The Fall before the Spring
By anncee
Hi. I’m joining this site thanks to my friend Whistonlass. Looks like a great site. Just moved to this location in May and have acquired an amazing garden. There’s so much I don’t know about the plants so I’m looking forward to gathering information and ideas.
21 Oct, 2010
More blog posts by anncee
Next post: New kid on the block
You're so right ST. I check out the site soon as I get up - I joined in June and have learned so much in that time. WL has an infectious warmth and enthusiasm, you've made a good friend there I'm sure. My typing's really slow - if it was a bit faster I'd probably spend even more time on the site cos i'd get more into the blogging bit. Looking forward to your questions and blogs anncee. :))
21 Oct, 2010
Welcome Anncee! Looking forward to seeing your photos and watching your garden developing! It's great to have a new garden to look at! Off to look at your profile now.....:))
21 Oct, 2010
welcome to`s a great site
21 Oct, 2010
Welcome Anncee, has wlass explained how easy it is to get addicted, looking forward to seeing your garden.....
21 Oct, 2010
Welcome , hope you enjoy the site as much as I do.
21 Oct, 2010
Hi Anncee, I am sure WL will have half the neighbourhood on this site soon. I tell everyone I know about it. Welcome!
21 Oct, 2010
I am trying, Linda....very trying! lol I know Anncee is going to love the site. We go back a long high school days, grade 8 I think it was and have remained fast friends ever since :)
We'll soon have her addicted to probs.
21 Oct, 2010
A warm welcome from me too, isn't it nice to chat to someone half way around the world. How exciting to have a new garden to discover.
22 Oct, 2010
Happy Gardening Anncee, hope you have a great time on GoY, we all are like minded here, mad about gardening, talking gardening, taking pictures of gardens, and in general just dotty about gardens. Welcome.
22 Oct, 2010
Hello down there in Sechelt!! I'm up here in Kamloops. Welcome to GoY. I have friends that live in Half Moon Bay and some in Gibsons. Which High School were you and Whist at?
I'm sure you will find lots of help for IDing your plants on here. People are wonderful. :o)
22 Oct, 2010
Hi Wistons friend! welcome from me too-- I also enjoy having Goy friends all over, we have Pip in Oz and she's looking forward to summer just as we're dreading the winter!
How far are you and Gilli apart?
22 Oct, 2010
Gilli....I'll answer that question for you. We were at Templeton High in East Vancouver together. a little known secret (haha) here on GOY....Ann introduced me to my now husband (we were both in her wedding party and had our first date on that night all those years ago)....and as they say, the rest is history.
Kamloops is 221 miles from Vancouver....Gilli will know as she's done the drive a heck of a lot more than I and then it's a drive to Horseshoe Bay and a 45 minute ferry ride to Sechelt....(I'm stealing Anncee's thunder here...apologies, Ann).
Yep, it's great to have the worldwide connections...I found a member new-to-me last night too who is in Japan. :)
22 Oct, 2010
Welcome aboard Anncee, look forward to seeing pics of your garden (more ideas for us plantaholics to steal) you will soon find that they`re a very generous lot on Goy, very willing to share ideas and information.
22 Oct, 2010
Thanks Whiston that helps to get an idea of BC, Ann do you live on an island or is it just quicker to travel by ferry ( I'll have to look at google maps!)
Well I've done that and it does look isolated-- google sattellite couldn't see any roads, then I found images-- what a stunning location be interested to know more about the area Ann if you've time
22 Oct, 2010
LOL Whist....I have done that drive many many times. I love the Sunshine Coast. I don't know Templeton High. I went to Delbrook Senior in North Van which burned to the ground in my senior year (1977).
Anncee...I'm going to steal your thunder too....Pam, Sechelt is on the mainland north of Vancouver. You have to take a ferry across the inlet from West Vancouver's Horseshoe Bay to Gibsons but then there is a road which travels north to Sechelt. :o)))))
22 Oct, 2010
Pam...if you look on google maps see if you can find Bowen Island. It's very small and only a 20 minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay (different ferry but goes from the same ferry terminal as Anncee's ferry)...have I got you all confused now? lol If you're interested you can google "Bowen Island" and see some lovely photos. :)
Gilli.....we're having a great race here to beat Anncee at her replies. B.C. is taking over here, me thinks! lol
Templeton is a very large school, about 20 blocks or so from the PNE if that gives you an idea. And I think Anncee came to Temp from Begbie H.S. before I met her. Any snow yet, Gilli? Bet it won't be long coming.
22 Oct, 2010
Welcome to GoY :o) I hope you enjoy it.
22 Oct, 2010
Hallo Anncee - and welcome from me, as well. :-)
22 Oct, 2010
Welcome to G.o.Y. Anncee. :-)
23 Oct, 2010
I'm out this morning but will google when i've time, is it as isolated as it looks-- google maps didn't show roads except for one small area--- thanks for all the info (all of you!!! ;0)))
23 Oct, 2010
Will send you a PM, Pam. :)
23 Oct, 2010
welcome, albeit a bit late :-)
28 Oct, 2010
its so friendly on this site you wont have any time for gardening ~ too busy writing and reading on Grows on You
21 Oct, 2010