A few more before April is just a memory
By bjs
This is a good value plant has performed well for around ten years, it is in a pot
This is an easy one for the glass house sets many seed
Starting to get amongst the big boys,for maisiesdad this is where we might loose you lol
27 Apr, 2015
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Siris I have been to Exbury several times in the past and Know a couple of Rhodos in the garden came from there at least 35 years ago others came from Chappells in the forest and other from MacPenny, that was my favourite always made for there when that way
27 Apr, 2015
Wonderful Rhidodendrons adore the Lewisia Tweedi Alba.
27 Apr, 2015
Bjs, we might have passed at these nurseries in the past. Peter Chappell dug me a piece of Begonia evansiana from his garden on one occasion. What an enthusiast.
28 Apr, 2015
Beautiful plants, Brian. I too love the Lewisia - so elegant!
28 Apr, 2015
My garden is so far behind this Brian. The Lewisia is amazing.
28 Apr, 2015
Linda as I have said before in a few weeks my spring will be finished then you will be able to show your spring flowers
28 Apr, 2015
Lovely flowers, Brian! Like others I especially liked the the Lewisia Tweedi Alba. Does it need acid soil like the Rhodos?
29 Apr, 2015
Balcony does not need acid soil, I think maybe the picture is rather deceiving as it is growing in a 5in pot that I had placed outside to take the picture. it is a high mountain plant from the USA. flower size about 2in across.
Just noticed I said at the beginning it was in a pot
matters not.lol
29 Apr, 2015
That is true Brian .........we had snow a couple of days ago.
29 Apr, 2015
I did enjoy, especially seeing those two hosta plants. I purchased Cracker Crumbs last week while in Suffolk and 3 others too. I saw Remember Me and now wish I had bought that one too, very striking.
3 May, 2015
You are quite right about saying it is in a pot. Although I could grow acid loving plants in pots I've only ever grown a couple of Azaleas in Spain & a Camellia my wife bought me for my birthday once on the balcony here in the UK. The Camellia lasted 2 or 3 years before mysteriously dying on me for no apparent reason.
6 May, 2015
How beautiful it is ! Love all the flowers , Brian xxx
16 May, 2015
thank you
17 May, 2015
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Visited Exbury last year, mid May, collection of Rothchild Rhodos, hugh and spectacular. Your collection is lovely and early? for the time of year. Suppose it depends on the aspect, my neighbours' azaleas are in full bloom, mine not.
27 Apr, 2015