Such grey days!
By arbuthnot
I’ve been trying to hibernate this winter as we’ve had so much gloom and damp with only a few sunny days. As someone who suffers from SAD I’ve found this weather particularly difficult. Then I got another injury, this time my arm/shoulder got wrenched when I tried to move the wheelie bin not knowing it had frozen to the ground. It’s taken many weeks with me thinking of every movement before making it. Inevitably, I’d forget and set myself back again.
On the luck front, nothing has improved there. The latest is hearing movements overhead in the loft at dusk, nighttime and early morning. I fear we have a lodger or two and fervently hope it’s mice, not rats. Poison placed up there remains untouched. Finally I contacted a pest control company who promised to call back within 30 mins. Seventeen hours later, having heard nothing, I rang them to get an idea of price. £250! I’ve now contacted the company that rid us of the rat in the garden last year. As they are contracted to the local council I’m hoping they will cost considerably less. I still think the vermin are coming from the tip next door that masquerades as a house and garden.
On the optimistic side, this long month is nearly over and we are that much closer to Spring. I even saw a couple of dunnocks the other day with twiggy bits in their beaks. I tried to tell them it’s too early to build a house but they ignored me. Ho hum, so does my family half the time!
I hope everyone is staying relatively well and that Bamboo continues to improve.
27 Jan, 2018
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Previous post: I've been away from GOY nearly all summer.....
Next post: Too much going on
Verlie, it sounds as if you have been in the wars. Grey days don't help. Do you use those special lights to help with SAD? Only the other day I read about some spectacles that are supposed to be a real help. They sounded expensive!
Do you have a cat? They are pretty good at sorting out mice and rat problems. Or could it be birds landing on your roof? What about bats? If it's the latter you are stuck with them as they are protected.
Two robins that used to be the best of friends here are now squabbling. We wondered if they have suddenly realised Spring is coming and they should be rivals.
Watch that shoulder!
27 Jan, 2018
Stera, when I started my post no one had commented. Now I see that great minds think alike!! :O)
27 Jan, 2018
Maybe we are both batty Eirlys...
27 Jan, 2018
You must deal with the vermin issue asap before they multiply which they do very quickly. Set some spring loaded mouse/rat traps using peanut butter or cheese. They can't resist either & prepare to do battle. I've had a couple sewer rats shimmy their way into my basement. It was hell getting rid of them but I won. It was only three.
I"ve noticed the light getting stronger and lengthening of days are noticeable. Hopefully this will help.
27 Jan, 2018
I wish you all the very best Arbuthnot,I saw a rat in my garden last week on the bird feeders,after reading your blog,and what Bathgate says also,I will ring the council next week.Thank you.
27 Jan, 2018
Well I know rats are good climbers as I have a video somewhere of one climbing up our bird table. That was in the brief time we were cat-less.
Stera : :O)
28 Jan, 2018
I'm sorry to hear you suffer from SAD. This must be a difficult time of year for you.
I don't suffer from it personally, rain and cloudy days don't bother me ... but I tend to feel depressed in snowy weather.
The fact the days are slowly lengthening may help to ease your gloomy feelings.
I hope you can get rid of the vermin, but if the root of the trouble is the mess next door, maybe that's the thing that aught to be tackled. Difficult ! :(
28 Jan, 2018
Rats are one of the few creatures that scare me. Mostly because they are nocturnal and carry all sorts of pathogens.
28 Jan, 2018
Thanks for all your interesting comments. The pest control man came this week and couldn't find any trace of rodent infestation at all. So, if it's bats they would be right up behind the eaves, I've been told. But - it could be birds wintering under the tiles. Sparrows and starlings are the most likely ones. Now, we have about 30 starlings flying round this area (not in decline here!) and they have been nesting under the ridge tiles on one corner for the past two years, so our builder/plumber reckons they are the culprits. Someone is coming for a look see - sometime! Whatever they are they've been relatively quiet the past few nights - and having said that they'll probably make a racket tonight!
At last January, the longest month in the year, has gone and Spring is getting closer.
Who saw the supermoon? Here, while it was very bright, it was a rather ovate shape but definitely not the big orange that we were supposed to see. No idea why.
I've given the blue tits' nest box a good clean and sterilised it with near boiling water so hopefully we'll have tenants again this year. Looking forward to that.
2 Feb, 2018
I am so glad it was not rats.
2 Feb, 2018
Bats are normally hibernating at this time of year so if there are still noises its probably not them.
2 Feb, 2018
I wanted to see the super moon. I love astronomy, but it happened here over night and it's about 5 F degrees out
2 Feb, 2018
Could the noises be made by squirrels? We used to have a gap in the soffit boards and they got in through that. Hope you get sunshine soon to cheer you.
10 Feb, 2018
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21 Nov, 2013
Could you possibly have a bat roost up there? They have different ones in winter and summer. We have a summer one - but must confess we never hear them, just see them fly out from under the eves at dusk. On second thoughts they would all be asleep so another bright idea bites the dust. Have you looked to see if there are any rat/mouse droppings? Hope you can sort it quickly!
27 Jan, 2018