By booboosmum
No makeover blog, shoulder pain making me grumpy
will post latest pics tomorrow
13 Jul, 2012
Previous post: Another of my pets
Next post: A belated day 20
Iget it too, like toothache last night but the warm weather yesterday I hung loads of sheets and towels moved poys about tne garden pottered in the gh.....and suffered for it!. heigh ho its raining today......
Hope it feels better soon boo, I swear by ibuprophen gel
13 Jul, 2012
Thats a shame BBM hope the shoulder feels better soon all this (damp )weather won't help either take care :o)
13 Jul, 2012
Thanks Niver, Pam and Hywel, xrays showed 'wear and tear'! great! I'm waiting on a physiotherapy appointment.
The garden will be finished tomorrow thank goodness!! :)
13 Jul, 2012
Wear and tear, great, that's what they always say... If the pain's keeping you awake at night, and the shoulder is stiff, ask your doctor for some diazepam - they won't want to give it to you, but they will for muscle spasm, even if they only give you 3 tabs.
13 Jul, 2012
Acupuncture really works for me,a couple of weeks ago I had a muscle spasm acoss my pelvis, I was going away so nipped to the physio(she uses it as a tool of her trade not exclusivly) she put the needles where I said it was sore from my hip to ankle, when she twiddled one it tingled right to my toes...
Some exercises to do and it gone!....been going on and off for at least 10 years if she finds the sore spot it always works for me.
13 Jul, 2012
I'll second that - my brother in law has arthritis very badly and has used acupuncture for relief for years.
13 Jul, 2012
Hope you are feeling better soon BBM x
13 Jul, 2012
No Tomatoes, No Oranges, No fresh fruit, No Red Meat, Nothing with Vinegar in, No Pepper.
This has worked for me for 36 years. I have a small amount of red meat once a week to get rid of the craving. One slice of Apple Pie once a week ditto. Keep all the portions wrapped in Clingfilm in the freezer. Eat mostly home grown vegetables with thick
onion gravy, and fruit yoghurts. If I go back to ordinary food I get the pain. I dont take tablets for it..... I think what I have eaten that caused it.
Give it a try.
You will have a sooty taste in your mouth for about six weeks. When your mouth feels fresh again, your pain will be gone.
13 Jul, 2012
Thanks everyone! Before I went to the doc's I googled my symptoms, neck and shoulder pain and tingling/numbness in thumb and index finger, it came back with umpteen suggestions of C6 pinched nerve. When the doc checked me over she said it may be a pinched nerve. Th xray results said 'wear and tear' hmmmm.. make of that what you will, doc has referred me for physio but I'm gonna pay to see an osteopath.
On a lighter, brighter note........... the garden is FINISHED!!! YAY!!!.
pics tomorrow, I was out tittervating for 4 hours this evening and I'm knackered!! :o))))
14 Jul, 2012
Titivating yourself or the garden?
14 Jul, 2012
Thats wonderful news. An Osteopath is expensive, but they are trained to free up the muscles that are pulling on the pain area to protect it, and the adjacent muscles that are pulling on that muscle. This is something physiotherapists dont offer NHS patients.
I went to a man who has a Doctorate in Osteopathy, and he gave me my active life back. Worth every penny. Invest in yourself I say.
Also I have just bought some dried Apple, cooked it a little, and put into a Trifle for a change. No acid, no pain.
14 Jul, 2012
Diane: do you have osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis?
14 Jul, 2012
lol Gat meant to say 'the garden' lol see how knackered I was?
Diane, i have am app. booked for Monday, she will charge £48 the 1st time, to be honest i dont care how much it costs if it does the job :)
14 Jul, 2012
The charges have increased. It may be for 45 minutes
as she has to write down all your medical details. Make sure she has a Doctorate. You are paying for the best, have the best. They dont treat old injuries.
No X-rays or Scans, she wont want to know about any medication you are taking. She does it all with her hands. She treats the whole body.
Hi Bamboo, I would be in a wheelchair now if I hadnt gone to an Osteopath with a Doctorate, (I was a write-off according to my GP with a torn Lumbar Muscle )and followed Dr.Dong's food advice. I picked up this book of his at a Scouts Jumble Sale Bookstall. It was the best 2/- I ever spent in my life. I also have Merck Medical Encyclopaedia - its out of print now, but there should be a copy in your Reference Library. Through all these people I learned to take more care of myself and study anything that goes wrong - not going blindly to the Medical Centre for help.
16 Jul, 2012
Went for my 1st app. today, yes 45 mins, the £38 next time.
16 Jul, 2012
Feeling any better?
16 Jul, 2012
Its hard to tell yet Gat, she said I would be in pain for awhile after, thats normal, but I can feel a difference in that some of the stiffness has gone, I'll need a few sessions I think , thanks for asking ! :)
16 Jul, 2012
She sounds good - send her over here, please!! Will she mind payment in euros?
16 Jul, 2012
Ha ha !! I doubt it! :o)
16 Jul, 2012
Thats good news. Its not an instant cure. My osteopath treated me for 2 years. When I first went I hobbled over the road to his clinic with a walking stick, an NHS write off. After 6 months he said I could ride the bike again for one mile. Then the next month he said I could ride the bike for 3 miles. I was used to 50 mile rides. Had to be patient. Its wonderful to read of someone who believes in alternative medicine. Hope Hywel and Beryl give it a try.
17 Jul, 2012
Diane, I know its not instant and it will take a few more sessions, I felt so much better the next day, I couldn't believe it!, but silly me was out gardening for hours yesterday and that probably set me back, I need to learn to slow down :(
18 Jul, 2012
Hi Booboo, am pleased to hear your good news. The Osteopath should have given you exercises to do, and told you exactly what you can or cannot do.
The garden will always be there.
18 Jul, 2012
BBM - my experience with osteopath was fantastic - I used to go between the age of about 35 and 49 a couple of times of year - he'd click everything back where it should be, and I'd be pain free for months again. One visit each time, just to keep things ticking. And then I couldn't go any more - had to start taking blood thinners, which meant he couldn't crack everything like before, oh, woe is me. Now I'm on the downhill road to the exit gate (any age beginning with S, basically) and I have to faff about doing exercises from the physio instead. Nowhere near as effective, and really, really boring... at your age, your osteo should be able to sort you out pretty quickly. But once you start getting wear and tear in joints, then you probably will need reintervention - next time, stump up the cash at an earlier stage, get it dealt with fast and it'll mean fewer visits, or maybe only one visit, lol!
18 Jul, 2012
Diane, she hasnt mention exercises yet, but I shouldve known better, still it WAS a beautiful day, the sun was shining ( I burnt my back, shoulders and scalp doh!) and we got loads done.
Thanks Bamboo, Ive got another appt. next Monday. Think I just need to take it easy til its all sorted and get the OH to do any planting or lifting.
18 Jul, 2012
Burnt your back in the sun! Its been slinging it down here most of the afternoon...
18 Jul, 2012
I went to an osteopath to have treatment on an elbow and wrist problem that forced me into retirement. It was very well conducted and cured my arm trouble. Money well spent. I do not know why there is so much disbelief about osteopathy.
23 Jul, 2012
I don't either Dor, I was in a lot of pain this morning, been away the weekend to tatton park and did a lot of walking. I had my 2nd treatment this morning and I feel so much better, I just need to not do any heavy lifting etc.
23 Jul, 2012
Dorjac, not sure there is disbelief about osteopathy any more - 40 years ago, yes, now, no - even my doctor suggested it to me 10 years ago. It's chiropractic I hate - had a friend who went for years and still no long term improvement, just a couple of days of relief each time, very costly... I persuaded him to go to an osteopath instead, which did work...
23 Jul, 2012
Its over 20 years since I went to the Osteopath with my arm problem and it was £25 a go then for 8 weeks altogether. Got half back on the HSA. Good value in my book. Ultrasound treatment on my right foot for plantar fasciitis for 6 weeks, around same time was, £25 a go too. Very well worth it to stop hobbling about. On the NHS you get endless investigations at great expense. Then they ring, like yesterday, and tell you your next investigatory operation is postponed. OH didn't mind, as they won't leave him a bit of peace for a while!!!
24 Jul, 2012
Good lord, you're absolutely right, Dorjac - I've just had months of investigations, all unnecessary, with no diagnosis other than there's nowt wrong, which I told them in the first place - its my neck, its my neck, its my neck I scream, but no, they've got to check your heart, lungs, liver and kidneys regardless... and then end up saying 'it's probably your neck'!*%@!! What a waste of resources.
24 Jul, 2012
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8 Jun, 2013
That's sounds nasty. Both Beryl and myself get arthritis in the shoulders, so I can sympsthise with you.
I hope you'll be out of pain soon. Don't worry about the photos. Do it when you feel better :o)
Take care ...
13 Jul, 2012