Lidl Gardening offers.
By bikerbob
Hi all, Check to see if its in your area.
2 Mar, 2011
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There are a few Lidl shops around here. They have good garden bargains, and good electrical stuff aswell. I've bought a microwave and a music centre from there. They are excellent ! And a checked over coat I bought from there a few years ago. It's still going strong :o))
3 Mar, 2011
Yes I shop at our local Lidl every week and am hoping to get some propogators this week if they have any left. The problem is that they usually don't have many of each thing at our local store, but they are certainly good value for a lot of things.
3 Mar, 2011
Some really good buy's there and if you check bathroom buy's for the 10th of March they have some more good gardening offer's then :-)
3 Mar, 2011
Just love Aldis and Lidles. Very good on the gardening front at this tme of year. I bought cherry and plum trees there about 5yrs ago -they are doing very well.
I planted an ornamental cherry and a flowering crab for my mother two years ago and they blossomed well last year.
Good for groceries too!
4 Mar, 2011
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Thanks Bob just had a look some good stuff also went into my loccal Aldi and they also had some good bits and pieces ie Capillary matting, seeds bulbs and lots more :)
2 Mar, 2011