By amblealice
For those of you who remember Tulsalady…I have some sad news. I received an e-mail yesterday from her son Dave. He was kind enough to inform me that Margaret had passed away a few days ago, suddenly….peacefully, with her family around her.
I first met her on GoY….and have chatted about our cycling sons……and exchanged “funnies”…for about 3 years now…..I will miss her.
10 May, 2012
Previous post: Seasons Greetings~!!!
Oh how sad :o( I often had comments from her. I hope her family will find strength to get through this difficult time. Such a shock for them ...
10 May, 2012
Very sad news ...
Here's a poem which Tulsalady published as one of her blogs.
I thought some of you might like to read it again...
The song of the baby seed....
Little brown brother, oh little brown brother,
are you awake in the dark ?
Here we lie cozily close to eachother,
hark to the song of the lark.
Waken the lark says waken and dress you,
put on your green coats so gay.
Blue skies look down on you,
sunshine caress you,
Waken tis morning tis May.
Little brown brother, oh little brown brother,
What kind of flower will you be?
I’ll be a poppy, all red like my mother do be a poppy like me.
What you’re a sun flower,
Oh how I will miss you
when you’ve grown golden and high.
But I'll send all the bees up to kiss you,
Little brown brother goodbye.
10 May, 2012
This is so so sad news AAlice I to had been many pm's from Tlady she will be sadly missed by her family and all on goy.
Thankyou for letting us know.
10 May, 2012
I am so sorry to read this,Lou..how very sad..a really nice lady..I will miss her..and thank you for letting us know. I knew she had a good sense of humour..:o)...and thank you,Terra ,for posting the lovely poem,,I didn't see this ...just lovely...and a nice memory to have...
10 May, 2012
Sad news...thank you for sharing her poem with us TT
10 May, 2012
Oh that is sad, she was a lovely lady. thoughts with her family at this time.
10 May, 2012
Very sad to read this, I well remember Tulsa and shared many a comment with her over the years, she will be missed on Goy.
Thankyou Alice for letting us know and also you Terra for putting her poem on again, its a nice gesture..
10 May, 2012
Thank you for this sad news, RIP Tulsalady
10 May, 2012
So very, very sorry. RIP. Thanks for letting us know AA. X
10 May, 2012
So sad to hear. Best wishes to her family.
11 May, 2012
Oh I am sorry, she had such a good sense of humor and was really fun when one of our blogs 'got running'........I,ll miss her
11 May, 2012
How lovely that she had a loving family around her. She spread that love to us all here on GOY with her witty comments and good advice. I especially remember her hilarity when she and her OH of 46 years in 2009 had a photograph taken at Gretna Green and we all thought they were newly weds. I do hope her avatar and blogs etc can be allowed to remain on GOY.
11 May, 2012
How very sad,our thoughts and condolences go out to her family xx
11 May, 2012
This is so sad, Margaret was so kind to me when cassie was ill, we pmd each other a lot because lucy had the same symptoms as cassie and she wanted to hold onto her a little while longer, she told me funny story's about lucy getting lost or stuck in the garden because she was blind, margaret had to rescue her in her dressing-gown in the snow or rain on numerous occasions, she said, what will the neighbours be thinking! I was only thinking yesterday i should pm her to ask about lucy but im still having computer trouble with goy, going back a page times out and i get blank reply boxes after typing, i dont know if this message will arrive..
im devastated. rip margaret, you lovely, lovely Lady..
11 May, 2012
Thanks Terra for reproducing her poem, I too hope that her family allow her to stay just a little longer
Ydd sometimes when I type nothing appears....then the whole sentence arrives at once, and if I press seen on my homepage it goes but when I go back to my page its back.....
11 May, 2012
Hello every body on GOY.
I'm completely overwhelmed and taken back really by all your kind messages, as a close family this tragic news regarding our mothers sudden death has not really sunk in yet.
Even to this day we are finding new things about our mother, we new she spent to much time on the computer, but we did not realise she enjoyed writing personnel emails, literally to people and friends all over the world on subjects like gardening and wildlife.
Her family, friends, Garden and wildlife where her passion, and not forgetting all the many "Toy" black poodles she had, in fact as a family we have never been without a poodle, when one died, straight away we had another one.
We have a large garden, which many people use to be very envious by, so no doubt myself and dad are going to be busy in the future trying to keep it "ship shape".
Take care everybody.....
Dave (Son)
11 May, 2012
Dear Dave thoughts are with you and your Dad .
Happy memories of your Mums posts.
11 May, 2012
My sincere condolences to you and your family,Dave..I am glad you have responded,as it gives us the chance to tell you how much your mum's 'family' on Goy,will miss her very much..such a shock to us all...and especially her sense of humour..one of our last comments to each other,was about her little tipple to warm her feet in bed ...so funny ...I'm glad you and your dad,will be looking after her garden,as she will always be very much a part of it...take care,..Bloomer..xx
11 May, 2012
Hello Dave ..
Thanks for making the comments at this difficult time.
My thoughts are with you and your Dad.
I enjoyed reading the "Song of the Baby Seed" in your mother's blog, and that's why I re-printed it here .. for anyone who might have missed it first time around.
Good luck with working on your gardens, and there will be lots of GoY members to give advice and encouragement when needed.
11 May, 2012
Deeply sorry to hear about Tulsalady,my condolences to all her family and friends and GOYers that new her.x.
11 May, 2012
Thanks for replying Dave, I,m going to missyour mum......Its nice to think that her garden will carry on, if either of you want tokeep in touch, don't hesitate you'll be most welcome
11 May, 2012
I'm so pleased Dave has been brave enough to come on the forum to talk to us all. I was in two minds about saying anything as I know it is a very private time for the family and everything happened so suddenly.
I'm hoping you won't delete your Mum's account, Dave....and you will be more than welcome to come and chat to us yourself.......you might need some gardening advice!!....:-))....take care.....Lou xx
11 May, 2012
God Bless. X
11 May, 2012
Do stay in touch and let us know how you are all coping.
11 May, 2012
Dear Dave and family,
So sad to hear, can only hope that all the lovely comments will help to soothe the heartache you must be feeling.
12 May, 2012
Hi Lou
Myself and my dad would like to thank you for your kind card and warm thoughts.
We went to visit Margaret this morning in rest and she looked absolutely lovely and at peace. We was very nervous about going at first, but once we saw her we was glad we went and would not of missed this opportunity for the world.
Her funeral is at midday on Monday in Derby. Our family have chosen a slightly different type of coffin for Margaret and hope if a choice had to be made, she would of chosen one with a theme and passion for gardening, flowers, and nature in general. We finally chose this : http://www.colourfulcoffins.com/Design-gallery/Floral/Cottage-Garden.htm
We really didn't like the idea of plain MDF wood and plastic gold hardware, so we thought this would be more in taste for our mother.
We have already had a whole day working in the front garden, cutting grass, re potting pots, weeding and generally and good sweep and tidy up, gosh it looks better for it. Myself and dad are now looking forward to tackling the back garden when life slowly gets back into some normality.....
Dave (Son)
17 May, 2012
Goodness you have been busy Dave...Mum would have been delighted!. I had a look at the casket you chose....its lovely......I'm sure Margaret would approve.
You will all be in my thoughts on Monday; if I had been nearby I would have come to pay my respects...unfortunately I live in Northumberland...a bit too far away(:
take care
18 May, 2012
I do like your choice of casket and will be thinking of you on Monday and in the weeks ahead.
18 May, 2012
Dear Dave I too love your choice of casket .
My thoughts will be with on Monday too.
If I too had lived closer would have come but am in Scotland.
Dave the garden will be good therapy for you both.
Anytime you need to chat please do.
18 May, 2012
I,d not heard of them and just looked, the designs are all lovely but the one you have chosen is very special your mum, I am sure would approve.
Will think of you all on monday
18 May, 2012
I hope Monday is a celebartion of your mum, thoughts with you.
18 May, 2012
Hi Dave I was just reading Terratoonies blog ' a happy ending' and I noticed that Tulsalady had commented a few words, I just thought that you may like to read it,. The story has such a lovely ending.The blog was posted towards the end of april my thoughts will be with you Pam x
20 May, 2012
Thanks for reminding me of that, Pam.
Tulsalady wrote a lovely comment.
Here's the link in case it helps ...
What a lovely choice of casket.
Such a wonderful design ...
20 May, 2012
So sorry to hear this sad news. I too recall the Gretna Green photo.
Such a lovely, happy lady.
30 Jun, 2012
I've only just found this...sorry everyone. I just wanted to say that it is one of the best and most touching blogs I've ever seen on here. The poem is lovely and very poignant...thank you Terra. Reading about how Margeret touched some of our members, and especially YDD's sadness has made me realise again how precious connections really can be made over the WWW! Thank you so much Dave for getting in touch at such a difficult time. now that we are approaching the anniversary of Margaret's passing, I wish you and the rest of the family peace.
10 Apr, 2013
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- Cruise notes!
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How very sad x
10 May, 2012