back after a long time away
By blah13
Hello to everybody. I hope all is well. Well its been a few months since ive visited. Unfortunately after my last visit my dad took ill and passed away so its been a few hard months keeping my mum occupied and what not. But ive been busying myself now and ive started garthering stuff up for the summer and spring time. Dinner plate headed dahlia corms have arrived ( not sure if ive called that right) also chocolate scented dahlias. Some bleeding heart bulbs also. Begonias etc. Waiting on other bits and pieces also. The bulbs in the plot are coming up well. Hopefully i will have a few pics over the next few days. Going to go now and have a wee jook thru photos and what not. But Im Happy to be back and hopefully get talking to you al soon
12 Feb, 2010
More blog posts by blah13
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Next post: spring bulb plot
Welcome back Blah sorry2hear about ur Dad ,
12 Feb, 2010
good to see you back Blah after your sad loss, keep smiling.
12 Feb, 2010
Welcome back after your sad time. It's nice to see you again. :-)
12 Feb, 2010
Wellcome back sorry about your sad news.
12 Feb, 2010
Mmmm...chocolate dahlia's......welcome back Blah.
12 Feb, 2010
hello all. Thank you we are gettin there. Its good to be back cant wait for all this cold icy weather to go and get back outside. took a few pics so goin to load them up now. Thanks again and looking forward to a great spring and summer for us all we all deserve it after the winter we've had :-)
14 Feb, 2010
Hi Blah, was wondering where you'd got to. Sorry to hear your sad news, but nice to hear from you again.
14 Feb, 2010
Welcome back, Blah...
Sorry to hear your sad news...
16 Feb, 2010
Thanks Uma & Skillen et al its good to get back to the fold :>)
16 Feb, 2010
Great to have you here with us again :o)
28 Feb, 2010
Recent posts by blah13
- away a while but been busy
25 May, 2010
- spring bulb plot
5 Mar, 2010
- missing
27 Nov, 2009
- The beginning
12 Oct, 2009
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nice that you're back Blah but I'm sorry to hear about your difficult few months, looking forward to seeing your photo's and if the dahlias really smell of chocolate :0)
12 Feb, 2010