Even gardeners can be romantic...
By bonkersbon
As the Bank Holiday week end approached and living near the coast wanted to see a little more than the back of a caravan in heavy holiday traffic ..where would you like to go Jane ? Anywhere ? well you know how I love ..nurseries.
Armed with a crumpled gift voucher I thought hang the expense lets make a day of it ..after just a few hours Jane cried excitedly come and see this !
Enthusing about the colour of the fly she then spotted the plant he was on ..a white Lysmachia oh go on then cant just buy the one they need to be planted in clumps ..quick mental calculation yes voucher will cover it ..of course help yourself love ..oh and look at this what is it ?
Tricyrtis formosana of course ( Toad lily ) – she had nt seen me pick up the label ..fancy you knowing that ! Can I have one of those as well erm steady this getting close to 10 pounds now ..oh ok but should be making a move now …
So off to sales counter open the wallet and ..
this flew out .Erm sorry we dont accept those garden vouchers ..what ? Well not since we went decimal .Dig deep then ..where to now then ? Have a little surprise for you ..a short drive away ..
Oh you havent have you …could see Jane looking whistful images of some dark stranger appearing whisking her off for a romantic candle lit dinner on board .. and all because the lady loves ..
Yes love The South of France ? Florence ? look over there and you can just see ..
..Filey. Now crack open that flask and open the carrier bag my sandwiches the ones with pickle in..just breath in that sea air can you smell it? wonderful fresh and salty and full of ..
..guano – bird watcher lingo for bird pooh apparently.Educational as well ..aw thank you says Jane you ..
..me !
3 Sep, 2009
Previous post: For Clarice and Irish - The Weather Girls.
Next post: 100 ,000 up.
great BB, glad you both had a good time, well deserved to, like the new plants to :o) that was a big moth in your wallet by the way, must not have opened it in a while lol
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds like a perfect day out. The photos are lovely but I am amazed you can shut your wallet with moths that big inside :)
3 Sep, 2009
What a brilliant day BB .. can I come next time .. I,ll make the sandwiches ..I promise !
3 Sep, 2009
Beautiful pictures BB and even a bit of blue sky, a lovely day out. I really like that white lysimachia, never seen that before so must look out for it.
3 Sep, 2009
I'm on your side Bonkers. Don't take any notice of those malcious women. I know that you don't open your wallet for conservation reasons. I can see you had a good day and I wish you many more without undue criticism.
3 Sep, 2009
I love your photos Bonkers...really good. Oh dear now you've let the Guardian of your Wallet fly away...you'll be getting it out at the garden centre more often !
3 Sep, 2009
Be on your guard Bonkers or you won't have any money left for the essentials of life, like beer.
3 Sep, 2009
Ray/Jane, hope you both enjoyed your day out - I dont get out very often, a bit like Toto.
You've got some lovely pictures there and I agree with Sandra, what was such a huge moth doing in your wallet, lol.
3 Sep, 2009
Thanks .. just knew you ladies would be impressed !
Aye Toto but Amy seems game even offered to make snap .. or perhaps doesnt trust my culinary skills .Fortunately we werent too far from home so Jane only had to push the van a few miles ..
You think this could run to a series grand days out in Yorkshire lol
Its what he feeds on Dawn been munching those large white fivers for ages ..
3 Sep, 2009
I think my John has some in his wallet too - old fivers and moths lol.
You little devil, saying Jane had to push the van, lol.
I dont think Toto living so far down South, will know what Snap is Ray, unlike us, ha ha.
3 Sep, 2009
Probably plays it with his nurse Dawn but if you taking the job on then sure you ll be able to educate him .. lol
Oh I ve seen how John spoils you .. look how he came out to help you shift that clay !
3 Sep, 2009
And theres me thinking BB had misspelled sandwiches ..
o.k I give in .. what is snap ?? I won't make it if you don't tell me ! ........
3 Sep, 2009
i dont even kn ow what snap is dawn! what is it?
3 Sep, 2009
Thanks for this blog BB - I had a good laugh :-D
3 Sep, 2009
I will put you out of your misery and disclose what snap is its lunch. A packed lunch in other words , just in case all your minds were wondering in the wrong direction LMAO, its natural for the men from the north of Watford to get the woman pushing the vans and cars my x use to get me pushing his trany van, on gravel. Love your blog and enjoyed the beautiful pictures.
3 Sep, 2009
thanx morgana,,thats stopped me thinking lol
3 Sep, 2009
Well Ray, I can make snap and play snap, lol. Yes, you're right Morgana, in our parts, we call a packed lunch, Snap.
I think I can educate Toto in more ways than one, firstly, how to appreciate us ladies, ha ha. Where is he anyway?
And yes Ray, John did help me with the clay, OMG, remember that heap, all straight now :-)
3 Sep, 2009
lol Sandra, show how different counties have different lingo, if you go to Yorkshire an entry or alleyway is called a snicket lol and how the woman down south are treated differently as the woman in Yorkshire wear the trousers I know 2 of my daughters are with Yorkshire men.
3 Sep, 2009
Wow BB you know how to treet a lady, so pleased you enjoyed your bank holiday.
3 Sep, 2009
yes we call it a ginnel way, or alley, lunch is dinner and dinner tea but im not like baz lol i call it lunch and then dinner at night lol
3 Sep, 2009
I call it same as you Sandra
3 Sep, 2009
thats because we are civilised carol lol
3 Sep, 2009
Its funny how we're all different.
On Corrie they talk about balm cakes, lol, so what are they Sandra/Carol?
3 Sep, 2009
In a little town close to where I live when they are hungry they say I could eat 2 horses between 2 bread vans and water is werter lol
3 Sep, 2009
i know that saying to morgana lol,
3 Sep, 2009
they are baps dawn
3 Sep, 2009
Dawn there barmcakes, think you may call them cobs, well thats what my sister calls them and she lives in derbyshire, cobs over here are the hard cobs you have with soup before dinner
3 Sep, 2009
yes thats right carol, thats why i thought baps or buns
3 Sep, 2009
Aw Morgana pushing on gravel that too cruel ..wouldnt do that to Jane as need her to save her strength for snow drifts .. balm cakes ? sounds like something with ointment in wonder if they do coconut balm cakes ..not lived unless you had a fat rascal.
Despite living in Yorkshire one thing could never eat is black pudding.
Oh Toto used to brew my own as Jane not let me loose on Old Peculier or Black sheep .. so have to make wine now.
3 Sep, 2009
i love that BB my favourite and tripe yummy
3 Sep, 2009
I like blackpudding fried,but dont like tripe
3 Sep, 2009
tripe with vinigar carol
3 Sep, 2009
If you go to Hereford and ask for a batch you get a loaf of bread lol a fish cake in Yorkshire is potatoe in batter with fish all together and if you want it in a batch they aske for fish cake butty.
3 Sep, 2009
Tripe cooked in milk is very good for stomach troubles
3 Sep, 2009
yes fresh fish cakes ive made them, really good morgana
3 Sep, 2009
My dad use to have it like that Sandra
3 Sep, 2009
Lol I have done that too BB in scotland black pudding is just black no white stuff in it at all. but I love their scotish bread its georgous
3 Sep, 2009
my grandad did thats where i get my taste from lol, my mum use to ask him, what have you been giving her today, strange things heheh
3 Sep, 2009
Black pudding , Tripe ..... Oh gosh what memories , I can see that horrible looking tripe in a bucket now , Yuk ..
3 Sep, 2009
lol amy, it was yummy i loved it
3 Sep, 2009
Thanks Sandra/Carol: Yes we call them cobs, lol. Posh folk around here say baps. John went to work in Leeds and asked for a cob - they laughed out loud!!!
I like black pudding but never tried tripe.
Years ago, most folk around here kept a pig in the pig sty at the top of the garden to feed up - my dad's first job when he as 14 was going around with the local pig killer - oh dear, imagine these days with Health and Safety and all that.
3 Sep, 2009
Lets face it they had better diets than us, its them living longer not us, no additives no injections in cows to make them produce more milk and to stop the cattle producing fat. I recall eating bread and lard with a touch of salt.
3 Sep, 2009
pigs trotters dawn, ummm and eels to, grandad kept them live in bucket till time to eat
3 Sep, 2009
dripping morgana, that was lovely to do chips in
3 Sep, 2009
you can still buy it from Tesco I do its in a block like the old butter use to be wraped in
3 Sep, 2009
yes thats right, its really good, makes things lovely and crisp
3 Sep, 2009
I can honestly say I have never tried an eel .. and I lived near Ely .. Ely Cathedral was built on the money made from eels ....
What have we started here ... this is all BB,s fault !
3 Sep, 2009
I remember my Dad eating pigs trotters San.
They say you can eat everything from a pig except its squeel, lol.
We ate drippin on bread too. I also remember my dad eating yorkshire pudding with sugar and butter.
3 Sep, 2009
The older people still eat it and use it and they live to a old age quite a lot I know and has never had an op or suffer with their heart makes you wonder what cr.p we are eating now
3 Sep, 2009
Keep saying i'm going to start doing my chips in dripping instead of oil, only have them about once aweek so wont do much harm.
3 Sep, 2009
nah should be ok carol,, trhink they go over the top dont you
3 Sep, 2009
Have to agree with you Amy, poor old BB, mind you he as a broad enough back to take it,:o))
3 Sep, 2009
Well i think they do.
3 Sep, 2009
My hubby like yorkshire pudding with syrup on Dawn .......
Morgana .. have you noticed how older people can still read without glasses on , they didn't have TV or computers ......
3 Sep, 2009
I use to work in a chippy and their fat they never change they clean with sieve and add the fat which now they say causes cancer, and oil try cleaning a chip pan out with oil and it s sticky and have to scrub with boiling water to get it off so what is that doing to our insides, where as dripping just a bit of warm water and it comes off and disolves.
3 Sep, 2009
thats true morgana, i dont use chip pan anyway, infact dont have chips very often, maybe once in a blue moon lol
3 Sep, 2009
Better of having wedges in oven.
3 Sep, 2009
Oh no tripe ! My grandfather loved it would smear beef dripping over his bread drink camp coffee ( in the days before camp meant something quite different .. lol ) with evaporated milk or was it condensed milk the stuff you needed to peel from a tin ? ..sit there in his string vest looking like the old fella in Steptoe.
Grandmother would pluck chickens in front of the fire as we queued for the outside privvy .. oh and that tin bath lol
3 Sep, 2009
Right thats me see you all tomorrow. sweet dreams everyone.That shows im getting old because it was my mum and dad that did that when i was little, (very young) mind you.
3 Sep, 2009
Hmmm syrup Amy, sounds lovely.
Yep, Morgana: you didnt hear about high cholesterol and all that in the old days and they ate more fat then but no additives and chemicals.
3 Sep, 2009
me to carol nite nite all xx
3 Sep, 2009
lol BB I was living in a house with only outside lavi and only tin bath not so many years ago and they say we have gone forward the house I lived in had no roof on it either for the 2 yrs I lived there. Coal fires too none of your electric and gas and then the next home had a raeburn in great for cooking meat lovely and tender
3 Sep, 2009
Dawn butter is better for you if taken moderately
3 Sep, 2009
Bye Carole.
BB: Camp coffee, I hated it, I can picture the glass bottle now.
I can just picture your Gran and Grandad, lol. When my dad was little the kids were put in the copper to have a bath - bet you dont know what a copper is?
And what about the hard toilet paper - Izel or something, ouch!!!
3 Sep, 2009
I also had an Indian from Birmingham came to change my metre asked me a question why is it the west has so many cancers and illnesses than the rest of the world where its hardly unheard of, which now has me thinking. I know Europe 85% has refused to have floride added in their water and now is refusing to accept any goods which contain with water floride in the food.
3 Sep, 2009
My mum had a Rayburn too Morgana. Brilliant, we had many a good dinner cooked in/on that.
3 Sep, 2009
yes and heated the rooms too I had to sweep the flu every 3 days less you would get a blow back and sweep the chimney every 6 months lol I got brush stuck up the chimney not santa he he
3 Sep, 2009
Was that Whitby, Ray???
I was there last year, recognised the ship!!
AND the Abbey!
3 Sep, 2009
I know, lol. I can remember my mum and dad sweeping the chimney and looking like black and white minstrels, lol. Taking the ashes out was something else, on a windy day, woosh, face full of ashes, ha ha.
3 Sep, 2009
I use to like scraping the ash of the coal sitting playing lol yes many time s had hot ash face he he I must invent it as a face pack lol
3 Sep, 2009
Night Clarice and Sandra x
Yes Morgana recall that bought a house that had not been lived in for years with missing roof colder inside than out ...so damp that doors had swollen beyond their frames once got heating on they shrank back to fit !
4 years without a kitchen - a sink draining board was 2 old chairs dug the garden and found an old flintlock pistol ..
Copper was for washing clothes Dawn ? Teenagers today huh what would they say if you wanted to put them on a spin cycle ..Izal truly awful equivalent to using greaseproof paper.
Not too far away Madperth but further south ..full of ruins here this one Byland Abbey at Southern edge of moors about 30 miles from Whitby.
3 Sep, 2009
lol BB cooper boiler with tongs he he and Izal yes my brother looked after his kids mother left them they kept using all the toilet paper wasting it, so my mum told him to by izal like we use to have they never wasted that he small amount bit at a time lmao
3 Sep, 2009
Lmao ? Not when using Izal .. lol Better go work tomorrow thanks to all for the fun x
3 Sep, 2009
night BB sleep tight
3 Sep, 2009
Wonderful views.
I laughed when I saw the moth lol :o)
4 Sep, 2009
I remember the copper too. Used to be in the corner of the scullery. The tin bath hung on a hook on the outside karzi door. Izal or Bronco was a luxury, the norn was torn uo newspaper on a string hung in the karzi. I still like tripe and onions in a white sauce although haven't had it for a while. Black pud is lovely and the best I manage to get is from a butcher in Windermere who makes his own. Jean and I both love bread and dripping which we save when we have a decent bit of beef or chicken and I get to have most of the jelly. It has to be good meet or chicken though as you don't get dripping from the massed produced stuff.
You want to get a grip of that Jane Bonkers. Any woman who deprives her man of his Theakston's OP should be reported to CAMRA a taken before the beak.
4 Sep, 2009
We use to spread that sticky condensed milk on bread BB .. I still like it on Strawberries .... We have a friend who liked it so much he hid an open tin in the oven to stop the rest of the family using it , his wife turned the oven on to cook the evening meal she didn't know until she smelt it burning !
4 Sep, 2009
I LOVE condensed milk! I buy it to make tablet or banoffi pies, but it rarely gets that far!!!
4 Sep, 2009
banoffi pie mari ummmmm lol
4 Sep, 2009
Great Blog......glad you both enjoyed your bank holiday. a trip round the nurseries is just my cup of tea as well.....lol
and what better way of enjoying your sandwiches, with that view......
4 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog BB and photos, I recall hearing my grandmother used to kill a pig in the depths of Dorset and collected the blood and made wonderful black pudding. Love the picture of the ship, my wife reckons she can imagine Johnny Depp striding on the deck, Is it me, I can't imagine what these women see in him. I am allowed to drink Old Peculiar as my wife reckons it suits my personality, well I admit to the peculiar but the old, NEVER.
Great memories stirred up here with all the comments, made me realise people today don't know what they are missing, tin baths, outside lavys, no running water, no electricity, heaven.
4 Sep, 2009
I've loved all the comments, really stirred memories and made me giggle. My mum is always saying, "Food doesnt taste the same these days", and I'm beginning to agree with her. I know when my Dad kept turkeys for Xmas, they tasted so different to bought ones, even from a decent butcher's, bit like home grown veg I guess. Except for the work, wouldnt it be great to be self-sufficient.
4 Sep, 2009
Well amazed you can still buy condensed milk even more that some like it ..but that pie does sound lovely MP ..hope you not been badly affected by all that rain.
Think Sandra got back from Aberdeen in time ..oh yuk Amy can smell that lol
Thanks Toto all these memories yep the OP becoming one now cant manage too many these days ..lightweight lol
He he DrB ..Jane was wishing too probably as close as we likely to get to the caribbean ..
We used to get turkeys sent from mums family in Ireland Dawn till the troubles there made receiving large packages from Ireland a bit tricky ..
4 Sep, 2009
Bonkers....I think I love you....You certainly know how to show a girl a good time.....expense be b******d........what a lovely day out.
4 Sep, 2009
I think Milky thats the intent with the moth :)
4 Sep, 2009
The rain SEEMS to have stopped, BB! But then I WAS working today! The garden's pretty boggy tho!
Yes, I make my banoffi pie with baileys or tia maria! Soak the bananas in it, then put it in the cream! Yummy!
4 Sep, 2009
No-one but you could have written, and illustrated, a blog like this, Ray! It made me laugh first, and then, just smile happily. It reminds me so much (not sure how?) of our faves Wallace&Gromit but, please, don't take offence at this - it's BRILL! Hope the Lady got what she loves.................on a tray? :-)
4 Sep, 2009
wow! That was an amazing read (comments too). I know my people came from over there...but so much is lost from generation to generation, it seems, and with such variation from one area to another it's a little confusing...I once befriended a person whose people were from Durham...and I could hardly understand a word he said..."Um...you are speaking English, right?" oh and just a thought...don't know if it's urban legend or what...but check out the origins of fluouride usage? you'll be very surprised. it's supposed to induce docility in a population.
Great blog, BB....Jane's a lucky lady! lol. right Jane?
5 Sep, 2009
I have to ask you this BB ' cos it's a very distant memory
something called chitterlings ( I think ) they stood in a bucket , great long tubes like worms , disgusting looking waiting to be cleaned inside and out .
Can this be true , have I imagined it ?
5 Sep, 2009
Aw shucks Milky .. blush Jane says easy to say when you dont live with him lol that pond looks big enough for 2 of us ..
He he Morgana you know us men so well ...
Looked very heavy at times MP glad its drying now that pie sounds delicious ...esp compared to chitlings !
Thanks Lori yes Jane counts her blessings at least twice a year - didnt realise that about flouride cant be much in the water in Yorkshire as docile not an option ..aye Durham accent can be tricky but when in Canada people couldnt understand me saying ..Toma-r-to until I said To may to ..
Oh Amy we call them chitlings had forgotten about these no you not imagine it .. those long squiggly tubes pigs intestines yuk .
Never tried them as tripe bad enough but these ..
5 Sep, 2009
I don't think we ever had any BB but I vaguely remember seeing a bucket full in a friends outhouse where the boiler was.. . the stuff of nightmares ....
5 Sep, 2009
Amazing what grandparents ate and ages they lived to ..can feel my arteries harden just thinking about it lol
Ps David thanks for comment just had to check have an original Wallace and Gromit CD for PC with screensaver games etc ..if you dont have already the kids and even you may like it ? Wensleydale yum..
5 Sep, 2009
Perhaps its cause I have had more male friends that woman, don't forget I use to have a scrap yard with my x and its men that mostly visit scrap yards BB lol.
Lori floride turns the plertuity glad to stone which cases you not to be able to sort in your brain, just like Ricin they stick into school dinners which was written on ceefax some years ago. which if a child does nt suffer with adh , will casuse the child to be like it, its to control the children at school
5 Sep, 2009
Theres nothing like a good Sunday roast and to read your blog which is so amusing and to see all the photo`s has rounded off a lovely dinner time. Thanks.
6 Sep, 2009
Thanks Bb for that great blog I had missed a couple so now I have caught up, that moth looks very familiar it may have been one out of my wifes purse :o)) Cracking shots of a lovely coastline.
6 Sep, 2009
only just catchin up on blogs now BB.
beautiful photos.
im glad ye both had a good day out xx
7 Sep, 2009
Me too! Lots of lovely memories of the East Coast and I loved Bempton Cliffs, hope to visit again soon, Jane is a lucky Lady having been taken to Two of My Favourite places , good choice of venues B.B nad great humour and pictures.
9 Sep, 2009
Snap! What a tangent! My dictionary defines snap as a game where raisins are snatched from a bowl of burning brandy aka flapdragon! Seems some ones of you forgot to light the stuff. Can't you just call it a picnic or is that too French?! Had boudin/ blood sausage with a caper sauce in Provence: p'bly had garlic & thyme & wine, too. Mmmm. (And where's the rest of the recipe for banoffi, MP?)
14 Sep, 2009
Next we'll be moving into roofless Byland abbey, chasing feral peccaries smuggled in on So American plants, acting like picaroons!
14 Sep, 2009
Orgratis, I have just been on a website, where they are critisising how our language is going from old school taught, how puncuation is being left out and how people are not talking properly, because of the texting how children are losing marks because of this, and blame the parents, well snap in Yorkshire is different, and if we all were the same would nt it be a boring world. As if we all stayed the same and did nt move on here we all would be saying thou and thee which proberbly in those days when this kind of english was spoken they said the same. Yorkshire it is said to be the true english
14 Sep, 2009
thanks for all your lovely comments.......and welcome to GoY Orgratis !
14 Sep, 2009
Many Thanx, folks - must look see if I can get that screensaver CD, sounds real fun. :-))
14 Sep, 2009
Its old but fun David launched with Windows 95 .. thought as you such a fan and has games the children might enjoy .If you PM me your address happy to send you it.
14 Sep, 2009
Don't get me wrong, Morgana: I love learning new or old twists on words. Though had to resort to Urban Dictionary to define "chuffed" and where was UD when I was reading Dorothy Dunnett with her Scottish idioms?!
15 Sep, 2009
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~you do know how to treat a girl!
3 Sep, 2009