Pots, Containers and Hanging Baskets....How many do you have?
By alanb
By my reckoning there are approximately 39,000 GoY members. I wonder how many pots, containers and hanging baskets we have in total, between us. Ten each, would be 390,000!
I counted ours last night, and after I picked myself up off the floor, I will start the ball rolling with 117 ……. Mind you, two have strawberries in, and two have runner beans in, the rest contain shrubs and plants.
HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE ? (Include, pots, containers, chimneys, baskets etc.,)
If you’re happy to let me know, I will keep a running total.
7 Jun, 2014
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You started something here alan. W1nk has 141 my first thought, how much this going to cost me next year, and I am looking to pot some more.
7 Jun, 2014
Thanks, Sandra and W1nk, we're off to a flying start,
I think I had better re-do my estimate. It could be nearer 200,000.
Sandra, that Lancs. lass wouldn't happen to be Carole by any chance?
Flippin' 'eck W1nk, I know how long I spend water ours !
Total so far = 283
7 Jun, 2014
Well thats just given me a shock, I've braved the weather and had a wander outside, never counted them before, no wonder it takes me so long to do my watering...
Alan I have 84, that incudes my troughs, its going up by
another 12 small pots, (I hope this weekend) as my plant theatre is still sitting in my dining room waiting for hubby to drill the pots he bought to go with it.
DO NOT ask how many plants I have indoors as well as in my g' houses....
Forgot to say I still have hundreds of little plants in trays awaiting new homes so could end up with more as not a lot of room in the garden and I hate to just dump plants, lol..
7 Jun, 2014
I thought I had so few it wasn't worth counting, but including the odds and ends as well as the planted tubs there are 50. I'm Gobsmacked.
7 Jun, 2014
Sue, Its really surprising how they mount up. A neighbour who was watering for us a few years ago, whilst we were on holiday, said we had seventy five then. So where did the other 42 come from? Do they breed or self seed maybe ? ... lol.
Added your 96 to our total which is now = 379
7 Jun, 2014
Hi Steragram, I know the feeling! A thought for you though, when you have finished watering all your pots, Wendy and I are only halfway through ours ... lol.
I have added your 50 to the total which is now = 479.
W1nk well in the lead with 141 ... I daren't tell Wendy, she'll want to buy some more, the patio may subside, I fear, with the extra weight.
7 Jun, 2014
So far I have 10 (almost all on the one patio). This doesn't include the troughs and planters brought for growing veg in the new little greenhouse (mostly since I can't remember how many there are and they're still empty) nor does it include the many many plants still sat in their pots, waiting to be planted.
You know yesterday I was looking at how many I had and was thinking I was getting carried out. Now I'm not so sure lol.
7 Jun, 2014
You guessed right,Alan..Carole it is :o) She might need a couple of days to count hers ..Lol..Wow,I can't believe that total already..on day 1..I'm so glad I only have a small garden to look after now :o)
7 Jun, 2014
Sandra Carole will need a pad with her as she goes around to keep up with her count lol...Thinking about it and all the gardens we see on Goy so will a lot of members....
7 Jun, 2014
Sandra, looking forward to getting Carole's input .. sounds like it may take us over the thousand ..... lol.
Sam, I'll allocate 12 to you, I think that seems fair.
So total now = 491, this is an average of more than 80 pots/containers/baskets each.
7 Jun, 2014
I have four troughs, six large pots, and that's my lot. I wouldn't like more as I detest watering pots...too time consuming for me. I have no patience, I much prefer to plant things in the ground where they can find their own water. :)
7 Jun, 2014
Goodness me! we are going to have a phenomenal total between us, you will ave to wait fot my count until it stops raining lol
7 Jun, 2014
I'm not a lover of pots and containers, but I do have 6. Two with box plants; one by the front door and one by the side door. Two wooden planters for summer geraniums and two large containers that hold a clematis each. Oh. hang on I also have strawberries in a raised container. But 7 is by far enough for me!
7 Jun, 2014
Well I have just been Totting up, 81 pots 10 baskets and 3 troughs total 94, so not quite as many as some of you, Sandra I think you must a have over estimated my indulgance , but considering I dont have a very large garden I do have quite a few lol
7 Jun, 2014
Have we all nipped out between showers, I've just been out popping Livingstone Daisies in gaps in the troughs, gorgeous warm sunshine at the mo, (I whispered that bit, lol,) best time to do that is when we haven't got to cart the watering can around as well...Forgot to say earlier, its a lovely pic at the top Alan....
7 Jun, 2014
Last time I counted I had 65, bought large plant saucers
to conserve moisture when I have dunked them in the tub of grey water from the bathroom. Do this about every 3 weeks, which is easier.
I put some Strawberry plants in a planter in the greenhouse, but must move this out now, it gets too dry.
I find a bag of Bark Chippings for a birthday present very useful to conserve moisture on the pots. Lasts 2 years.
7 Jun, 2014
Thank you, thank you, let me get my calculator out.
491 + Michaella2014 (10) + Digginfit (7) + Carole (94) + Dianebulley (65).
Grand Total so far = 667
I have to agree with Michaella2014 and Digginfit watering pots is not the best part of gardening, but the end results can sometimes be very rewarding. Bark chips on the pot surface sounds good Dianebulley, I made the mistake of using pebbles and overwatered a Camellia because I could not feel the soil surface. The advantage of bark, I guess, is you can move some aside to check the soil moisture content.
Carole, did you check the back garden as well or just the front doorstep ? ... lol. <]:-))
7 Jun, 2014
I was way out there,Carole..and very surprised at your count,..knowing how indulgent you can be Lol... but,.the summer has only just started..watch this space,Alan..it could change at any time ! :o))
7 Jun, 2014
The things we do for entertainment - you can add 79 to the running total for me Alan. It's hissing down here, I counted the 16 round the front (I've put my back out) and sent my niece out to do the back ;) She was happy to do this as I promised her a bowl of ice cream afterwards! Oops, just remembered there are 4 round the side - so make that 83.
7 Jun, 2014
just did a count and was shocked to see that I have 169 pots, troughs hanging baskets, etc. No wonder it takes me so long to water the garden! I like both your ideas Diane.
7 Jun, 2014
wow Lijemc we are certainly fond of our pots and baskets on Goy! I must admit I do like watering and find it quite relaxing, unlike all the staking I have been doing this evening after the Rains! Sandra I can find a few pots for you if you would like to Boost your count lol
7 Jun, 2014
Thanks for the offer,Carole,but no thanks :o)..I did my staking the other day,so all intact..(show off,I hear you saying ) Lol..We had some heavy rain today,but nowhere near as bad as forecast..but it was worse when Russell was in town than here,this morning...no Thunderstorms either..,
That is some count,Lijemc..I don't think we realise how committed we are to our gardens..or how addicted we are :o)...but it's so interesting to see all the counts from GoY members..just the thing to occupy our time on a rainy day ..:o)
7 Jun, 2014
It's lucky that I also find it quite relaxing and therapeutic like Pansypotter does. It also gives me a chance to look around the garden and see what's doing well and what may need to be done. :-)
7 Jun, 2014
I'm following this avidly and have been wondering how many pots Jonathan had, his were all pots weren't they...Anyone any news about him??
7 Jun, 2014
I have 30 now as I have reduced the number of hanging baskets and also got rid of a few tired/damaged pots this year. I took them all to the recycling place and as I arrived a man asked for the lot - so not as scruffy as I thought!
7 Jun, 2014
Thank you everyone for joining in on a rainy day, it was a bit of fun.
WOW ... Lijemc .... You're not the only one who is shocked ... Hope you're not on a water meter after you have emptied your water butts.
Calculator out again, 667 + Meadowland (34) + Scottish (injured .... 83) get well soon, + Lijemc (169).
Grand Total so far = 953, which is still averaging 79 pots per garden. Remembering when we started today, 10 pots per GoY garden was going to give us a grand total of 39,000 pots and containers. INTERESTING!
7 Jun, 2014
Alan you cannot give up you know, Hywel hasn't been around and he has loads as well, don't think Lijemc is going to be beaten today.Thankyou though...
7 Jun, 2014
Thanks Denise, that takes us to 983 ... Hywel should take us to well over a thousand! Denise are you sure it wasn't a relative of Lijemc's that took those pots off you at the re-cycling centre? ... lol.
7 Jun, 2014
7 Jun, 2014
I shall have to have a count up, Alan! I'll get back to you later...I reckon between 30 and 40, though.
8 Jun, 2014
lol ! I will let you know later on ...
Do I have to include all my cacti ?
I will be all day counting ! ;D
8 Jun, 2014
Lol,Hywel..I don't think Alan would expect you to count all those,just the ones in your garden..We might not see you till Christmas ! :o) but if you have nothing better to do ?? haha..x
8 Jun, 2014
Thanks Spritzhenry and Hywel, for joining in.
Hywel, now you've asked a good question, and "put the cat amongst the pigeons". I think we stick to outdoors pots only.
Hopefully that should only take you half a day ... lol.
I'm just popping down to Ladbrokes and putting a fiver on each way on "more than 150" for you !
8 Jun, 2014
Good morning,Alan..Couldn't you sleep ? try counting pots instead of sheep..just checked mine,in case they have self seeded during the night ..nope! still the same :o)
8 Jun, 2014
lol ! :D
I think I might count them all though ... you've got me curious now Alan :o)
I hope it won't take that long Sandra ! lol ... but if you don't hear from me soon, you'll know I'm still counting !! :D
8 Jun, 2014
Good morning Sandra and Hywel, had to get up early to finish mounting mirrors in the garden. Now Hywel, please take it easy, take regular drinks so you don't de-hydrate and stop for lunch. And finally please come indoors when it's dark, maybe start outdoors, then you can carry on indoors after dark.... Most importantly don't lose count, half way through the day.
8 Jun, 2014
Hope you got your Mirrors sorted,Alan..and positioned to see your best side :o) Hywel will cope ,and don't forget he has Bella to help him..Beryl might have to send out a search party at some point ..lol.
8 Jun, 2014
Maybe Hywel should take a whistle or some flares with him, Beryl will be able to locate him quickly then, in an emergency. Thinking on maybe take some chocolate, peanuts and a foil sleeping bag in case he doesn't make it back before the first snow. :-))
8 Jun, 2014
Hi Alan... been out and counted mine I have 63 pots... did have more but have put some things from my pots into the garden as im trying to reduce the number....
8 Jun, 2014
I think I'd better warn you,Alan...the S word you mentioned is taboo to Hywel..he hates it with a passion...you have just dug yourself a big hole ! LoL...
8 Jun, 2014
Thanks. Hollyeves, that takes us to over a THOUSAND in 24 hours.
Calculator out again .... That's 953 + Hollyeves (63).
Grand total = 1,016.
OOPS Sandra , I didn't know Hywel didn't like 'S'ome chocolate. I'll remember next time. Sorry Hywel didn't know about the 'S' word. Please accept my apologies.
8 Jun, 2014
I was spot on - I have 40. :-) I think....
8 Jun, 2014
Thank you Spitzhenry, running total now 1,056.
8 Jun, 2014
I wonder what all our neighbours think about us all going out to count our plant pots! Maybe that's how conspiracy theories start ... lol! :-). Can you imagine the headlines - "Strange goings on around the country, where gardeners have started counting ...". lol. You've certainly started something here Alan.
8 Jun, 2014
Perhaps they think pots are going missing, that's why us gardeners are counting them. It's also a good excercise for the mind as well. I am just shell shocked at how many we have accumulated. Still, 6 new pots a year for 20 years, there's our 120 easily done. It makes you realise though how many pots, containers and hanging baskets there are dotted around gardens, just in the UK.
8 Jun, 2014
O my goodness, you have started something there, Alan! I have just been out and counted mine (and had a queer look from a neighbour as I walked around, 91, 92 93, good evening, oh blow, now where was I, 1, 2, 3) but the total is 151. I am amazed. I tried counting the easy way, from my armchair - I took photos and then tried to count them in the photos, no good, some hid behind others! I have empty pots in the green house waiting occupation too :)
8 Jun, 2014
It has been an interesting exercise and one that I have enjoyed. I just didn't realise quite how many I have accumulated in the short time (6 years) that I have been gardening.
8 Jun, 2014
I have enjoyed it too,Lijemc..really good fun,and has brought lots of us together..thank Alan,a great idea :o)
8 Jun, 2014
Found 2 extra hanging baskets I'd overlooked yesterday, the gardener here hangs them in trees, silly beggar, the plant theatre is in place which has added a dozen small pots but that could be classed as one feature if you like, I gather Hywel is still counting bet he's having fun...
Yes its been fun Alan and a blog that we'll no doubt be following for a while...
8 Jun, 2014
152 - forgot a chimney pot hidden by the fatsia!
8 Jun, 2014
Now let's take stock of where we are,
1. Still no Hywel, hope he's OK.
2. Add 151, sorry 152 for Gee
3. Add another 2 for Sue, because her gardner hides
hanging baskets in trees.
By my reckoning, our Grand Total is 1,210
8 Jun, 2014
Sorry, I'll have to do it tomorrow, The day has flown and nothing done lol ! ... except a visit to a garden centre :(
8 Jun, 2014
Hywel, no worries, it's just a bit of fun. Hope you had a good day. Alan.
8 Jun, 2014
Lol 12 for me is very fair, I'd forgotten the two planters I ordered last week (not arrived yet though)
Can't quite believe how many pots we've got between us. Great addiction to have :-)
8 Jun, 2014
Sam, It's just amazing how they accumulate. It's a bit like clothes in ladies wardrobes ..... Now that's a different story altogether, they seem to multiply exponentially.
Oops ... ladies no "hate mail" please, I WAS ONLY JOKING.
9 Jun, 2014
Woops. Sorry, I forgot to include 2 window boxes that are hanging on a fence! So that's a total of 9 for me.
Just going through the most terrific thunder storm. Whilst the garden is desperate for water, my poor roses will suffer. Me-thinks I'll be out there deadheading tomorrow. Again!
9 Jun, 2014
Thanks Digginfit, new total 1,212.
9 Jun, 2014
Ha ha I told you, you have started something here, I need to cut mine by 10 I counted same corner twice. I luv watering my pots, I can see how every flower is growing, and enjoy the beauty.
9 Jun, 2014
On the patio and around the garden, there are 113 pots and tubs :)
There are many more in the 3 shelters, conservatory and house, but I haven't got time to count all those as well ... lol :D
9 Jun, 2014
I have 17 (containers and pots) and I'm surprised at that lol :))
9 Jun, 2014
Alan it's not the clothes....it's the shoes lol.
Unless I've missed someone looks like Lijemc is currently in the lead with 169 pots. That must take a while to water.
9 Jun, 2014
OK, so we take 10 off for W1nk = 1202.
Thank you Hywel and Daylily for joining in and W1nk for the update. So, we add 113 on for Hywel (thanks Hywel, hope it wasn't too much of a chore), add another 17 for Daylily.
New Grand Total = 1332 for 18 participants, averaging
74 pots/containers/baskets per garden.
I am amazed that's it's as high as that:-
1. Lijemc. 169
2. Gee19. 152
3. W1nk. 131
9 Jun, 2014
I forgot my gate trough, so add one more, Alan.
10 Jun, 2014
It wasn't a chore ...
and I forgot the 3 window boxes on my shed :)
10 Jun, 2014
New Grand Total = 1336.
Thanks Spitzh and Hywel ... Your both early starters today.
Hywel interesting you have window boxes on your shed, do you have an armchair, TV and mini bar in there as well ... lol.
10 Jun, 2014
No, just a mess ! lol ...
In my previous garden (which was huge) I had 3 sheds, and I had a table kettle armchair etc in one of them :D
10 Jun, 2014
Just added 1 more to my collection! I walked to the GC (to exercise Millie!) and a lively Hosta Purple Heart jumped into my bum bag so, of course, I had keep it, didn't I?
10 Jun, 2014
Now that's what I call a shed. Ever have to sleep in it? ... lol
10 Jun, 2014
Thanks Gee19, total now 1337.
Be careful with jumping synthetic stimulants (Purple Hearts), they do have some nasty side effects. Mind you, you've just had your 70th birthday so why not celebrate a little more....lol.
Congratulations on your 70th by the way.
10 Jun, 2014
I did doze off in it once :D
10 Jun, 2014
Thanks, Alan. Your comment made me wonder if I had got the name wrong but I've just checked and that is what it's called. Goodness knows why! I'll wash my hands carefully after potting it on just in case :)
10 Jun, 2014
Hello Hywel and Gee19, sorry if a wire or two has been crossed here. Sometimes an attempt at a joke (when written), backfires. Let me explain:-
I was referring to a stimulant drug, "Purple Hearts", used by youngsters in the 1990's at all night raves. Apologies Gee19 if you thought your plant was toxic in any way.
If I've got it wrong .... the jokes on me.... <]:-))
10 Jun, 2014
Hywel, Just realised you dosed off in your shed ... lol. Penny has dropped! Silly ol' me. I thought you had dosed off at a Purple Hearts concert. Phew, I understand now.
10 Jun, 2014
I did realise you were joking, Alan, but it sounds as if you took my response seriously! Perhaps the joke is on you :) I'd never heard of the pop group, Purple Hearts, but think Purple Heart is also a USA military medal. Same name for lots of different things, very confusing :)
10 Jun, 2014
Yes Gee19, I did read about the US military medal.
10 Jun, 2014
lol ! :D
10 Jun, 2014
2 more baskets planted up here today Alan, sorry but got to pop the plants in somewhere, lol....You'll be pleased to know I'm running out of compost so it will stop soon.....
10 Jun, 2014
And now what about how many empty pots in the shed....shock horror...
10 Jun, 2014
Don't even start on that, Stera! Eeek!
11 Jun, 2014
Sue, another 2 ... Well done, I can manage that one without a calculator ....
New grand total = 1339
Sterag. It did cross my mind to include empty pots as well,
but I don't think we wouldn't get any gardening done. Of course there's always the broken ones waiting to be converted to crocks.
I agree Spitzh. best leave that one for some other time.... lol
11 Jun, 2014
I counted while I watered last night Alan and was shocked to reach 195!! I have lots of things in pots that won't grow in my garden + I dig and divide regularly but have no greenhouse so have to display the plants before I pass some on to friends. I'm also very fond of Sedums/succulents in pots ......Can't think of any other good excuses Lol! x
11 Jun, 2014
Don't go there with the empty pots!!
11 Jun, 2014
I wouldn't even dare to estimate how many empty pots and trays I have, lol...come to that I wouldn't even want to count my tools, I do know I have a collection of new ones, my family often give me new handtools and secateurs amongst my prezzies, I'm a hoarder I'm afraid......
11 Jun, 2014
We are lucky enough to have a National Trust Office nearby,who look after our Pennine Moorlands mainly,so I take a lot of my plastic pots there,for potting things up for their plant sale days,etc..Money generated,goes to helping to regenerate the Heather,which was severely damaged by Morons on quad bikes,who set it alight..Some of you may remember my blog,a few years ago...I need to be having another clear out soon :o)
11 Jun, 2014
Thats a good idea Sandra, wonder if there's anywhere like that near me, I'll have to look into that...
11 Jun, 2014
It seems a shame to just get rid of unwanted ones,doesn't it Sue? there is no way I would ever use all mine..I have also taken a lot of them to our local charity shop ,when it gets to 'potting on' time..all washed,of course...I know they can't ask much for them in packs of 10' or 12's,but they always sell..can't bear to throw them away..a lot of schools have gardening activities too..maybe that could be a good home for some? I'm sure you will find somewhere they can be re used.:o)
11 Jun, 2014
Annie, I do believe we have a new LEADER !
Let me get the calculator out, 1339 + Annella (195), new Grand Total = 1534.
1. Annella. 195.
2. Lijemc. 169.
3. Gee19. 152.
Annella, Lincslass and Bloomer, thank you for you comments and contribution. As for broken and empty pots, I don't think we should go there........ lol.
11 Jun, 2014
No.let's not,Alan..but it's been a fun blog..:o)
12 Jun, 2014
Alan, you'll need to factor in the other members you mentioned to start with...and take a wild guess as to how many pots they have! LOL.
P.S. Only a joke - don't wrack your brain over it....
12 Jun, 2014
OK Spritzh. I love a challenge. Let's do some creative number crunching, making certain assumptions to allow us to complete this little exercise.
Let's say approx 25% of GoY members have no pots etc.,(highly unlikely, but bear with me). That leaves in round terms some 30,000 members. The survey showed, although only a very small sample, that the average no. of pots per member was (1534/19) = 81.
Let's now make another assumption, that, if we took a larger sample of members, the average number of pots turned out to be only 50% of the 81 in the survey, say 40 pots per garden.
Then in GoY members garden, we would have a staggering: 40 x 30,000
= 1.2 MILLION (Pots/containers and baskets).
PS I won't wreck my brain it's already wrecked ... Oh sorry you said wrack .... lol
Off gardening now, fence panels to paint. It's a glorious day here.
12 Jun, 2014
After that mind boggling assumption ,Alan,it's about time you got started out side with the paint brush...please don't start thinking again,and ask how many panels,or worse still,how many lats we think you did in an afternoon ! Lol..
Enjoy the sunshine :o)
12 Jun, 2014
wow thats some pots between us, are you going to work out if GOY pots were lined up how far would they reach ---- China?
12 Jun, 2014
Sandra, I have been outside, with my paint brush, Picasso would be impressed.
Denise, have a bash and see how you get on. I was thinking more along the lines of how many times around the world..... lol
PS I'm not skiving, I am having a short break, then back to it. Mind you a may need a beer in an hour or so. <]:-))
12 Jun, 2014
That is mind-boggling, Alan! :-O
13 Jun, 2014
Something to think about ..... Spitzhenry.
Who said, I've got too much time on my hands and need to be given more jobs! .... lol
13 Jun, 2014
All these pots and sinks and troughs and hanging baskets are great news for the GCs Alan. compost, fertilisers, liners, watering cans, gloves.Factor in the annuals to plant out the yearly. I was so busy watering my pots, rearranging them, rescuing them from maurauders, I have only seen this just now. I counted 91, including my bonsai. A while back I planted out a dozen Heucheras that were in pots. An amusing and interesting survey of what we all get up to when we are potty on gardening. How the heck do all us pot maniacs go on holiday.....we don't anymore because my OH is not well. Hence the reason for the pots numbers going into overdrive.
15 Jun, 2014
Thank you for your contribution Dorjac. We did this on a very wet day as a bit of fun.
New total = 1534 + 91 (Dorjac) = 1625
15 Jun, 2014
You are so genius, Alanb , you almost know and thinks great ideas :-)))
11 Jan, 2015
I Have 43 pots :-o
11 Jan, 2015
Thank you, Junna, I forgot we had done this.
New total = 1625 + (43) Junna = 1668 (21 GoY members).
It must have taken you hours to read through this ....... I think it was a very wet few days, when we couldn't get out into our gardens.
11 Jan, 2015
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I don't do Baskets anymore,Alan,and gave them to a Charity shop when we moved here..I have a mere 25 pots/troughs ,compared to yours,which seems miniscule,but I have been firm this year,as three are still unused in my growhouse,and some in the loft..Two are tucked away behind the shed,with the Daffs and Tulips,for next year..I do keep looking at the empty ones though..:o) A certain lady in Lancs might be on a par with your count ! Lol..Love your garden,with the nice open view..:o)
7 Jun, 2014