I've been away from GOY nearly all summer.....
By arbuthnot
It’s been a time of injury, first knee, then back, all thanks to hefting too much in the garden. My heat pad has done sterling service!
Also, we’ve had our son’s wedding (only his third!) but his new wife is delightful and a far cry from the previous two. I never knew I could talk so much since Lucie came into our lives.
We’ve also had to do more to the house. I think this house is jinxed because there is always something going wrong. Yesterday, the main oven refused to get hot. Was it the fault of the oven cleaning man? Or would it have died anyway? I might never know but at least it means the oven will stay sparkling clean until it’s repaired.
My husband’s leukaemia has worsened a bit and there’s now talk of him going on medication. Not a pleasant thought. He’s 82.
However, we spent two weeks in Croatia, a country of stunning scenery and delicious cherry brandy. The Tesco variety is as nothing compared to the lovely stuff produced by small family businesses over there.
Work in the garden and on the allotments slowed down a lot, mainly because one or other of us couldn’t do any. Fortunately, the garden is well enough established now to manage without me for a while though I have been deadheading. Next Spring I’ll take a couple of pictures so you can see the before and after. And I still don’t like the shed! It is useful though, that I can’t deny. There is still much to do on the allotments but it won’t be too long before we can give up one and concentrate on the other which is in a better position.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a cosy winter.
19 Nov, 2017
Previous post: No snowdrops this year
Next post: Such grey days!
Given you a like because you are back, not because of your chapter of incidents! I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Helping with a garden and two allotments sounds rather a burden and you'll be surely relieved to give one up, though it will be hard to do!
Wow - fancy having an oven cleaning man.That's the second person in a week I've heard of employing somebody else to clean the oven - sounds wonderful!
Well its pretty devastating that you still don't like the shed after all that heartache and effort. Perhaps it will grow on you, you can live in hope.
Lets hope you knee and back will fully recover after a long winter rest.
19 Nov, 2017
Liked this for the same reason as Stera.
hope winter is kind to you both and you also have a nice Xmas.
19 Nov, 2017
I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. It's difficult to do things in the garden when we have injuries :( I hope you're all right now.
I hope your husband's medication helps him.
Congratulations to your son and his new wife. Sounds like third time lucky :)
Good luck with your garden and allotment for next spring.
Have a nice Christmas :)
19 Nov, 2017
Hope you have a cozy winter, Verlie. Good vibes to your hub, hope the new meds help. best wishes to your son and daughter-in-law and hope you all have a lovely Christmas.
19 Nov, 2017
Hello there you also have a like from me as a welcome back Arbuthnot, I too haven't posted much this year but unlike you mine was problems with Goy itself. I 'm sorry to hear you've been in the wars and also the news about your husband, hope the medicine helps, willing good vibes your way, pleased you can chat to your new daughter-in-law, life can be so much happier when feeling like that about another person, I hope the couple have a long and happy future in front of them... I hope you have a good Christmas and relax through the winter, let the healing continue...
20 Nov, 2017
I also wish you both all the very best
20 Nov, 2017
Wow, thank you everyone for such kind thoughts and wishes. I know you're all lovely people but I didn't expect such a flow of cheering comments. Thank you so very much, I'm quite touched.
The weather is mixed and we've had some glorious days which, to my mind, is just how winter should be. Alas, we're still in November with it's grey, dark days and frequent rain. It will pass, as all things do.
I have tried Feng Shui in the past, Eirlys, but could never get things right. I have, however, Reikied all the rooms in this house a few times and though it helped it hasn't cleared things completely. I know this estate was built on a disused brickworks but I do wonder what was here before that. I may have to dig a long way down to find out!
PS Can we now click on a Like button on GOY or do we just send 'like' comments?
Thank you again, everybody. If I'm not here again before Christmas, have a wonderful time.
27 Nov, 2017
You can just click on the Like button if you want, it pops your avatar at the side so everyone knows you have been here, I'm miles behind looking through the pics pages so often just click the Like, I don't s'pose I'll ever catch up with all of those, lol.....
27 Nov, 2017
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Well welcome back, Verlie. Good to hear that your injury problems seem to be resolved. Heating pads and ice packs do have their place.
Do hope your husband responds well to any new treatment. I know it's not easy as one ages.
A friend of ours moved into what he called a "jinxed house" : everything that could go wrong, did. I suggested Feng Shui and he tried some advocated ideas. Things did improve afterwards. Co-incidence?
Look forward to next Spring's images.
19 Nov, 2017