By bellflower
Just wanted to tell my gardening pals about the bargains I picked up this week while out doing some Christmas shopping.
I was wandering round our local shopping centre looking for ideas for presents, and not making much progress I may add. Anyway I remembered I had to pop into Wilkinsons for some thinners for Geoff which he uses to clean his brushes after he’s varnished his walking sticks.
Mission succesful for that at least, but as I was going to pay I saw one of the staff with a big trolley full of packs of bulbs. She had her pricing gun ready primed so I asked if I could see the bulbs. They were all still priced at original cost – about 1.95 on average, but she was very good and advised me they were all about to be reduced.
I couldn’t believe it when she said 20p per pack. So I grabbed a few and she had to mark them up for me. Well I would, wouldn’t I.
I’m just sorry that I couldn’t hang around longer, as I didn’t dare ask for more than a poundsworth of packs as she was obvoiusly busy trying to record and sort them.
How lucky was that, I am only sorry I couldn’t hang around to snap up some more. Just have to wait and see how they perform now. Bought 2 packs of Hyacinths, 1 pack Tulips, 1 of crocus and 1 of daffodils.
So that’s my good luck story, and I advise you all to get down to Wilkinsons and take a look!
PS Hope to show you some photos in the Spring.
17 Nov, 2010
Previous post: TRIP TO PORTUGAL
Next post: Memories of a Summer Outing
Thanks W/lass, time will tell. I was so tempted to try and get back for some more but there just wasn't the time. Still shouldn't be greedy I was very lucky to get these ones.
17 Nov, 2010
What a bargain and something new to look forward to in the Spring.
17 Nov, 2010
It's nice to get a bargain :o) Well done. Pitty you couldn't stay and get some more. Maybe you could make another visit.
17 Nov, 2010
I may be a bloke , but I love a bargain. Well done. :o))
18 Nov, 2010
of to wilkies we will go ...
danceing merrily on our way ...
bargins ,baragins all aglow...
singing away all our woo,s...
walking round and round .. but hey happy days.
woooo hoooooo !!
18 Nov, 2010
Wait for me Cristina!!! Thank you Bellflower! :)))))
18 Nov, 2010
Well done - great bit of bargain-spotting there! :-))
18 Nov, 2010
That was the best sort of retail therapy Bellflower.
18 Nov, 2010
Thank you all for the lovely comments. I will certainly be looking our for them appearing in Spring Lily, fingers crossed. Hywel I thought the same but can't get back until Saturday now, oh well may be worth a try. Thank you for the pat on the back L/legs
Cristina, you can make a poem for every occasion - well done, and Michaella you're welcome, hope you and Cristina may get some too!
Thank you Spritz and Stroller, I agree a bargain indeed.
18 Nov, 2010
well done mags, hope your bargains do well for you :o))
18 Nov, 2010
Thank you San, we shall see. Watch this space!
18 Nov, 2010
haha lol well xmas is on its way . so spend spend spend. our gardens keep us happy dont they .......
18 Nov, 2010
Well done you that was a bargain...
19 Nov, 2010
Thanks Clarice it certainly was, and Cristina I shall expect a lovely Christmas rhyming song soon!
19 Nov, 2010
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- Memories of a Summer Outing
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Bargain! Lucky you....hope they all grow and bloom for you, Bellflower :)
17 Nov, 2010