence to have a go at topiary. You say you grew your cosmos from seed, so did I, so how come yours have turned out white when mine are multi coloured.lol. Its so darned annoying when it plainly said WHITE Cosmos on the packet.
26 Aug, 2013
Thanks for the tip Kathy, it has exploded now and three more big fat buds have appeared;0)
Pleased you enjoyed walk about Phyl, I must be annoying for you planting what you thought were going to be White Cosmos and getting multi colours, but I bet they look lovely just the same, I'll save you a few seedheads off mine if you like;0))
26 Aug, 2013
Your garden is lovely. Thanks for the tour :o)
I'm glad your pond and rockery are a success. I remember you making them.
The variegated Fuchsia is probably Tom West.
The one you call Tom Thumb is really Genii.
(hope you don't mind me correcting you lol)
It's nice that you remember who sent you certain plants. I never remember ...
26 Aug, 2013
Thanks Hywel Plaesed you enjoyed my garden tour! Thanks for Identifying Tom West and Genii, I have'nt forgotten the lovely plants you have sent me, The Astrantia are doing very well, they haven't flowered this year but look very promising for next year! [ you are not the only one who forgets sometimes what individual Goy members have sent me, I do too!].
27 Aug, 2013
I'm pleased about the Astrantia :o) Good luck with it next year.
I had forgotten I sent it lol
27 Aug, 2013
Carole, I loved strolling around your lovely garden and the first pic looks straight from a gardening magazine .. I love it! Your pond looks so mature now and, thanks to your pics, I now have 'topiarised' a Potentilla shrub into a decent shape rather than the scruffy thing it was before the shears came out! There's a Hebe awaiting the same treatment. Your Acers are wonderful too ... thanks for sharing your garden ... :o)
27 Aug, 2013
Aww thanks Shirley, thanks to for lovely plants that you have sent me in the past all of which have contributed to making my garden so colourful, sounds as if you have got hooked on topairy just like me;0)
27 Aug, 2013
Carole I don't think I've seen a garden so jam packed full of beautiful plants and colour ,it's wonderful and a real credit to you it wouldn't be out of place in the NGS ... I love your water feature :o)) x
29 Aug, 2013
Hi Amy thank you for your lovely comments, the wonderful summer this year has helped to bring the garden to life;0))
29 Aug, 2013
Beautiful Pp, absolutely beautiful. A great garden!
31 Aug, 2013
Thanks Paul so pleased you like it, Ive just come in from the garden have been deadheading and giving some plants a hair cut, I think Autumns around the corner it was a bit chilly out there!
31 Aug, 2013
Everyone keeps telling me that but I worked today and felt baking hot....I wonder if it's just me.
31 Aug, 2013
Recent posts by PANSYPOTTER
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- A Cold Wet Windy Day in My Garden
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- "Yesterdays Uninvited Visitor"
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- Happy Birthday Dear Bloomer
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How wonderful everything looks,Carole..The Peacock Butterfly on Bowles Mauve is a lovely photo,and I like the Cosmos framing the water feature..I would be here all night if I commented on every photo,but I could find something nice to say about each and every one:o).
My Pink Galore Fuchsia is late too..only a couple of buds ready to open yet,so have patience,my dear ;o)Your Acers are fabulous..and about the one you bought at Morries..is this the Orange Dream one?I didn't expect it to have purple..leaves..looks very healthy..and your Rockery is so pretty too..added to favourites...
Thanks for yours and Harry's company for lunch today..it was lovely to meet up again,as usual :o) x
24 Aug, 2013