Did any of you get an odd private email tody or anytime recently??
Hello Everyone
I just had the oddest private email as if from someone that thinks this site is a meeting place for true love or something of that nature, giving me an email to write to them privately. It doesn’t sound like anything I’ve ever read here before, all broken English too which is a big red flag isn’t it? So needless to say I’m not writing back as it sounds like one of those scams of sorts. I wondered if anyone else had got one?
I’ve been a bit off the grid lately as I haven’t been well. I got a very painful dose of the shingles, never had it before, the pain is wicket! Plus on top of that it seems to me that every day brings a new stresser. Now this rubbish, I dread signing all the time on here, so I don’t, or rarely anyway, that’s why I don’t comment very often, sorry. Ok call me lazy if you like but it’s one of my pet peeves. So to have to sign in and find a private message of this rubbish was disappointing I can tell you. Ok it could be worse!
On another note, we had a wonderful day of heavy rain here today, it’s strange to even hear myself think that never mind write it. It’s just here in LA we get so little rain and it’s the first heavy rain of the season. Can’t remember when we had rain like this, it’s months ago anyway. We had a few days of a few showers but this was good ground soaking rain, I even got a fee car wash out of it. The sound of the rain dripping off roofs and trees here when snug inside was a soothing refreshing sound, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you are all keeping well.
21 Nov, 2011
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The very first PM I received after I joined was one of those, so it put me off for a while. I flagged it when I found out the same message was being randomly sent to a number of members, male and female. As Hywel says, never reply to them.
21 Nov, 2011
Thank you, I'm still in pain but not as much as I was.
When I lived in Ireland it was easy to not like the rain because when it comes down there it doesnt know when to stop, but here it's easy to like it as it's such a novelty. My mother use to love to walk in the rain too. Me eh not so much but I once walked on the beach in the rain, it was nice as I had the beach all to myself.
Thank you Ojibway I will flag the message then as you both have suggested.
I do wonder why people like that bother. They must have nothing better to do.
21 Nov, 2011
It's all down to greed, Angie. If anyone should be unwise enough to answer, the next step is "Can you send me some money so I can fly over to meet you? Better still, give me your bank account number which will be easier for me to access ......." I'm sure you get the drift. Flag it, then ignore it. Hope you're feeling better now. :o)
21 Nov, 2011
I received this e-mail this morning as well. Flagged and deleted.
21 Nov, 2011
Thanks Nariz, I've heard of those scams, daft twitts, why are people stupid enough to respond to them? I'd never be that stupid. Still in pain, but changing pain. Thanks anyway.
Alex So u got one too. I wondered how many have got them. Was it from janeuu? Like any of that rubbish that person wrote would work on savy GOY gardeners! Thanks.
21 Nov, 2011
Yes Angie, it was from janeuu. I'm sure a lot of people received this pm. Doesn't work on savy GOYers...lol.lol.
21 Nov, 2011
I had one too - it really annoys me - they're everywhere , I had one a while ago from someone pretending to be a girl wanting to meet up and me send my bank details to pay for here coming to see me !
I am sorry to hear you have not been well and hope you feel better very soon :)))))))))))
We had a dry summer here and was also nice when we got some rain of course now it doesn't stop :D
Take care :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Angie... I had a message too...
I hope you feel better soon...
Everyone who gets those strange messages should flag them...
21 Nov, 2011
Peter and Ajay will be busy thismorning!!!!!!.....most of seem to have got this one.....
21 Nov, 2011
Alex, Same one then eh!
You got one too Paul. Thank you, I hope this pain goes away soon too, been a month now. Yeah the rain over there it's like someone puled the plug in heaven.
You too Terratoonie, boy they've been busy then. Thanks for the feel better. Soon, soon please soon.
Amblealice, Yes they will be busy won't they
21 Nov, 2011
me too, just said on Pauls blog I feel better knowing I've not been targeted alone.....x
21 Nov, 2011
You too Pamg, these sick no good for nothing people have they really nothing better to do in there won language, they cant evenwrite in English.
21 Nov, 2011
I got one too. I deleted it but forgot to flag it.
21 Nov, 2011
Hope you feel better soon Angie, I have to log in lots of times but I wouldn`t let that keep me off Goy, I sit and curse I will admit that and when submitting a blog I often start on aol and then change to internet explorer.
I stayed away from members blogs for a couple of days last week because I had a comment come up under another name, I am commenting again now and pleased to say it has not happened again, I am checking each time though just to be on the safe side...
Those pm`s are unsettling especially if you have never received one before, luckily the members are usually on the ball and give out the warnings....
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Anjie, sorry you are poorly :~(
I got the same message and I think if you read most of peoples messages today, we all got one. You should 'flag' the response and anyway I think the boys have removed it by now.
Take care. x
21 Nov, 2011
OOh, Shingles! Ouchissimo! You poor soul, Angie. Hope it clears up soon.
21 Nov, 2011
You too Grans!
Lincsiass, Thank you. Oh I understand the cursing bit! If it was only this site I don't think I'd be that bothered by the signing in most times. See sometimes it keeps me logged in, so I duno what is happening. I'm surprised to hear that your comment came up under another name, I must keep my eye on that, how odd!
No I never had a PM like that before, although I kinda remember something. It seems that person or persons was very busy but I think they'll have to be much cleverer than that to achieve what they want to here.
Thank you Grandmage,
Shingles is a nasty number, and my advice to all would be if you ever feel you might have a flare up of them run don't walk to get the antiviral meds. When I went to urgent care first time I only had lots of pain. I told the young know little to nothing of a dr. that I felt it was shingles but she said it was a muscle spasm, so just gave me muscle relaxers and a nerve pain med which didnt do much tokill the pain. Oh the the PAIN! 5 days later the rash broke out. I didn't know about the antiviral med until I looked up shingles on the net. So I was anther 9 days in agony until I could get myself back to urgent care again. You know how visual Drs. are. Oh u have a gash w/blood rushing out, they can see u need stitches. If u have a broken limb they can reset it. U got the picture right? I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way about them. So now I get another young dr. after asking me did I have diabetes, or aids and thinking of what it might be other than shingles because it didn't fit the picture! Oh give me a friken break why are they always trying to give illnesses that I don't have? I finally said to her quite perturbed! Then what else could it be if it's not shingles? Nothing, she said, defeated! So I finally got the antiviral med, the strongest dose I'm please to say and after taking the first pill I could feel something good happening. Phew! So here I am 6 days later, took the last viral pill and much less pain. I have decreased pain meds & hopefully get off these darn meds soon as I hate having to take any. I think part of the rash is infected tho' so that's very painful. So as I said run don't walk to get the antiviral med it works! Don't suffer! Insist!
Thanks Gattina, Yes the pain of shingles is torturous! I'm on the med, I think. It's been a long haul!
Be well all!
21 Nov, 2011
Have we been infiltrated again what with all the french blogs by Lili?
22 Nov, 2011
good morning ( or afternoon to you....:o)) hope you're feeling a bit better, shingles is awful and it seems is difficult to diagnose in its early stages..
I've just flagged one of the french blogs very poorly done in my opinion as we've mainly an english speaking site-- irritating though!!
22 Nov, 2011
It's midnight here Pamg.
Oh yes shingles is painful alright. I never had it before but I was sure it wasn't just a muscle spasm but the spasm triggered it, well, my spine triggered the spasm then that plus stress triggered the shingles. I hate it when Drs. don't listen to me, I always prove them wrong. I'm much less painful today, thanks.
I wondered at those french blogs. So many! I wasn't sure what to do about them. I figured someone else might know. People have little to do don't they?
22 Nov, 2011
I hate the phrase that doctors can and do use "Are you trying to teach me my job?" if you offer your ideas as to what your symptoms feel like and might mean. Well, yes, sometimes. We're all better informed these days thanks to the internet. I speak as someone whose little brother was a doctor.
22 Nov, 2011
Yes Gattia Their egos are big, but I haven't had that said to me, yet, or if I have I can't remember. I just try to stay one step ahead of them tho' I prove them so wrong or surprise them too often. My doc. of 18 yrs. he was a nice dr. without a big ego but sadly passed away about 6 yrs. ago. Said to me once you always diagnose yourself. Most of us know better these days like you said because of the internet but some are glad to take anything their doc. gives them but might not do as they tell them. I find the older a doc gets the more jaded & rude he seems 99% anyway & the youngins know so little. It seems they are mostly taught how to dish out meds these days manners are gone!
22 Nov, 2011
We used to belong to a group practice that had a bunch of youngish male doctors, who "knew it all." Every time you walked into their offices, you got the impression that they just wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible: pencil poised over prescription pad -"You've had it before, you've got it again!" There was also one lovely, middle-aged, motherly lady doctor who actually LISTENED and made you feel she cared about you and that you weren't a nuisance. Naturally, people always wanted to see her rather than the others, and she got so overworked that she became ill herself and had to take early retirement. So we lost her anyway. I'm not so sure it should be called a "Profession" or a "calling" any more. The awful things my brother used to say about his patients would turn your hair white: he didn't seem to care about them at all.
22 Nov, 2011
Oh wow! To hear that Drs. say bad things about their patients just adds to my utter dread of them. I dread having to go to them these days. It's either rudeness, complete lack of thought or care or like u say they have 5 mins. and have the pen in hand. I'm not afraid of them tho' I say what I have to say. I shocked my mother when I was a teenager I told a rude grumpy dr. to f off. I think he later killed my mother from all the drugs he had her on. In retrospect I think she had allergies, the last thing a doc will think of. Yeah, sadly the good one, are few & far between these days. I suppose it's the ego I don't get. Also I'd recommend getting a copy of ones med. records so u can read what they write about u. It has shocked me at times. They tell u one thing then write another. U tell them the symptoms but they write what THEY THINK down! It's no wonder over 100,000 die every year from medical malpractice. That and spreading germs from not washing their hands, as for that stethoscope! Loaded with germs! A good doc wont mind if u ask him/her to wash their hands, I can always tell a young dr. he washes his/her hands in front of u and gives a more detailed exam. They soon get jaded tho'
22 Nov, 2011
When my daughter moved permanently to Italy, her new doctor asked for her previous medical records, and the UK practice refused to send them to her. I complained very vociferously and threatened all sorts of things, and eventually, reluctantly, they said that SHE wasn't allowed to see them, but they would fax her records a page at a time to the Italian doctor, at a cost of £3 a sheet! They had, by law, to send them to any UK doctor she transferred to, so my brother (doctor) sent a request, got them transferred to HIS practice, photocopied the lot and put them in the post to her. Sorted. But isn't it dreadful that one has to descend to trickery like this in order to get fairly treated?
22 Nov, 2011
Crikie! It's good to have a doc in the family them. U have to out wit them! It's the only way. Here you can BUY a copy of your own records but they'll mail them to any dr. free! Now I ask should it not be the other way around? It pays to read what they write about u as it has shocks me at times! If u have a test done at the time of getting the results as for a copy as u'd like to keep up on ur own health. If they don't want to give it keep at them. They may tell u to go to medical records but say sure they will charge me I'm here now I'd like a copy now, I want to follow my own progress. They mostly give in here. On the other hand it's made me my own best doc. I've cured, or greatly improved every thing they told me there was no cure for. Such as Hypoglycemia, severe allergy that went on for 5 mts., chronic fatigue, even leukemia! No thanks to any of them. I can also do natural healing for others. I've fixed problems that people have had for years with just a little prayer or an aura scan after a walk in nature.
Speaking of walks I'm over due one.
22 Nov, 2011
Recent posts by angieindgarden
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- Just a few flowers of the year in passing
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- Join me for a Pacific Sunset
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- For the love of succulents
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- Sign in
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31 Oct, 2010
I've had one of those messages. I've had several over the time I've been here. I flag them all. I hope you did aswell. Never comment on them.
Sorry to hear you haven't been well. I hope your pain has eased now, and that you feel better.
I'm pleased you've had some long needed rain. I love rain. I like to hear it on the roof, and I like to sit in the shed or conservatory and listen to it. I love the way everywhere glistens when it rains, and I love to walk in it, and splash through all the puddles :o) Very few people like it. Most seem to think it's depressing, but I enjoy it :o)
21 Nov, 2011