Memories of a Summer Outing
By bellflower
Just browsing through my pictures and found some of myself and three friends during a weekend away in the Malverns.
We were there Friday to Sunday, and on the Sunday had tickets for the Malvern Flower Show. The weather was very kind to us and we spent a wonderful weekend staying at a b & b a few miles from the Showground which had once been an old oast house (at least I think that’s what it was called). We stayed in 1 of the rooms in the main oast house the first year.
This was our evening dinner table, only about 5 rooms in total so it was nice and quiet. The owners were farming the land around the house and the wife of the farmer cooked us a beautiful 3 course meal which she had taken from the “Britain’s Best Dish” programme on TV. and VERY good it was too.
The following year we went again as it had been such a lovely experience, but she had no room in the main building and we stayed in the private cottage in the grounds this time. It was a lovely big house and we were delighted to have all that space to ourselves.
The Show as I am sure lots of you know is excellent and we had a car full to bursting with plants on the way home not to mention the huge bag of local grown potatoes
we managed to squeeze in as well.
Can’t wait for the chance to go to another organised Show like this, it’s my idea of Heaven!
20 Nov, 2010
Good blog, Bellflower...
happy memories of England at its best ...
Hi Chris ... yes ... there are still some wonderful rural places in the UK ... with lovely flower shows ...
21 Nov, 2010
lovely blog Mags and what a lovely B&B , lovely picture of you all to, glad you enjoyed yourselves so much, would love to go myself, wish baz loved gardening as much as me lol :o)
21 Nov, 2010
Looks like you had a brill time, lovely blog and photos.
21 Nov, 2010
that sounds lovely, and what a very civilised way to visit the show! it would be less than an hour from here but the traffic on the road to the show ground is horrendous and we have been stuck in it for an hour when we went to the show ~ i think that was the year it was nearly abandoned cos of near flooding???
21 Nov, 2010
That looks a lovely place to stay,and pleased you had a good time..of course you did..all those plants.! I have never been to Malvern,and with living in the same county as you,it would have to be a stay over..sounds like a good idea for next year..:o)
21 Nov, 2010
herefordshire is not so far away and is also a very nice place to stay ~ i stayed at a B and B on a farm once ~ very nice.
21 Nov, 2010
herefordshire is not so far away and is also a very nice place to stay ~ i stayed at a B and B on a farm once ~ very nice.
21 Nov, 2010
sorry, dont know what is happening, i have a next to useless internet connection and it keeps crashing as im trying to post this blog ~ now i cant get rid of the comments that shoudnt be there ~ very sorry.
21 Nov, 2010
Nice that you got to the show, and had a great holiday too. It looks a cosy place there :o)
21 Nov, 2010
We all had a great time Chris, and you're right the English Shows are always worth a visit.
Thank you TT, glad you liked it.
San I am still trying to get Geoff to one of these Shows, I am sure he'd love it if he gave it a chance.
Thanks for the nice comments Clarice.
ST we were very lucky to get a good day, weather can make such a difference. Never been to Herefordshire but it sounds lovely. Glad it's not just me has probelms with things on the computer.
Hywel it was so relaxing. Not close to any amenities or anything but would be lovely for walkers, and we drove into a small market town not far away (can't remember the name - of course!) and had some dinner there and a lovely walk around.
Thanks all for taking the time to read my blog.
21 Nov, 2010
nice comment Sticki..twice...Lol:o)).I am always pressing the wrong key..usually when I am almost at the end of a comment....and have to start over...grrr.
21 Nov, 2010
We went to Malvern this year too for our wedding anniversay Bellflower,stayed overnight in posh hotel,I came back with far too many plants too,lol.
Lovely B+B :-)
Took us hours to get home though,we'd lent the sat nav to some friends though, and somehow they'd changed the home address, took us 40 miles in the wrong direction before hubby realised!!!!!
22 Nov, 2010
Bet you don't make that mistake again Simbad! Glad you had a good time though it's a lovely place.
22 Nov, 2010
loks a lovely place . gud food ... gud company . lovely suroundings wotmore cud u want ... stuning house !!!!
22 Nov, 2010
It was a beautiful place Cristina, peace and quiet, total relaxation for a couple of days (except for the dash round the Show to get it all seen before the end!). Must get back to that Show again if I can.
22 Nov, 2010
simbad you made me laugh ~ sounds like when i am map-reading ~ i hate it but OH makes me do it. when ive gone wrong ~ which i always do ~ i have trouble admitting it so then we go even further out of the way!!
22 Nov, 2010
i think your right mags, i tell baz if he went he may enjoy it, he did when i got him to go to a stately home and gardens.
22 Nov, 2010
Maybe I'll manage it next year then San!
23 Nov, 2010
do what i did mags look somewhere up close by then tell him your going out for the day but dont tell him where till you set off lol, baz even recognised a rhoidendron, couldnt believe what i was hearing lol
23 Nov, 2010
See what I can do then San. Watch this space!
23 Nov, 2010
lol mags, good luck
23 Nov, 2010
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Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Sometimes I miss England and its flower shows.
21 Nov, 2010