Holiday photos part 3
After another long week of working the nightshift i have not had time to do anything in the garden so i thought i would post a few more scenic pictures of my recent holiday. Hope you enjoy the views.
I’m not sure where this is but its either Switzerland or Italy.
Could be lake Garda, but again not sure..
This is definitely the unforgettable Stelvio Pass, i still can not believe i went this high up a mountain in a car!
Lake Garda
Stopped off for a quick shot of Monaco before we tried to drive round the Grand Prix track.
St Tropez
A thirsty DSBSS ASBO SOFA or Goose in Barcelona
Barcelona Courtyard.
What a lovely view on the ferry on the last leg of our journey. No not me ! The sunset!
29 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Holiday part 2
Next post: Pictures from my winter holiday.
I've been looking forward to another blog of your photos of places you can't remember where they are... Lol.
excellent.. I am not disappointed ... wonderful pics :o)
29 Oct, 2011
Lovely photos, including the last one !!
29 Oct, 2011
Thanks everyone... I do have a lot of photographs of this holiday, but i've tried to keep them scenic rather than the ones with tins of spam and a shower cap on my head on a mountain side. Terra yes i'm at it again with my 'i haven't a clue where this is' pictures. I do like the sunset on the last one too Cinderella, i've surprised myself that I've put one of myself on there as i hate having my photograph taken.
29 Oct, 2011
Have i got it right is that a swan or a duck? lol
29 Oct, 2011
Great pics again Bill, of one place or could not have taken the "shot" of Monaco i would have been too, you have been to some lovely places.. :o)
29 Oct, 2011
Swan or a duck.. ??? definitely not a budgie ;o)
29 Oct, 2011
Lovely photos Bill :)
29 Oct, 2011
no i dont think its a budgie either Tt..the tails too
29 Oct, 2011
Lol... Joanella ... and a budgie would have a necklace of black spots... ;o)
29 Oct, 2011
true..there again i doubt you would find them drinking from puddles in it must be a swan or
29 Oct, 2011
Thanks Joanella and Franny it was a long drive but well worth it.
Terratoonie and Joanella I shall call the duck/swan/budgie Susie Swannie!
29 Oct, 2011
Joanella ..glad we can rely on you, every time, for bird identifications... ;o)
29 Oct, 2011
Susie Swannie ...? looks like Donald Duck to me ...
29 Oct, 2011
thats a great name Bill..i would call it DSBSS for short..Tt didnt you know i used to be an
29 Oct, 2011
I'm totally confused now Terratoonie..Am i going loopy is it a duck or a swan? ( i know its not a budgie so don't try and confuse me more) lol
29 Oct, 2011
Joanella what is a DSBSS ? lol
29 Oct, 2011
Duck .. or Swan .. or ...
Lesser-spotted Barcelona Goose ...
29 Oct, 2011
its a duck swan budgie susie
29 Oct, 2011
I shall edit my blog right now and change it to that !
29 Oct, 2011
Albino short legged Flamingo?
29 Oct, 2011
Albino Short Barcelona Ostrich..
ASBO ...
29 Oct, 2011
Ha ha , Bill i like it..i think thats funny..:o)
29 Oct, 2011
lol Tt..
29 Oct, 2011
Somehow now i think i'm having the mickey taken out of me. Next you will be telling me its a mutant mouse with 2 feet and a long neck !
29 Oct, 2011
Taking the Mickey Mouse .... ? ... never...
goodnight GoYers... more tomorrow :o)
29 Oct, 2011
how about..short ostrich flamingo albino..aka..SOFA. Bill hang on you may have to edit it
29 Oct, 2011
Goodnight Terratoonie thanks for making me smile.
29 Oct, 2011
29 Oct, 2011
I don't know if you noticed Joanella but i've changed it lol
29 Oct, 2011
yes i did, thats when i said ..i think thats funny lol....goodnight Tt..i am off now too, so goodnight to you bill..:o))
29 Oct, 2011
Aah! Bill, I LOVE Bruges - one of my favourite cities in the world - did you get a chance to explore? I can't understand why you look so happy to be going home when you've just had such an incredible holiday!
29 Oct, 2011
Goodnight Joanella you made me smile too lol..
29 Oct, 2011
Ha ha just seen it again... now thats funny..gnight..
29 Oct, 2011
We wanted to stay there overnight Gattina so we tried to drive from Barcelona straight to Bruges but we didn't quite make it and stayed somwhere (yes i dont know where lol) so we only had a few hours before the ferry. We got there around 430pm when all the shops and places were shutting,so we walked around the town for a couple of hours. My friend wants to go back there for a couple of days. I wasn't happy to go home but we'd just been doing a silly video for something to look back at, but instead of having it on video he'd taken pictures instead lol
29 Oct, 2011
Great photos Bill
29 Oct, 2011
Great pics of your holiday. I enjoyed looking through them.
30 Oct, 2011
What a fantastic holiday that must have been! Love the first pic!
30 Oct, 2011
If you can include a Sunday when you go back to Bruges, Bill, there's an amazing market that covers almost an acre, full of antique and second-hand stalls. (Don't know whether that sort of thing floats your boat!) Fabulous place.
30 Oct, 2011
You saw some wonderful sights. Thanks for sharing them :o)
30 Oct, 2011
You have had an amazing holiday Bill, I`ve enjoyed seeing your photo`s they are really lovely, thankyou for sharing them. I thought the bird was a goose, lol...
30 Oct, 2011
Oh Lincslass dont confuse me more but i shall edit it yet again (or just delete the picture :-p)
Thanks Linclass,Hywel,Nariz,Dwyllis,Sheilar glad you all liked them, hopefully next year i can do something similar.
30 Oct, 2011
Bill ding Site ...
I think I know your auntie ...
... from The Netherlands ....
30 Oct, 2011
Bill please don`t delete it, its a very good photograph, it pleases me to see birds on members photo`s, my own holiday snaps always have loads of my feathered friends amongst them, I was only going by the shape of the head and beak...
30 Oct, 2011
Hi Lincs...
earlier on this thread one of my suggestions was a Lesser Spotted Barcelona Goose.... Lol...
I agree with you ...
... keep the holiday birdie pix. in... :o)
30 Oct, 2011
LOL. Thats a good name Terra....
30 Oct, 2011
Brill blog my you saw some lovely places.
30 Oct, 2011
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wow great pics loving the name
29 Oct, 2011