What's Been Happening Here In N.E. Downunder.
By bernieh
Here in my north-east corner of Australia we’re into the beginning of Autumn. We don’t see beautiful Autumn colours or experience significant changes in weather and conditions, apart from a slight cooling of the temperatures.
As Autumn begins here in the north, our wet season’s end is approaching. This wet season was much, much drier than usual, and we’ve had much less rain than we’ve had for the last few years. That’s all part of the cycle we see here though. We get decent wet season for about five years in a row, and then there’s often a break.
Anyway, I’m adding links to my Friday Flower Flaunt posts that I write up on my own blog. For those who are interested in what’s been blooming through March … our first Autumn month … just click on the links below.
Nearing The End Of Our First Autumn Month
23 Mar, 2013
Previous post: End-of-Spring in my Downunder Garden.
Next post: For Sticki - Mimosa pudica or Sensitive Plant. This is the plant we refer to as 'mimosa'.
I'm glad you enjoyed them Diane.
23 Mar, 2013
You live in a beautiful corner of the planet. And you make nice recordings of this.
23 Mar, 2013
I enjoyed your blogs Bernieh. I tried leaving a comment but it didn't work.
Fancy having a Passion Flower as a weed lol ... It's very pretty, but I'm sorry to hear it smells horrible.
23 Mar, 2013
So many beautiful flowers, and so different from those we see here. Your photos are lovely.
If only we could share out the weather it would be so much better, we had too much rain! And now we have snow.
23 Mar, 2013
Thank you Katarina. That's one of the things I love about blogging. It's just a way of keeping a diary or a journal really.
23 Mar, 2013
Hywel, sorry you couldn't leave a comment on the blog itself, but it's great to see your comment here anyway.
Yes, the Passiflora foetida is an environmental weed here. Shame isn't it!!
Sticki, we want some of your rain, maybe not the snow. The rain would be most appreciated though. I do so hope you get some lovely Spring weather soon.
23 Mar, 2013
You can definitely have our rain, Bernie - we've got far too much again. Oh for some blue sky - we haven't seen it for ages.
Lovely 'weed'. Wish mine looked like that!
23 Mar, 2013
I would definitely trade if I could, Spritz. We have had a few showers in the last two days, but that still hasn't made up for the lack of a decent wet season. It's going to be a long, long dry season this year.
The weed is quite lovely, but it has to go.
23 Mar, 2013
Oh what a contrast to what I`m looking at through my window, snow, snow and more snow.
You have so many beautiful plants I do hope you get some of the rain your hoping for.
23 Mar, 2013
Stroller, I hope that outlook changes to something more like a Spring for you soon.
As our dry season usually starts in April, the outlook for more rain is not good. We had a few light showers today which was lovely but has done nothing to really penetrate the ground.
23 Mar, 2013
Bernieh you posted on the right day, lol, like many of us I'm sat looking out at the snow, falling very heavily and hiding most of my spring flowers, the poor daffodils are droopy yet again but at least I can still see them, its always lovely to see the shrubs and flowers growing happily in your garden and I'm another who envy`s you your weed, take care no matter what the weather throws at you, I'm off to get lost in your blogs and pretend I'm BASKING in the sunshine..LOL......
23 Mar, 2013
Loved your blogs Bernieh......gives us here in the UK something to look forward to. There is hope after the snow. :0))))
23 Mar, 2013
I'm glad I managed to cheer up your day, Lincslass. I've been watching the news reports about the weather over there. Apparently parts have had the coldest March temps in nearly 50 years!
23 Mar, 2013
There's always Spring after the snow, Linda. It's just taking a little longer this year apparently. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the photos on my blog. There are blooms here all year round, so that's a plus for living in the tropics.
23 Mar, 2013
Oh yes, 1962 was my first winter at work, a spring chick, lol, I can remember leaving work at 5pm and heading straight to the river to watch my pals walking and skating on it near the town bridge, 1968 the year my son was born April 7th was the same, admiring the daffodils from the hospital windows and hoping the snow and ice disappeared before I went home with my new babe, lol... although we have the snow again here in my part of the country its not freezing at the moment as it was 2/3 wks back so thats a slight improvement...
23 Mar, 2013
Sending rain and snow your way!
Fab photos and love the gum tree..
23 Mar, 2013
How shall we send the rain over? Via iCloud??!!
23 Mar, 2013
I think we should Sticki!
23 Mar, 2013
I can upload rain, sleet and snow oh and hail to the cloud?!
23 Mar, 2013
Lol, Sticki, love the idea of iCloud! That should work!
23 Mar, 2013
;-))) it's on it's way..........here it is! {|#*|#*|#}....rain, sleet and snow!
23 Mar, 2013
Righto, I'll be on the lookout!!! There are some grey clouds out there.
23 Mar, 2013
How I wish we could send you some of our rain - we have had more than enough, thank you, for this last year! To think that at this time last year we were moaning about the heat & drought & the hose pipe ban that was coming into effect in some parts of the country! Just a few days after it came into effect in our region the deluge began! We haven't had much dry weather since then. If we start moaning about the weather being too wet we are likely to end up with a drought like they had here the year our 2nd son was born, 1976!
I'm at least 4 months behind on the allotments! It's sooooo frustrating not being able to get down.
24 Mar, 2013
Balcony, it's always amazing how different one year can be to the next. Over here I have been moaning about not having a wet season, and this time last year I was moaning about how long the wet season had been! It's all about cycles isn't it?
I know the garden will suffer through the long dry season though as a result of the pitiful wet we've had so far, and that's going to be a real concern.
I hope you get a break soon, and get down to your allotments. I know you'll be so much happier when you get some dirt on your hands, lol!!!
26 Mar, 2013
You are quite right! Another week has gone by without my being able to get down there! I had intended to go down yesterday by the wind was so cold & both my wife & I felt cold during the middle of the day, even at home, I decided not to go down after all. :-((
Today we have our grandson with us all day so I can't go down either, not that the cold East wind has died down yet. In fact it's forecast to continue during the first week of April! :-((
The only good news is that we are no longer forecast a white Easter! :-))
28 Mar, 2013
Recent posts by bernieh
- So, Yesterday Was Australia Day Downunder ...
27 Jan, 2014
- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like A Tropical Christmas.
11 Dec, 2013
- The End of our Wintertime Draws Near ... Downunder.
11 Aug, 2013
- For Sticki - Mimosa pudica or Sensitive Plant. This is the plant we refer to as 'mimosa'.
13 Apr, 2013
- End-of-Spring in my Downunder Garden.
25 Nov, 2012
- Recipe for Easy Peasy Lemonade Scones
28 Oct, 2012
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Thank you Bernieh, for the lovely photographs.
23 Mar, 2013