Spared by 'Babet' .
By bloomer
We didn’t think our gardens would come out of the storm,unscathed,but amazingly,the plants,pots,etc all remained intact,but battered.
The Tuberous Begonias in the wall trough,only lost a few petals, but the long trailing stems,were dangling dangerously over the wall,so with the aid of a few strategically placed stakes,and lots of garden twine,they will last a bit longer yet.
I will be keeping a close watch on the weather forecast,as to when I decide to lift and store them..I think cold days are ahead,so I guess it will be sooner,rather than later !
Pink Dahlia still lots of buds to come,fingers crossed
I hope your gardens weathered the storm without any serious damage too.. xx
23 Oct, 2023
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What a pretty begonia Sandra, lovely colour! My garden was lucky too, the trees were bending quite a bit, but all ok. Like Sheilas, just the torrential rain, but things stood up to it well.
23 Oct, 2023
your garden always looks stunningly clean and pretty . As for the storm , winds didn't really affect us , had a lot of rain , however I added lots of water escapes , I actually wash mine down anyway. Love the shingle with pretty pots
23 Oct, 2023
Thank you ladies for your caring comments,and I'm sure we are all grateful not to have had any serious damage to our properties,unlike so many poor people who are counting the cost
I consider myself very lucky indeed, as plants can easily be replaced. Take care xx.
23 Oct, 2023
Sandra, we both wondered how your area was coping with the awful weather and are so glad all is ok with you.
The Dahlia is very pretty, none of mine were much good this year so will have to buy new tubers in the Spring. The only thing I needed to do was tie up a big Salvia 'Hot Lips' to keep it upright as the Bees are still enjoying it!
24 Oct, 2023
glad you didn't have any major issues Sandra.
Apart from tall plants like the Aconites, Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' and Jap anemones, which were blown over [nearly finished flowering anyway] we did okay too. The large trees lost small bits but otherwise no trees down in the village. Houses in the lowest points had a bit of garden flooding, ours is just very soggy underfoot.
So much flooding in Lincolnshire too, despite all the money spent on flood defences.
24 Oct, 2023
Thank you Paul,glad you were ok in your area too.It's pouring down here again today,and set to continue all day. I got rid of quite a few pots this year,so it's easier to manage,and less to fill !
Thank you Shirley, and glad it wasn't as bad for you either. A shame your Dahlia's haven't been as good this year,mine were from saved seeds I found ,labelled 2020/21 ! Lol.I did leave last years tubers in,but they all rotted..:o(.
We felt so lucky ,that we got off so lightly,Eileen, and glad you did too.All my Japanese Anemones had just finished,so had been already been trimmed back,and I have nothing else really tall,so maybe as well.Lots of leaves from a huge Alder tree behind our fence ,blowing across on the gravel area at the moment,so that's my task 'to do',when it stops raining !
I agree,the flood defences just don't seem to be helping much in some areas,and S.Yorkshire,is still being badly tragic. .
24 Oct, 2023
I removed a few pots too , mine is due to vine weevil . halved down , none wasted though washed and used as holder for trowels in shed . We got rid of grass due to wet winters flooding grass
24 Oct, 2023
I seem to be lucky, Paul,as it's very rare I get any Vine Weevils,although I do a proper search in the compost,before I plant with something else.Good idea to reuse your pots for trowels, Mine are in a holder on the back of the shed door,that's if I haven't to do a search in the garden first,to see where I left one, the last time I used it !:o)
24 Oct, 2023
The balcony wasn't badly affected by the strong winds or the rainfall - in fact we got off very lightly here indeed! Neither winds nor rain were particularly bad!
Even the Cosmos I planted in the church gardens, & which I saw for the first time yesterday in a couple of weeks, don't look at all like they have been through a storm like Babet! Even the Dahlias I planted are perfectly fine!
24 Oct, 2023
Glad to hear you got off lightly too,Balcony, so grateful to stay intact,without damage. At one time,we wouldn't have any Dahlia's ,Cosmos etc still alive at this time of year ,never mind some just coming into flower..
A sunny fog free morning here,which is another bonus,but heavy rain set to return later in some parts of Yorkshire. :o(.
25 Oct, 2023
Sandra, have a look at the flooded roads and rail tracks on the Isle of Wight today ... good job you're not on holiday this week! We have little pools of water on the lawn, but that's nothing compared to what other folk have.
25 Oct, 2023
Well done Sandra for saving the begonias!
I thought I had lost mine when we had the last lot of torrential rain and all went soggy, so just cut them back and now look really healthy. No flowers on them though.
The only near miss I had was with my Canary Bird rose tree was that it was leaning right over and was amazed it didn't break, so was out there in the blustering winds trying to stake it up.
Then, would you believe it, this last lot of wind from Babet took it the other way, so is now staked really well on both sides.
I especially didn't want to lose it as it was a present from Rick.
25 Oct, 2023
Your plants look lovely Sandra, I'm happy to know Babett didn't do much damage.
We had nothing here.
25 Oct, 2023
Your lovely plants stood up to the anger of the storm really well and look totally unscathed. Hope they last a bit longer for you as they look very pretty.
25 Oct, 2023
Shirley,yes,I saw how bad it was on the Isle of Wight ! so glad we aren;t there now :o( I'm glad you escaped it too,as I did wonder if you had had it bad too .x
Rose,it's been horrendous for you on the East Coast,hasn't it?So glad Tree wasn't damaged, and you had presence of mind to stake your much loved gift fro Rick .I think we have both been lucky with our Begonias ,haven't we ? I shall definitely have some more next year,even if these don't overwinter.. So easy care too .x
Thank you Hywel , I'm pleased you didn't have Babet,as it really was bad.A lot of areas.had it much worse than us, so we were very lucky. x
Thank you Chris,I hope they last a bit longer too,but it's another wet and windy day forecast for tonight and tomorrow,so we wil just have to see what damage there is,if any ! It's been a lovely sunny day,so we were able to go for a walk this afternoon. x
25 Oct, 2023
The storms hit the south last night but I never heard a thing! Zzzzz just woke to a very soggy world.
25 Oct, 2023
Karen,we had a very quiet night, so the forecast for our area of W.Yorkshire was totally wrong, so it didn't impact on our sleep either ,but it had rained.Not a bad day either,so all in all,no problem :o)
26 Oct, 2023
Thank you Klahanie,so sorry it's been such a bad time for you,and it's just horrid,when you lose all power,especially when it's cold too. I do hope the bad weather is easing for you,and glad your power has been restored now.
I'm sure you will find ,you will stil lfind some of your plants and flowers will have weathered the storm.they are more resilient than we think !
I was hoping to put my Dahlia's in a vase too,till I realised they are all the short stemmed Variety !! :o(
26 Oct, 2023
Thankfully you avoided a lot of damage, Sandra. It was quite a scare when the storm was predicted. I did see a few trees down and some flooding. It's been horrific for so many people.
I do love your dahlia. A gorgeous one indeed! Hope its buds have opened nicely for you! Your potted blooms are looking pretty too.
28 Oct, 2023
Thank you Kate.,a scary time indeed,and still ongoing for so many people,especially in S .Yorkshire.
It's been a full day in the garden ,in lovely sunshine today !
Dahlia still looking good,and I've potted most of the Variegated Pelargoniums up ,so they are now rehomed in the Conservatory to overwinter..A general tidy up overall, which kept me out till after 4pm,but so enjoyable and satisfying.Approaching darkness stopped me from carrying on,but probably just as well ! Lol
29 Oct, 2023
We, who escaped the worst of the storm were very lucky indeed. We lost the first day of our hols 'cos small local roads were flooded and the motorway closed all day because of a bad smash. So sorry for those people and puts the rest into perspective.
Your garden still has lots of lovely colour, Bloomer. I'm glad you escaped the worst. I'm happy my garden is dying back now.
30 Oct, 2023
Thank you ,Ange,and so sorry you had so many problems re your Holiday,I've only just seen your blog ! I think those of us who weren't affected have a lot to be thankful for..
Saying that,it's absolutely pouring down this morning,and set to get worse ,so fingers crossed
I'm glad I managed to get so much done in the sunshine yesterday,and my body is telling me it was a good job I stopped when I did ! It's maybe as well I can't get out there again today. :o)
30 Oct, 2023
Sandra, I think our weather patterns are opposite to yours oop North as yesterday we had short, sharp bursts of very heavy rain and today is calmer so I have just potted on some cuttings to the next size pots. On Thursday we are set to have storm Ciaran so not looking forward to that ... :o(
30 Oct, 2023
Yes,they seem to be ,Shirley,although not as bad as expected,as it cleared up this afternoon. I saw on the news how bad it was for you yesterday.
We will just have to hope storm Ciaran decides not to give us a hard time !
30 Oct, 2023
Fingers crossed ...
30 Oct, 2023
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Bad luck Sandra - you were unlucky. No storm damage here, just torrential rain.
23 Oct, 2023