The Party's over !
By bloomer
Some of you know that our grandson,Thomas,and his best friend,Rowan,were having a joint Naming and Blessing ceremony yesterday,at the local Church.It is very similar to a christening,but a bit less formal.The vicar had never performed one before,but was very pleased to do so.
Afterwards,we had a lovely buffet,and children’s party,with entertainment in the form of face painting and balloon making..strictly for the children ,I might add.!
Thought you might like to share our lovely day,and hope it makes you smile..:o)
These two beautiful cakes were made by Rowan’s mum.A lovely gesture to make one for each of them…
Don’t the boys scrub up well? very smart..! Both looking a bit way could we get a smile from them.Lol.
Rowan wondering why he has to wear make up.! His little cousin seems happy with hers.:o) Both boys had a little car on their cheek,and don’t think they would have sat long enough for a full face job..!
Thomas’s turn…
What a little poser.:o)
Play time with the balloons.“oh,come on Sophie.I wanna be Johnny Deppe”
" I may as well eat it then,and all grandma’s buns have gone,anyway."
Yay,Grandad’s got some better ones :o)
Just having a power nap,its hard work,this party lark.zzzzz
All over now,and back home,raring to,lets get cracking and open all these lovely presents.I have had a lovely day…:o))
Shhh,don’t tell,but I brought a Balloon home..! And next Sunday,I will be partying again,as it will be my first Birthday..its all go..:o))
28 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Roundhay Park Leeds..
Next post: Mothers day,and Birthday boy :o)
My goodness Paul,I had only just finished were quick ! Lol.Thank you,we had a great time..:o)
28 Mar, 2011
That looks like a really happy day! The boys are little cuties! :0)
28 Mar, 2011
What lovely photos, everyone looked like they had a lovely day. I have to say that the children are so cute.
28 Mar, 2011
It was Libet,and its so nice when everything goes to plan,especially for their parents, as they did it all themselves, and also the planning of the church service programmes,so they worked very hard,but enjoyed doing it.We were all proud of them..:o)
28 Mar, 2011
Thank you Alex,they did tend to steal the show ..Lol.
28 Mar, 2011
Children always do. There is nothing you can do, but just let them get on with it, and enjoy.
28 Mar, 2011
lovely blog & pics Sandra,a good day for you all,the cakes are great & i noticed the cupcakes in pic 3 mmmm,the boys look soo smart, happy birthday for next Sunday thomas..:o))
28 Mar, 2011
Thanks Joanella,and the cupcakes soon disappeared..Lol.
I will give Thomas a birthday X from you,on Sunday,.:o)
28 Mar, 2011
aw thank you :o))
28 Mar, 2011
what a lovely day ~ superb photos! i love those cakes.
28 Mar, 2011
What lovely little cherubs. The cakes looked gorgeous too - did they taste nice ?
Glad you had a good party - Looks as if everyone was having a really good time.
29 Mar, 2011
When you mentioned this ceremony in a previous comment I didn't realise it would be in a church lol
I'm pleased everyone enjoyed.
29 Mar, 2011
Congratulations to Rowan's Mum for making those beautiful cakes ... they are (or were) lovely! Your cup cakes looked pretty good too, Sandra. I love the pic of Thomas looking at himself in the mirror, it's brilliant! The power nap pic is a cracker ... so pleased you all had a great time. : o ))
29 Mar, 2011
lovely blog sandra and the cakes were so lovely and how kind, the boys seem to have enjoyed their day and thomas is a handsome lad, well they both are lol
hope he enjoys his birthday, lots of hugs and kisses from blackpool :o))) x
29 Mar, 2011
what a lovely Blog Bloomer, the cakes are just incredible, and the photos are out of this world, Thomas looked to be enjoying it, thanks for sharing your day with us, both boys looked most handsome,
29 Mar, 2011
you know Bloomer this is a really lovely blog-- the children are having so much fun and look really happy-- and the cakes -- those bootees and little footprints must have taken her ages-- thanks :o))
29 Mar, 2011
Brilliant both babies are fabulous, both cakes look good, I am sure you all had the best day, bet your were exhausted after running round after them all. Lovely photos of everyone.
29 Mar, 2011
Loved the blog and photos pleased it all went well.
29 Mar, 2011
Wow such a happy blog, and dont the boys look little Dandies all dressed up, pleased it went so well and you have some lovely pictures of your family and friends, especially the last one with Thomas and his proud parents ,definately one for a frame!lThose birthday cakes are brilliant, I bet it was a shame to cut into them;0))
29 Mar, 2011
Thanks Sticki and Mariek,the cakes tasted as good as they looked..mmm.
thanks Hywel,it was very informal,and quite moving.The boys were very good too,and didn't bother at all.
Shirley,the cakes must have been made to measure,as they cut up just right! Well,there might have been a bit left over,but Leanne,( Rowan's mum) and me were doing the slicing and wrapping...we had to keep testing it as we went along .Lol.
Thanks Sanbaz,two little heartbreakers there,I think..Its lovely to have all the memories to look back on.XX on the way to Thomas on Sunday..:o))
Glad you enjoyed it Val,they did look very dapper,didn't they? Bless em.:o)
Thanks Pam,they were kept fully occupied,think that was the key..not one of them cried,or whinged all afternoon..and most of them were all quite young.I agree about the cakes,she is a very talented lady.
we did have the best day,Oliveoil,and it was when we relaxed in the evening ,we felt tired..but they were all so well behaved,it was a pleasure..
Thank you Clarice,glad you enjoyed our special day with us :o)
Carole,that photo is my favourite too,and is definitely going in a frame.:o).It was lovely to see them all dressed up,it made me fill up a bit,when I saw proud.Its nice that Alison and Leanne are such good friends too,they do lots of things together with the boys..
We have had our cake tonight after tea..lovely ! Thanks
29 Mar, 2011
Lovely photos Bloomer, what beautiful cakes too, glad you all had fun and the boys looked so smart, bless them.
30 Mar, 2011
Thank you Grandmage,glad you enjoyed it.We certainly did..:o)
30 Mar, 2011
Wow those cakes were a work of art! What a lovely jolly blog Bloomer. No wonder you're so proud. Just what I needed on a dull grey day:-)))
The only thing piece of cake never arrived:-(
30 Mar, 2011
Thank you Ba,..I knew there was someone I had forgotten,when we were cutting it up..! Didn't like to waste it so I ate would have really loved it too..Lol.
30 Mar, 2011
So kind:-)
30 Mar, 2011
I am,aren't I ? by the way,what has happened to your lovely eyebrows ?..:o)
30 Mar, 2011
Lol, wonderful blog! Excellent cakes, bet you all slept well that night!
31 Mar, 2011
Thanks Lulu,we certainly did.Thomas at least managed a siesta in the afternoon..Lol.I should have got down there with him! :o)
31 Mar, 2011
Someone pinched them Bloomer:-(
1 Apr, 2011
The Bounder,Ba ! Lol.
1 Apr, 2011
What a lovely blog, brought a tear of mine is such a pain in the a** now but I can remember how sweet she was x
1 Apr, 2011
Thanks Annella,we will just have to hope he grows up ok,but not a lot we can do about it.Looking forward to Sunday..Mothers Day,and his first birthday...I will probably have a tear,when I see what he has got for his mum...via Dad..:o)).Both sets of Grandparents have been invited,along with other family.and a few close friends..:o)
1 Apr, 2011
I can't believe that Thomas will be a year old the time has flown!!.......a brill blog Sandra; you have captured beautifully, the lovely time everyone had, particularly the two little stars of the show. Such lovely cakes....a talented lady.....and well tasted I'll get
You have a lovely photo record of a wonderful day....give Thomas a kiss for me tomorrow...xx
2 Apr, 2011
Thank you for your lovely comment,6d,I am not supposed to eat much sweet things anyway,but what the heck,I had to have a piece of my Grandsons cake ,didn't I ? It would have been rude not to..:o).I certainly will give him a kiss from you tomorrow..I wonder how old he will be,when he doeasn't like being embarassed with Grandma kisses ? Lol.
2 Apr, 2011
Louise, lovely to hear from you,and,sorry,it was too late to edit it,but I called you 6d.I knew it was you too,but had probably just answered a comment from 6d...I bet you think I have lost my marbles even quicker than you thought..see how I have deteriorated,while you have been on holiday!..hope you have had a lovely time,and I want to hear all about it :o))
2 Apr, 2011
It's a well known fact that eating someone elses cake causes memory loss...and serve you right! >:-[
2 Apr, 2011
Ha Ha ,Ba..Thank goodness there is a logical explanation for it then,I thought it was just me ! I feel so much better now..will try to do better :o)))
3 Apr, 2011
Thats ok Sandra....I'll forgive you seeing as its you! Sorry I haven't been in touch....washing, drying and ironing a huge pile of close has been keeping me away from pleasurable matters! have caught a horrible cold from someone!!...probably on the plane or in the airport. We had a fab time and will bore you with blogs galore soon......:)
3 Apr, 2011
Hope you have now surfaced from all the mundane jobs,Louise,and sorry you have a bad cold..Its probably the plane you got it from..such a confined space..been there a few times! Hope it doesn't last long,and looking forward to your blogs and glad you had a great time :o))
3 Apr, 2011
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That cake is brilliant - glad it was a great day all looked so happy :):):) -my nephew loves Thomas too :):)
28 Mar, 2011