Its been so long!!!
By amblealice
I hadn’t realised how long it has been since I updated my blogs!!!!!.
Its been a hectic growing year..The allotment has taken up an aweful lot of time…along with my garden at home…plus my work at The Alnwick Garden….its been a busy year there….what with the visit of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Philip…..there’s not much that will top that!!!…Of course the polytunnel has taken up a lot of time and I enjoyed early crops of lettuce, beetroot and carrots…..not long ago we had a lovely cauliflower too….since then….cucumbers..toms. peppers..peas..and recently an aubergine and butternut squash…..There is a sweet potato plant growing merrily….hopefully in November there will be some tubers to crop!!
We have enjoyed some lovely strawberries….sorry they don’t last long enough to take pics……the apples have been cropped…alas very small this year….but tasty….as were the rasps. The sweetcorn look promising but they are not ready yet. French beans are a bit slow this year..but what we’ve cropped have been tasty……
The dahlias got off to a very slow start and I was a touch worried I would have none to exhibit at our show scheduled for 20 August……however….One has to make the best of what is available……and I managed 4 vases…..and was delighted to obtain 3 red cards (1st prize)…..the only disappointment was that there was not much competition (did I tell you I was competative!!?)….but everyone had the same problem… year is another story…:-))
24 Aug, 2011
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About time you put in an appearance too.! Lol.Only joking pet..I know how busy you have been..and meeting the Queen and Prince Philip..:o).Congratulations on your firsts with your Dahlia's,Lou,they are lovely..well done :o))
24 Aug, 2011
gosh you have been busy.
25 Aug, 2011
Three red cards? ... I thought you'd been sent off! ... Congratulations on them ... Sounds as though you've had some lovely produce from your allotment ... with yet more to come ... :o) . . . . .
25 Aug, 2011
wow Lou you have been busy, i'm out of breath reading it LOL. I wish i could grow cauli,s but no such luck.:o((
26 Aug, 2011
Excellent !!!! Congratulations!! Go Lou Go Lou!!!
What’s your secret my garden has been diabolical this year. Dahlias have been good though.
29 Aug, 2011
Recent posts by amblealice
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- Have you noticed????
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Hiya Alice, nice to hear from you, no wonder you haven`t been around with all that going on. It seems things are doing well for you though, albeit a bit slow with some things, that seems to be happening all over this year, its a right weird one.
A visit from her Majesty !!!!! I agree not much would top that for me either.
Well done with the Dahlia`s.....
24 Aug, 2011