The March Garden as the clocks change
By bjs
We move on with the season snowdrops just a memory, Hellebores seem to be flowering for ever.
Many new buds starting to show, some peonies are well forward Camellias, Rhododendrons and Magnolias all have there first blooms although the latter has suffered in strong winds today, a large number of blooms just showing colour have been blown right off the tree, would estimate at least one hundred are lying on the ground .
Will start with a few Primula the first one ‘High Point’ originated in the United States and is putting on a really good display
The next two my own raising
This one goes back a long way as many of my plants do originally given by the late Stuart Boothman when he was closing down his nursery around 1980
Another old friend,for anyone starting out with Camellias this nigh indestructible grows fast but easily pruned
also have one about three feet high bought Sainsbury 2012 for £3 in a three inch pot.
This one many have seen before, up to now no frost to wreck it this year,
Now seems hard to believe it started life on the AGS show benches in a six inch pot. How long ago? well I still had hair on my head and most of that was gone in my thirties it was getting married that started it.
Pauline says this my best picture so far this year
Corydalis under a large Acer
This very low growing Rhododendron another one that is a martyr to frost
This one kept its head down for a long time this spring ,but making up for it now.
back in the alpine house for this one temperamental family
29 Mar, 2015
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The primulas you have raised are breathtaking and so are the hellebores - they just go on getting better don't they?
29 Mar, 2015
Have to agree with Stera...and Pauline! This was a real pleasure to view Brian, and you are right about Debbie. She was my first Camellia and once established a good show every year. Wish my current ones were as good. Looks like there will be a real lack of flowers this spring...I can't see many, if any flower buds on any of my five shrubs. One is just a baby, but the others are older and have no excuses! I'll feed them and water them better this year and see if that works.
29 Mar, 2015
Lovely Brian,as usual.I some seedlings of that Frit,so hopefully in a few more years they will match yours.
29 Mar, 2015
.....and not a single Rhody flower yet either.
29 Mar, 2015
Lovely pics
30 Mar, 2015
don't despair the Rhododendrons I have in flower are early species ones not the larger flowered hybrids and of course with most things you would be a couple of weeks later than me.
I cheated bought the bulbs ,remains to be seen if they flower next year.
30 Mar, 2015
So many fantastic plants in there, your garden must be such a lovely place to be in and to look at right now, so vibrant and colourfull on this windswept, dingy looking springday. I particularly like the white hellebore Betty Ranicar and the white rody williamsyanum.
30 Mar, 2015
Pauline must have had difficulty choosing a favourite photo, they are all super. Beautiful plants.
30 Mar, 2015
Yet another lovely blog of some amazing plants, really enjoyed it :-)
I was so excited today, last year I was sent a couple of young plants of Arisaema Amurense I planted them and completely forgot about them until today when I found the labels and two plants about 4inch tall!!, do you grow them Bjs?
30 Mar, 2015
Lovely blog. The white hellebore is amazing. Love the corydalis, is it a named variety?
30 Mar, 2015
The Primula are just breathtaking Brian, love them all...and I do like the white Hellebore a new one to me....
like you the gales have whipped the heads off at least 50 of our Camellias, never had this happen before, such a shame, and the rest have been scorched by the salt leaden winds...and yes I agree with Pauline, although a difficult choice!!
30 Mar, 2015
yes I do have Amurense and they are a similar height
The few others I have are all quite a bit later showing up.
Corydalis came to me many years ago unnamed but I bought George baker and can see no difference between them.
30 Mar, 2015
I love each primula equally, what a splendid collection.
You must have a truly beautiful garden.
Which time of year do you think it is at its best?
30 Mar, 2015
Most years middle of March until the middle of June, very much a spring garden but with help from what other Goyers grow I am slowly extending it.
31 Mar, 2015
It is hard to choose a favourite photo from your garden Bjs. Of this batch I think Pauline is right. You not only take lovely photos but you paint pretty pictures with your plants. Having had the privilege of wandering around your garden I would give you a gold medal at any time of year as you have plenty to see in all seasons.
31 Mar, 2015
Out with it which plants do you want? gold medal more like a bronze most months of the year lol
I know I have a lot of plants and many are well established but it rarely looks tidy to my eye, painting a picture is probably what its about, when taking pictures I am looking for the angle that looks good often I will walk right around a plant to see its best side same goes for the pots I turn them full circle, unintentionally I am I suppose looking for a painting.
This reminds me that there is one of Jamie that sums up what we are saying. Will post it
31 Mar, 2015
I think he has been here before lol. I'll give him a gold medal too. I'm sure he has an Equity card.
31 Mar, 2015
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Its amazing how well most are coping with todays gales really, it seems that its been the same all over Brian, although thinking back to what happened in parts of the country last year I guess we have to be thankful and relieved..
Another wonderful display from your garden, I've had a second look and think Pauline has made a good choice, it seems the Hellebores are having a great year, I love them as they seem to go on for months, never seen the Betty Ranicar before, its a beauty and another to look out for, my wishlist grows ever longer...
Cannot grow Rhodo's here, they wouldn't like my soil but I do like them, although I do have a Camellia in a pot (Mothers day last year) I'm eagerly awaiting some blooms, its a lovely pink one but blowed if I can think of the name...
You know I love the primula's, pleased to say the ones you sent me all have blooms, once again thankyou, I'm thrilled to bits with them and must put some pics up to show you, I am really chuffed, its amazing how much they have grown in a year...
29 Mar, 2015