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Helleborus niger


Also known as: Christmas rose; Setterwort; Settergrass
Bear’s Foot.

Plant folklore: The Cornish call it “The Virgin’s Mantle”
In medieval times it was used to break bad spells and curses and was often planted near the front door. Used to treat insanity and depression. Greeks would pray to Apollo before disturbing its roots. Scattering powered root at your feet as you walk will make you invisible.

Factual inf: The root is poisonous

Image by Wagger

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Hmmm.Will look out for little piles of powdered root ,when I
go shopping.Lots of shop lifters about at this time of year,looking for a new way of not being seen.I could make a citizens you think the police would take me away....Forever? Its the chocolate thats turned my brain,alice.:o((( Lovely flower,by the way.hehe

27 Nov, 2009


While I like this plant it was so invasive my red one had to go.

27 Nov, 2009


Another plant I have lots of, now to treat the! ;o)

Sandra x

30 Nov, 2009

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