'SHOW AND TELL' How to fIx (and make) a Free Birdseed Feeder,
By april
Ever noticed how birds seem to prefer some birdseed feeders to others?
So did I. I also couldn’t understand why the birds in my garden were quite happily using the peanut and the fat ball feeders but not the birdseed feeder.
I decided to do something about it.
After having a good look at the design of both types, mine and my mum’s, I discovered that on the one that I had bought it only had slots for the birds to try to get the seeds out of, but on the other design it was little cups or dishes that the seed went into. This design was the one that the birds seemed to prefer so I set about converting mine.
Simple to do and after having fixed my bought one, I realized how very, very simple they were to make. And although I agree with re-cycling I do not like the thought of all of the fumes going into the atmosphere from re-melting plastic.This way the plastic bottle gets re-used rather than yet again being melted down.
Tools required;-
One stanley knkfe, or craft knife,
A selection of bottle tops,
An empty bottle, (pop, fruit juice, or similar, look out for unusual designs or shapes) Please do not use detergent bottles of any kind…too smelly…
Together with, Either; pieces of cane, or twigs, or lollypop sticks, for perches,
String, scissors, glue, and a tape measure.
With the tape measure, measure the width and depth of the bottle tops.
Cut two or four holes and fit bottle tops, secure with either a small dab of glue or cellotape. (Its probably better to fix at least one of the tops to the lower part pf the bottle, in this way the seed at the bottom will also be used.)
Cut holes just underneath these holes to fit the canes and….
Hey presto.. A free birdseed feeder.
You can also cut down another bottle to make a seed scoop and a funnel to fill your New Free, ‘Please Save the Planet’ Bird Feeder.
Enough feeders in your garden? Why not make one to take with you when out walking, maybe you could it fill with wild bird seed.
Tools required;-
Different shaped bottles make interesting feeders…
Also a Pringles tube, when covered with twiggs or canes makes a really good monkeynut feeder for the squirrills, same principle…(hhmm…maybe next time I’ll paint the tube first!
Best ones win a blue peter badge!!!
The newly remedied shop purchased Birdseed feeder…
12 May, 2010
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cheers, struggled a bit at first, the tops kept on flirtin back inside the bottle, thats when i decided a bit of glue would be a good idea else the bottle top inside the bottle does little else than remind you of a ship in one....
12 May, 2010
Wonderful Ideas April im sure the Little Birds will lovem :)
12 May, 2010
Fantastic idea, you should patent it!!
12 May, 2010
I think maybe coka cola, pepsi, tango, asda, etc...may well have a problem with that idea...lol
12 May, 2010
wel done...fantastic think i may give it a go
12 May, 2010
well done you, its easy, and i dont like melting plastics down, i don't like the thought of all the fumes from it. Mrsmelon, wonderful name...
12 May, 2010
I have just purchased a kit from our garden centre to make a bird feeder from a spent litre bottle of pop, it is meant for children to use, so myself and our grandson made it, he loved doing it, now your idea is different to this one so I think it would sell !
12 May, 2010
its a good way of getting children involvled. my son Daniel (who is also my carer) said 'its not another of your crazy ideas to sell on the internet is it?'
i just said no, but thought maybe if i made enough i could maybe fill them an sell them cheap on a market stall...lol can tell theres not much money in this house...:)
13 May, 2010
Daniel might be interested if you sell them and he can become your agent ! Keep up the inventing thats where Trevor Bayliss began ! :o)
13 May, 2010
ah... you could be right, it's an agent i need. I've had quite a few ideas but don't know how to go about getting them out there and into production :(
another idea i had was a no fix hanging basket or birdfeeder but i'm still working on that one.....and, in a whispered quiet voice...'who's Trevor Bayliss?' excuse my ignorance, my head seems to be full of different stuff to those that know who people are, totally useless with things like gossip columns cos can't ever remember anyones names... keeps me good though, cos it means i can't talk about anyone!....
13 May, 2010
Sorry April, Trevor Bayliss is the guy who invented the wind up radio in his garden shed !! Such a lovely guy, I have seen various prog. about him a very humble chap.
13 May, 2010
You have been busy. Im sure the birds will thank you !
13 May, 2010
I too have seen the plastic bottle kit which is on sale, but it is nowhere near as good as your idea. Well done, April .
13 May, 2010
Fantastic ideas, April. I think that my children would enjoy making these on a rainy afternoon (so long as I use the knife). :-))
13 May, 2010
Felinf, you are so right, the bottle kit I purchased was ok. for our young grandson to make and now its hanging on the tree he is non-plussed about it, I agree April's is a good strong design.
13 May, 2010
yes its good for the children and its a bit like a cross between the game operation and kerplunk when the bottle tops fall inside the bottle, best way of getting them out is with either tweezers or scissors....i've started giving them out to the carers that i have calling, determined to feed as many as i can...not sure some realize how important other species are, afraid i think that the soil that we have around us is more than the percentage vegetation that the so-called experts think it is, i think livestock.....from the tiny fly right thru to the huge big animals go to make up the nutrients in the soil that we make so much use out of....can you tell i'm a veggie as well.....lol x
13 May, 2010
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Very,very clever April...a brilliant bit of re cycling...sure your feathered friends will agree !
12 May, 2010