Mothers day,and Birthday boy :o)
By bloomer
We celebrated with our Grandson Thomas,along with his other Grandparents,friends and Family,with a lovely 1st birthday party,for him,and Mothers Day ,for both Grandma’s.
His mum and dad,did us all proud,with a wonderful buffet…
..and his mum made my chocolate cake recipe ,for his Birthday cake,it was delicious…
Head of the table..of course..
Quick no one’s looking! I’ve been trying to have a go at this for ages!
Yay,made it..! erm,are you going to help me back down,Grandad?
Time for some musical entertainment now,any requests?
No,sorry,I can’t do it quietly…
Its even given me a headache..ooh,this book looks nice,mum..
Can I eat this magic pen? what..its not chocolate ?
As you will see,we had a great day,and he was in bed ,fast asleep by 8.30pm,and had to be woken up to go to Nursery this morning!..
4 Apr, 2011
Previous post: The Party's over !
Next post: I'm not getting involved..yet !
Och! Bless! Looks like a jolly good time had by all!
Cutest wee boy! Have to get a gate for the stairs now he's been found out! Yummy looking cake!!
4 Apr, 2011
great party!
4 Apr, 2011
The look on his little face at the top of those stairs, he knows he`s not really supposed to have done that but at the same time is waiting for his praise, bless him, looks happy amongst his presents, I hope you sang along to his music..
Lovely happy photo`s......
4 Apr, 2011
Looks like you all had a very happy family day. Thomas looks a real treasure.
5 Apr, 2011
Happy Birthday Thomas ! :o)
5 Apr, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS - lovely pictures :):)
5 Apr, 2011
Lovely blog Bloomer :o)))))))
5 Apr, 2011
What a lovely family day thanks for sharing Bloomer :-)
5 Apr, 2011
Thank you 6d,it was lovely..hope he is a while before eyeing the girls up,although he quite likes his little friend,Sophie ..! could be her toys though .Lol
Cheers Libet..there are 2 safety gates at the ready..which is NOW ! The cake was lovely,and every bit as good as Alison was well pleased..:o)
Thanks was a great party..I think thats it for a while,as we seem to have been on the go for a few weekends now..but not complaining..Lol
We know that look of "I've done it" ,very well.,Lincslass,.but its better to let them try,and get used to it,under supervision,of course..Only way they are going to learn..even all the bumps and knocks along the way..! We did try to hum along,but think it could have been 'Indie' or 'Garage' music,so struggled a bit.Lol
Thank you Mariek,it is so nice to have some family gatherings..that's what its all about..and Thomas enjoys it too..:o)
Thank you for your good wishes,Hywel,I will pass it on,when I see him,and from you as well,Paul..:o)
Glad you enjoyed it Annella..and also you,Teds..the best days aren't they? so many lovely memories to have.:o)
5 Apr, 2011
Ah.. Bloomer he's a little smasher, a gorgeous boy...glad you all had a wonderful day xx
5 Apr, 2011
Thanks Moti,hope you had a lovely day too..:o)
5 Apr, 2011
I had to laugh Sandra you saying it could be her toys lol.
5 Apr, 2011
lovely pics.. glad you all had a lovely time.... my grandson Alex is nearly one....
5 Apr, 2011
:o)) 6d..she is playing hard to get,Lol.
Thanks Holly,so you will have something to look forward to,as well...:o)
5 Apr, 2011
She knows her stuff then a good Yorkshire lass then.:o))
5 Apr, 2011
5 Apr, 2011
5 Apr, 2011
glad you all enjoyed thomas birthday, cake looked yummy and lots of pressies to, cute little thomas:o)
5 Apr, 2011
Thanks San,another lovely weekend..could get used to this ! I don't know where they are going to put all his pressies, as he got some from the week before too..the cake was lovely..a firm family favourite..Thomas had a fun filled time,and lots of attention :o)
6 Apr, 2011
I still can't believe Thomas is one year old ... doesn't seem so long ago he was featured as a newborn! He has the cheekiest smile ever! In pic 4 he looks like he's asking for a top-up ... lol! : o )_
9 Apr, 2011
Neither can I ,Shirley..we had him for the day ,yesterday,and met up with his other
grandparents for a pub lunch..he was as good as gold..cos he was eating ! Lol.He won all their hearts in the pub too,and landlord gave us a chocolate and raisin bar for him.He has gone on a weekend break with his little mate,Rowan and both mums..her parents have a caravan near Skipton..apparently,they are having great time :o)
Nice for Anthony too,he has his own space today..and can watch Man U,in peace..and go to the cricket club !
Ps..just seen your comment on Carole's blog,about the chocolate cake,..the one on this blog for Thomas is the same will let you have the recipe..
9 Apr, 2011
Thanks, Sandra, I'll look out for it. I think it's good for them to have their 'own space' now and then. : o ))
9 Apr, 2011
Definitely,Shirley..I agree..:o)
9 Apr, 2011
I think you're having too much fun Bloomer, every time I look you're celebrating something...or going on a mini can't be good for you:-( He's very cute though and I bet you bought him that xylophone thingummy...Britain's Got Talent next?:-)
9 Apr, 2011
Lol,Ba..too much of a good they say..Lol. his other Grandparents bought him that..but we almost bought him some drums ha ha.only joking..but he does love music..I couldn't be so cruel to his mum and dad ! He does have his own wooden spoon,so thats a start..
9 Apr, 2011
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What a lovely party you all had and Thomas looks thrilled about his party and presents and dareing lol typical lad hehe, can see by his little cute face he enjoyed it, he'll brake the girls hearts when he's older, what a lovely cake your daughter made love it.
4 Apr, 2011