For Clarice and Irish - The Weather Girls.
By bonkersbon
Early Monday morning – risen with the lark ,
Looking out the window as clouds becoming dark ,
Sympathising with some friends about their awful weather,
Whilst enjoying sun on moors through fields of purple heather.
Oh says they it will not last – we have a plan for thee,
Little did I realise they were brewing more than tea ..
From each side of the Irish Sea they gathered up the rain ,
And sent it off to Yorkshire with my address and name .
Its raining hard the gardens soaked – should be glad of that,
Need to work and tis no fun looking like a drowned rat ,
Can see them smile their plan has worked – the weather here much worse,
In Dublin and in Blackpool I hope you like my verse.
Enough of this should get on – no reason to be whining,
For each dark cloud that rains so hard has brought a silver lining,
These heavy showers have at least done one thing so it proved ,
Left my van all nice and clean from bird pooh it removed .
The moral of this simple tale – one I think is true ,
Be careful who you talk to , for what they plan to do ,
They may seem nice and friendly and ready for a chat,
Dont be scared ..just stay prepared and dont forget your hat !
For 2 wicked ladies x – happy now ? Squelch..
24 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Rocky 2 - the sequel.
Next post: Even gardeners can be romantic...
this is brilliant
well done BB
do you ever send your poems into compettitions?
as i think you certainly should
x x x
24 Aug, 2009
I always take a hat BB!~love the verse!
24 Aug, 2009
what a great ryme BB, every line made me smile,
forgot about the rain a while,
bet carol and eileen feel the same,
and for a few moments forget that rain,
24 Aug, 2009
Brilliant poem BB.
What's rain?
24 Aug, 2009
would you like some Lily!!!
24 Aug, 2009
WEll done BB...... great poem........
They promised us a little rain
was meant to come our way
but instead the sun doth shine
Im having a lovely day........
hope you get some sun soon......
24 Aug, 2009
Hollyeves, you put it so much more poetically than I did!
Arlene, yes please, have you got some to spare then? It would be especially welcome as I am having to water someone else's garden as well as my own!
24 Aug, 2009
Thank you lily2....
24 Aug, 2009
fantastic poem BB,well done..raining here also
24 Aug, 2009
LOL Great Poem & i wouldnt mind some Spare Rain Plez if uv any left as its as dry as old Bones in my garden @ mo which is making Weeding Very Difficult :(
24 Aug, 2009
~we have this new version summer weather which usually means a few hours of sunshine and then a downpour from nowhere and then it is sunny again but far too wet to do anything~or lots of cloud but still very warm!
If someone can borrow a tanker i will send you some!
No good sending the clouds over as by the time they have passed over here they are all rained out!
24 Aug, 2009
A Tanker Hey ? Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm i best ask around Arlene :) lol
24 Aug, 2009
It doesn't rain in Yorkshire
It piddles silver dew
We KNOW it's God's Own County
Folk like me and you....
The sun is gold in Yorkshire
The fog a misty haze
The snow is white as persil
..for days and days and days....
The August heather purple
Across the wind swept moor
Emily, Anne and Charlotte
Wait by the Parsonage door....
It's heaven to be in Yorkshire
I don't want to be mean
But I ask myself, quite often
Why the *&%* I'm in Aberdeen!
24 Aug, 2009
Brilliant Bs!!!
Is it National Poetry Day? So many talented poets on GoY
24 Aug, 2009
Pee ess....Aberdeen's quite nice, really.
24 Aug, 2009
~It might be nice in Yorkshire,that's what Alan Titchmarsh says!
but it's warmer down on Gower in our secluded sandy bays!
24 Aug, 2009
The truth of the matter seems clear to me...
Wherever we may roam...
The place we were bred and buttered
Will ALWAYS be our home!
24 Aug, 2009
im in aberdeen on monday overnight Bscott, my son going to check out uni- there, first time i will have been to scotland, looking forward to it :o)
24 Aug, 2009
Great stuff BB and all the other versers too. Very entertaining!
24 Aug, 2009
True ~which is why I love Northumberland!
24 Aug, 2009
It's an excellent university, Sanbaz, he could do a LOT worse! Him Outdoors did his Masters in Sociology/Philosophy there as a mature student ( that's how we ended up here 20 years ago! ). A very, very old university, and Old Aberdeen ( where the main campus is ) is delightful. He'll need some stout thermal underwear, though, it gets bl--dy cold up here!
24 Aug, 2009
Northumberland > Swansea? You're a long way from home, Arlene.
24 Aug, 2009
yes ive heard it gets very cold up there, he`s just done his AS levels, and passed, studying forensics, and history so next year A levels, then hopefully uni- im so proud of his hard work, something he hasdanted since being small, set his sights high,
24 Aug, 2009
~unfortunately yes~it is quite a trek!
Sandra~I am sure he will have a fantastic time~My daughter went all through uni with the same group of girls in Bath~they rented a house after the first year and she still has close bonds with them~they all went out to Capetown for her wedding and she was visiting one of them last weekend.~
24 Aug, 2009
how wonderfull arlene, i do hope joe settles if he goes with it being a long way, i worry as he will only just be 18 in the august and going for sept next year, so young :o(
24 Aug, 2009
Wont go on again ..thanks for all the rhymes very clever and glad some are having sun hard to believe one or two would welcome some rain ... well you know who to ask now lol
I thought what could I do that would affect Dublin and Blackpool ? Had considered a tidal wave up the Irish Sea but hardly fair to anyone holidaying in the Isle of Man ..
24 Aug, 2009
~that is a problem but maybe if he can't get home that easily he will have to make the effort to get to know his fellow students and settle quicker.
~my son is also an August birthday and he found it easy to come home on the train from Coventry where he was studying so he came home most weekends the first year ~we also found Coventry d**n cold when we went up on the winter but they just get used to it!
24 Aug, 2009
well he does make friends easy which im glad and also one of his friends hopeing to go there to which will help arlene
24 Aug, 2009
Sorry to hear your day turned to rain BB.
Arlene is lucky in Gower. I live a short journey from there but it's been raining here :o(
I suppose it's all these hills, They draw clouds like a magnet.
24 Aug, 2009
Thanks for that BB loved it all, could'nt stop smilling, sorry we sent the rain to you,but have to say its been quite nice here today as'nt it Sandra.:o)))lol.x
24 Aug, 2009
We have had a fair bit too Hywel recently ~ my water butts are full!
24 Aug, 2009
Hmmm.... It's too near bedtime to write poetry - just a short message - we had rain this morning...again...but a sunny end to the day! I actually saw BLUE SKY!! Hooray!!
24 Aug, 2009
lovely and sunny carol :o)
24 Aug, 2009
Oh well makes me feel so much better that you had a nice day .. Eileen very quiet a touch guilty perhaps ?
25 Aug, 2009
Brilliant poem Bonkersbon and extremely funny Bs :-))
25 Aug, 2009
Great poem BB, please send some rain down here to Surrey, express post, we are getting desperate.
25 Aug, 2009
Thanks The norfolk.
Hope you get some much needed rain soon Doctorbob !
25 Aug, 2009
Talking of more rain forcast for tomorrow is that we are getting tail end of Hurrican Bill, infact the northwest coast as weather warning for next 24hrs.
25 Aug, 2009
Well soory Clarice but did say would get my own back ! Actually its Hurricane Bonkers !!!!
25 Aug, 2009
BB dont speak to soon, think we have worse, but think most of country will see some of it, this is Elke sending it over to Britain.
25 Aug, 2009
So this is Elkes fault then Clarice ! Will be battening down the hatches as they say !
25 Aug, 2009
Got to blame somebody for it. To be honest i did'nt know they had hurricanes in Canada.
25 Aug, 2009
Great stuff..... x-D
27 Aug, 2009
fantastic BB :-)
i hope the rain has stopped at last.
and all the stormy weather is passed.
the sun will shine on Jane and Ray
and we my friends will meet one day :-)
27 Aug, 2009 are get out there and get wet, and please send some down to Essex as we still havent had any rain..........
27 Aug, 2009
Hi Milky~
wish you could have some of mine!
27 Aug, 2009
Aw thanks Eileen .. yes that would be lovely hands across the sea x
Cant believe you praying for rain Milky careful what you wish for cos once it starts ...
Sorry Arlene you really been getting some this summer and poor Eileen no wonder Ireland so green as are the valleys near you ..
Hope you all have a great BH week end taking Jane away for a short break .. not much of a break she says if you coming with me lol
27 Aug, 2009
Hope you both have a good bank holiday see you both when you get back.x
28 Aug, 2009
Bonkers, your poem was brilliant!
Bscott, why you dissing my country???? LOL!
3 Sep, 2009
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lol Bonkersbon that is fantastic, I enjoyed every line, as I was LMAO, But tis better having rain sent by 2 wicked ladies than Milky sending cat poo to Toto, he is refusing to open the door to the post man ha ha he he
24 Aug, 2009