Happy New Year from the frozen North.
By bonkersbon
New Years Day and more snow ..garden frozen solid plants beginning to really suffer , so can only make sure these visitors well catered for .
No the little bird on the right is not frozen – just looks that way in the pic ..
Goldfinches seem to like the fact that this weather keeps many tucked up ..
The Great Tit and Blue Tit wait for all the fuss to die down a bit .
As finches return nothing goes to waste as others catch whats being dropped from feeders.
Of course no matter how cold it gets – they still need to drink . Suppose I should get Jane back in as out in this thawing water in her dressing gown ..dont forget those logs lol What ? well someone has to take the pics ..
Thats disgraceful isnt it love ?
As for the poor plants ..
Hyrangea not happy but Rosemary not complaining.
Coprosma suffering ..
Testing a fuchsias hardiness.
Brunnera doesnt mind a bit of Jack Frost .. but this ?
Aw well its not all gloom ..
The Callistemon – that Toto kindly sent are thriving.
And despite the ice sheet …
Our first bulbs appearing .. roll on Spring !
1 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Mr Grumpy s Christmas ...or Gone with the wind ?
Next post: Frogblog.
hi Mavis We only had a couple of inches more snow so far but guess you been harder hit ? At least your birds are eating well !
1 Jan, 2010
Happy New Year to you all in the frozen north. Lovely to see your goldfinches, BB, they have just started to come into my garden, thanks to the niger seed. I was out in the garden in my dressing gown this morning too, as we had our first 'proper' snow! It must be tedious for you all by now but we had a lovely magical fall of big snowflakes which made me feel like a child again (so I behaved like one!).
1 Jan, 2010
Gee we not frozen on the north west, infact its been a lovely day, with lots of winter sunshine, cold but nice, what a lot of finches BB, poor Jane think me and her are as bad as each other going out in the cold in our dressing gowns, thawing all the water and baths out for them.
1 Jan, 2010
Oh dear so much snow. Happy new year anyway lol. Glad the birds are having a feast :o)
1 Jan, 2010
Lol Gee ! Did you make a snowman?
Glad you had no more snow Clarice and Hywel....Yes the birds have been stocking up all day !
1 Jan, 2010
Fabulous photo`s Bb and if Jane was out in her dressing gown then she deserves a medal.lol
I`m getting loads of birds but my Olympus is not powerful enough to take pics from house to bottom feeders and of course birds fly off if I try and get closer,I`m thinking of using hubby`s fantassydozy Canon with posh lenses,thats if I dare !!!!!!!!!.
Our snow has all gone and we`re having a lovely, dry,sunny day ( sigh).
Happy New Year to both of you ..........
1 Jan, 2010
BRRRRRRR !!! How do you get so many birds on the feeders? I try all sorts of tasty treats and the only takers are the collared doves and sea gulls! :o(
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Lincslasss...Yes that powerful camera would do the trick ,as you say if you dare.Snowing again as I type,but glad you having a dry fine day ! Happy New Year to you too !
Hi Junglejen..We provide them with arctic conditions and they just flock in ! Lol...Happy New Year to you !
1 Jan, 2010
Great blog :-))
It's wonderful to see all the birds making use of your generosity :-)))
Poor Jane though, her little slippered feet must've been stuck to the snow ;-)
1 Jan, 2010
Lovely picture of all sorts and kinds of little feathered friends, perhaps if you tied each log of wood with string on delivery, I'm sure the birds could carry them and drop them on your lap, for you to keep your fire going, which would save Jane venturing out in such cold weather.
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Louise...Not a scrap of food left now its getting dark ! Jane puts her wellies on! Even when I have been out she insists on double checking all is filled up ! Lol.
Sixpence...What a good idea ! In fact if could train the rooks to drop their twigs down the chimney,we would all be quids in ! Lol
1 Jan, 2010
as always BB great photos..no snow but -4C here today lovely sunshine..
happy new year from our birdies to your birdies...
1 Jan, 2010
Brrrr the snow is still falling Deida and very cold here too.A Very Happy New Year to yourself,family and feathered friends too !
1 Jan, 2010
Bb you have so many visitors on your bird feeders what’s your secret I put out fresh seed and waster but don’t seem to get many birds mostly a large pigeon who sits on top of the feeding station and a robin that seems a bit territorial any tips greatly appreciated!
We have had a lovely but cold day here went for a long walk by the sea this morning.
We have only had a sprinkling of snow the week before Christmas sorry to rub it in lol!!
Both you and Jane keep warm and safe Happy New Year.
1 Jan, 2010
Thank you Sue...and a very Happy New Year to you too !
We inherited a very overgrown and neglected garden in a rural area.The wildlife were pretty much established already and let us move in with them !Lol
With this sort of weather birds will visit gardens more readily even some normally shy breeds.
Sunflower hearts and nyger seed attract goldfinches - special feeders required.
Mealworms are always popular - the dried sort that need soaking in water are the cheapest and dont turn into small bugs like the live ones do lol.
If you have a branch of Wilkinsons near you about the cheapest around.
If you melt lard and add porridge oats some fruit and crushed nuts and set in a dish this is a great high energy food that should attract a lot of birds esp starlings but others often join them ...blackbirds and thrushes love fruit sultanas and apples esp now I ve emptied your cupboard bet you wish you d never asked lol
1 Jan, 2010
We had the long-tailed tits back yesterday, Ray - I was so pleased to see them. I think they're my favourite birds along with goldfinches.
Could you please ID the birds in your photos? Especially the first three?
Oh - and I said to Jane, I'm so sorry about your Coprosmas. :-((
1 Jan, 2010
Thanks for the tips I will have to go and raid the cupboard nearest Wilkinson’s about 18 miles away I’ll have to go for a drive next week! I will let you know how I get on.
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Spritz...Happy New Year to you.Glad to here you are getting long-tailed tits.Such a delicate litle bird,and only had fleeting visits ourselves.!
Yes shame about the Coprosmas....that will teach me for being so smug last year not given up on them entirely but at least able to provide evidence that they dont survive temps of near -13 . Glad I didnt recommend to Gee that she follow my example lol
All goldfinches in pics you mention except for a house sparrow and blackbird.
Sorry a bit fuzzy but was snowing hard at the time ..
Good luck Sue ..saw Morrisons asking £6.99 per tub so 2 for £4 at Wilkos worth the drive ..
1 Jan, 2010
Happy New Year you two..... :o)
Lovely photos...what a lot of birds you have coming to the feeders. I haven't got too many at the moment....I'm wondering if the 3 Great Horned Owls that have been hanging around for the last couple of weeks have scared them off.
Have you had enough of the Canadian winter that I sent you for Christmas??? LOL
1 Jan, 2010
Great photos BB, with all those colourful birds in the garden, who needs flowers !! :-))
1 Jan, 2010
Gracious! What a lot of goldfinches, Bb. Is that a 'charm' of goldfinches, do I seem to recall? It suits them, doesn't it. :-))
1 Jan, 2010
Beautiful photo's BB,our plants are much the same.Will be interesting to see what survives won't it ?:)
1 Jan, 2010
Not enough snow for a snowman, BB, unfortunately, but I was out taking photos and have just put up a blog! Dressin gown now in washing machine as wet and soggy around the bottom (the dressing gown, not me!).
1 Jan, 2010
Happy New Year! :~D
Great blog, Ray! All the best to you & yours!
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Gilli....Happy New Year to you and many thanks for the gift from Canada ! More forecast for tomorrow ! Now stop it Gilli...enough is enough !Lol
Muddy..Just the birds and a blanket of snow AGAIN !
Spritz...yes,a "charm " of goldfinches...very fitting as you say. Must have about 15 visit altogether.
Aster..with more on the way think some more losses !
Gee...Glad you clarified that ! LOL
Madperth....Happy New Year to you from both of us !
1 Jan, 2010
Happy New Year Ray & Jane....super photos.
Well, we have had a cold but sunny day today. I was in the porch getting veg at 5 o'clock, went back in at 6 and arggh................SNOW everywhere! Have tried to get our van up the steep driveway so we stand some chance of getting to work tomorrow.....but no chance, slips and skids. Had to just pull it over as too icy to reverse all way back....
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Pp...And wishing you too a Happy and Healthy 2010.
Ooh dear.....snow okay to look at but a nightmare when duty calls ! Jane back at work 4 miles away on Monday but we have lots more forecast over the weekend. Drive carefully.........x
1 Jan, 2010
Lots of hungry little mouths to feed Ray/Jane, you're doing a great job. Look at all those gorgeous gold finches. Hope you dont get too much more snow.
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Dawn Happy New Year to you ! Snowing again now and more expected over the weekend ! Must have a "charm " of about 15 goldfinches visiting regularly now.Not bad from 3 two years ago when we moved in ! Hows the woodpecker getting on with those holes ?
1 Jan, 2010
"Wow", great pics of your feeding station and how lucky you are to have a House Sparrow among your collection, and even a Wagtail and Starlings, I don't have any of them here on the Wirral. We don't even have snow like you get up there either.
Looks like you're having a great start for the new year, although it's a pity about the plants.
All the best to you and the missus and keep up with the interesting blogs.
1 Jan, 2010
He he BB,I just had a thought of Jane as Snow White and you as Grumpy (well you admitted it in a blog !) with all the birds flying around your cottage doing the housework :))) Wouldn't that be wonderful,maybe you could train them up for next years panto ! lol ;)
1 Jan, 2010
A lovely Bonkers.
1 Jan, 2010
Thank you Tanny.We have a small flock of about 10 House Sparrows.Remembering back to the 50s and 60s when they were everywhere in the countryside,towns and cities...shame numbers have declined so much.Thanks for your kind comments.
Aster Lol...Yes I did admit it !!! Jane says will start training them upEarly Spring and then they will earn their keep before the breeding season ! Lol
Aww shucks Toto You after a new male nurse by any chance ?
1 Jan, 2010
Well that would be about right Aster as Brother Grimm did write Snow White and Toto could be prince charming come to save Jane and take her to pub lol
1 Jan, 2010
LOL...Now where have I heard that before !
1 Jan, 2010
Perhaps at the Pantomime : O ))) lol
1 Jan, 2010
Oh no it wasnt......cue?
1 Jan, 2010
Has the snow stopped yet, Ray?
Ooops! Sorry - we crossed. 'Oh yes it was'!
1 Jan, 2010
Yes Spritz,but more forecast for the rest of the weekend.Poor Jane has to go back to work on Monday too !
1 Jan, 2010
happy new year to you both from me too :o) i need to get a proper bird cafe like yours,looks like tables are always fully booked lol, mind you looking at the menu im not surprised...when can we book for BBs bistro? lol
1 Jan, 2010
Well - she might not, then! She can't walk 4 miles, now can she? Maybe the school will be closed if staff can't get in - what's her 'Office' like on school closures?
1 Jan, 2010
Aww thanks Joanella.Fully booked ..true...mince pies and scones were on offer today but no takers.(joke ) Wishing you all the very best for 2010 too !
1 Jan, 2010
Spritz...Seems their attitude is get in at all costs...by skis if necessary.We shall see...will not travel in dangerous conditions !
1 Jan, 2010
Ray, you can keep all that snow up your end. Makes great photos though, lovely to have all those birds in the garden.
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Doctorbob..Seems we are stuck with more snow over the weekend,so holed up here with the birds and just making the best of it! Hope you dont get any ! Gillis fault..she sent it from Canada !
1 Jan, 2010
Take care in these conditions Ray/Jane. Yes, our woodpecker is still chipping away :-)
1 Jan, 2010
Must be hard work in this cold Dawn...think they would wait until the wood was softer..not hard as iron ! Keen though Lol !
1 Jan, 2010
Hi BB snowing here again this evening , just when I thought it was over, What a fantastic feeding stations and so many different birds you have, Im really envious! Made special birdcake over Christmas and a large Bell from a yogurt carton. but when I got up the following day all had disappeared including the bell, sad I never got to see who dined in my little garden1
1 Jan, 2010
I know Ray, its amazing, the branch she's made the holes in does look a little dead but credit to her all the same.
1 Jan, 2010
Aww..well somebody obviously enjoyed it Pp ! You will just have to get up at the crack of dawn in future to try and see who who got it !
We are expecting lots more snow over next 48 hours so will just stay at home and help the wildlife all we can ! x
1 Jan, 2010
Such a selection of birds Bb....all those Goldfinches at yours as well as Gees...stunning pics once again...:o) Snowing here too Bb...maybe one or two of your finches will pop down???...:o)
1 Jan, 2010
Oh Janey..most of our slots full so hope they come to you ! Gee over the moon..and quite rightly so too ! Late hour and snow falling now.Here we go again........x
2 Jan, 2010
Well Ray, I don't think we can blame Gilli, My sister arrived from Toronto last Monday to stay for a couple of weeks, I have been blaming her all week.
2 Jan, 2010
Morning Bb.....more snow like you.....going to really check the Sparrows today....maybe they're Goldfinches with warm coats on...Lol!!
2 Jan, 2010
Ah! See what you mean. It vas supposed to read "A lovely pic Bonkers".
You are correct about the nurse though he was sacked for not being strict enough. I know have a female one who looks decidedly dodgy. She comes complete with whip, thigh high, black leather boots and evil intend. Shall have to watch myself, at least while I'm not watching her.
2 Jan, 2010
Hadnt set off blaming Gilli Drb but she aked if we d had enough of the Canadian winter she sent us for Christmas .. with your Sister visiting too , without wishing to appear rude may I ask when shes going home and will she take it back with her ?
Toronto a lovely city felt right at home with all those ' Yorkshire ' districts York Scarboro Pickering ..
Quite possibly Janey lol how they manage in such cold temps remarkable for such little things - more over night but not snowing now ..beautiful scenery but getting a little bored with it now ..
Aw Toto well so long as your kept warm in that shed of yours during this sort of weather sounds like you re going to have a fresh start to the New Year.
2 Jan, 2010
To make matters worse Ray, my brother and his wife have also arrived from Alberta, they are all visiting various relatives all around the country and not going home until the 11th. February, so they could cause more havoc. Do you need us to send up a lorry load of spades just in case LOL.
2 Jan, 2010
Oh No Drb...mid February? Bet they are having a wry smile at how snow affects us..lol.Thanks for the offer. Hope labour is included too ! Lol
2 Jan, 2010
lots of birds in your garden BB.....lovely pics.... im sure all your plants will recover......we have had a lovely sunny day here new years day and today.... blue sky and sunny .. but a cold north east wind..... and woke up to a heavy frost, i had to boil kettles of water to defrost the birds water......
2 Jan, 2010
lovely pictures jane/ray, lots of goldfinches to , lucky you, havent seen mine this winter,it looks alot colder there than here, but i still have to boil kettle for birds water to, happy newyear to you both ;o)) xx
2 Jan, 2010
Lovely blog! I wondered where all my Goldfinches had gone - I've not seen one for months now - they are all obviously in your garden!! Great piccies too!
2 Jan, 2010
Hi Hollyeves...Have to do that every morning now and sometimes several times during the day too ! All the very best to you and yours for 2010 ! x
Happy New Year to you San...the electricity bills will be hih ! Lol x
Thank you Sooze...and a very Happy 2010 to yourself ! x
2 Jan, 2010
Happy New Year Ray and Jane, from us 3 here in hibernation, lol! :-)) x
2 Jan, 2010
Hi David Happy New Year from both to you too ! Cant say we blame you.Had more of the white stuff here today and more forecast ! Roll on Spring !Lol..x
2 Jan, 2010
Bonkers you are so lucky having all those llovely goldfinches visit you.....I have seen 1 fleeting glance of them this year so far.....and no Freddie yet......
2 Jan, 2010
Awww thanks Milky.Maybe when you eventually take down that turkey carcass he will show ! Not only goldfinches in flocks but lots of sparrows,starlings,rooks and blackbirds ! This harsh weather is bringing them in in droves !
2 Jan, 2010
No wonder I havent seen many goldfinches in my garden Bonkersbon lol they are all in your garden! I did see a woodpecker yesterday though on the tree outside my kitchen window! now that only comes when we have lots of snow.
2 Jan, 2010
Oh Maggy7..we getting the blame from all over the country for pinching goldfinches ! Our woodpecker also comes with lots of snow ! Lol
2 Jan, 2010
Smashing pic BB,its great to see all the birds are well fed in your neck of the woods: We were in Kew Gardens yesterday feeding peacocks! I dont think they are too keen on the freezing conditions.Its clear and sunny but very cold here in London, and, to be honest, I wouldn't mind some of your snow.Not sure if the peacocks will be pleased though.
3 Jan, 2010
Had lots more today Rbtkew....and still more to came.Kew and the peacocks sounds good.The birds never leave the garden now from dawn to dusk..eating like crazy !
3 Jan, 2010
I just loved the photos of all those goldfinches, I get lots of them too and they are the greediest of birds. They eat so much that I wonder why they never get fat...lol! We don`t have any snow at the moment but this morning it was -6 and I had to scrape the windscreen this afternoon when I finished work. I`m just hoping I did enough winter fleecing and mulching in the Autumn. Hopefully I won`t lose too many plants this year.
Sandra x
4 Jan, 2010
Labdancer...Lol...ours are at the feeders almost constantly too !
Very cold here tonight and more heavy snow forecast all week ! Many of our plants are suffering with this continuous freeze now.Will have to inspect when its all over ! x
4 Jan, 2010
Hi Folks!
Have noticed that the robins here have stopped being territorail, and are sharing the contents of the feeders. Have no tyre tread left on the car. Council ran out of grit b4 Xmas, pretending to do their biz by sending out gritters with plain builders' sand, still charging for keeping the roads open, took me 4 1/2 hrs to get to work the other day (28 miles by motorway) normally 35 mins!!! No wonder other countries laugh at us!!!! :-((
Enough is enough!!! As said elsewhere. At least, next time I don't have to set the alarm clock, it'll be Easter - and SPRING - YIPPEE!!!!!!!! keep smiling! :-))
4 Jan, 2010
Oh David...Jane here.Just off to bed.Ray worried about getting me to work tomorrow as bad forecast .Sorry for you...but what can we do? All shops ran out of salt and just managed to get a couple of bags of sharp sand ! As you say.....Roll on Spring.Stay safe xx
4 Jan, 2010
oh dear,we have more birds than we ever have last few days dont know why must be bbs recipe that i made up for them lol you are lucky david council not been round here at all only on main roads,makes you wander what we pay council tax for , everyones slipping & sliding everywhere here and more heavy snow tonight !! but as you say ...keep smiling , i think thats half our trouble sometimes we are too polite for our own good !!!
4 Jan, 2010
good night jane safe journey tmoz.:o)
4 Jan, 2010
I second that safe journey.
4 Jan, 2010
Morning both...Jane here 8.45am....going nowhere..school closed.Already had 6 inches more and snowing heavily at moment.Roads impassable.Ray out clearing area for birds to eat,but as fast as he is clearing covered up again !! We will be doing that all day ! Take care everybody...x
5 Jan, 2010
Oh Jane, it sounds as if it's getting dire up there. Make sure that Ray wears something bright...he might disappear out there!
Seriously though, keep warm you two and take care. x
5 Jan, 2010
Thanks Jungljen.....it is preety bad here but not venturing out to travel anyway.Just trying to clear enough to feed the birds ! Lol Thanks for your care xx
5 Jan, 2010
5 Jan, 2010
Oh, poor plants and birds...Spring is coming...
But Happy and Sunny 2010 to you, Bonkersbon!
5 Jan, 2010
If you cant get salt, try cat litter! Unused, obviously!!
5 Jan, 2010
I heard on radio that lots of people got stuck in a pub up north Yokshire for 60 hours. Good luck with clearing for the birds.
5 Jan, 2010
Thanks for your cheery message Uma...the same goes for yourself !
Mp....sold out of even that here (Not unused ) !!!
Cannot think of a better place to get stranded Sixpence !!!
5 Jan, 2010
Hope you all wrap up warm those of you who have Gas c/h as they have only 4 days gas left asking people not to use the gas heard last night on radio
5 Jan, 2010
Not heard that news but sorry for those with no power at all...especially the eldery........
5 Jan, 2010
Son also just phoned me just been on news too hope they will be ok if all gas goes.
5 Jan, 2010
Think this taken everyone by surprise ! Not so much the snow but the length of time it lasted first time round...then returned with a vengeance !
5 Jan, 2010
To me its just like when I was little ha ha still am hehe never could play with dolls pram or bikes as too deep in snow , years ago my dad had to climb out of bedroom window to get out as door down stairs blocked perhaps Gorden Brown has stopped putting the stuff up in atmosphere as he was mad at summit meeting how they all never promised any thing.
5 Jan, 2010
LOL ! Blame Gordon Brown then for all this snow !
5 Jan, 2010
I know things you don't haha hehe did nt you read my email then ha ha
5 Jan, 2010
Left the Lake District a day early because of snow warnings and glad I did. Took 4 hours to get to London and then another hour to do 1 mile - because of snow, oh no, because of traffic jam.
5 Jan, 2010
You due to get a lot more of it Ginellie...stay warm and safe with Sophie..x
5 Jan, 2010
Pretty bird pics..
Did you have more snow today BB/Jane ?
6 Jan, 2010
I think I can answer for Jane and the answer isYes with plenty more to come!! they get more than me as Im near the sea and we have had more during the night, and a lot more to come. Hope you didnt mind me butting in Jane!!
6 Jan, 2010
Keep well and warm, Maggy... and Jane/BB. :o)
6 Jan, 2010
Feel free Maggy..lol
Thanks for asking TT...lots more and more to come .Its minus 8 tonight and so set to freeze ! How about you ?
6 Jan, 2010
Just come to this, loved the bird photos, you get so many, it is the way you both look after them, hope your plants manage to survive this cold snap, there is nothing we can do, just hope, it is not the snow that kills, but the frost, if we take any more inside we will have to move into an Hotel LOL
7 Jan, 2010
Thank you Dottydaisy.This weather we getting twice the number we usulaay get.Counted 22 blackbirds this afternoon ! They are certainly going through huge amounts of food,bless them.
Dot know how many casualties we have on the plant side....quite a few should imagine....but as you say its these harsh frosts doing the damage.Oh well...Roll on Spring !
7 Jan, 2010
Do you buy your bird food in bulk BB ? and do you get it locally or online?
7 Jan, 2010
In bulk from a local pet supplier who do a good discont Dd...plus suet pellets from Wilcos !
7 Jan, 2010
Thanks BB will see what I can find, we do have a local Wilcos, and The Range sell in bulk, not sure about their prices though, their plants are very reasonable.
9 Jan, 2010
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Recent posts by bonkersbon
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- Frogblog.
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- Garden birds throughout the year.
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We have lots of snow here and I cant get out into the garden to the feeders So I have just scattered food for the birds at both back and front doors.They are coming down for it but I hope they can find a drink somewhere.
1 Jan, 2010