Water feature - work in progress
By buttybabe
Hi all, I joined ‘growsonyou’ after finding some photos that have inspired my project to install a raised pool and waterfall in my small back yard garden. I have been looking at the Rockways system and similar pre-formed waterfalls. The main decision is whether to buy a Rockways pond which would just sit on the floor or a pre-formed black pond and build a frame – maybe of decking wood – to support it. I want it all to look as natural as possible. I cannot dig down as there are pipes under the concrete.
Progress up to now includes several trips to local garden and aquatic centres and many hours trawling the internet for inspiration. I will post some photos of the proposed site as soon as the weather improves.
27 Aug, 2009
Next post: Project Waterfall up and running
Thanks for your comment I'm sure I will be asking for help very soon!
27 Aug, 2009
Hi Buttybabe, Welcome to GoY :o)
You'll get plenty of suggestions from lots of people, but not from me - I'm useless lol
27 Aug, 2009
Hi Blodyn I'm sure that's not true!
27 Aug, 2009
It is as far as designs and plans go. I just make it up as I go along :o)
28 Aug, 2009
That works for me Hywel - create to please yourself while incorpoating ideas you have seen.
What about reclamation yards Buttybabe - great sauce of materials that have already weathered. Please take pics so we can see your progress. Good luck
28 Aug, 2009
Welcome to GOY, i do same as you Hywel
28 Aug, 2009
A joyous (though belated) welcome to GOY buttybabe. I'll be keeping track of you because, from your blogs, you have some wonderful water feature ideas. I'm always looking for ways to make my landscape stand out. Happy gardening!
12 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by buttybabe
- Still Growing!
6 Jul, 2010
- Spring Waterfall Flowers
23 May, 2010
- Easter Waterfall
3 Apr, 2010
- Happy New Year
14 Jan, 2010
- Latest Update for Project Waterfall
19 Nov, 2009
- Ever expanding waterfall!
18 Oct, 2009
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well the devil is in the detail, so plan, plan and plan again and them you will have a fantastic feature. I'd love to see photos of the prep etc. If you get stuck dont forget to ask GoYers for help. there is always some one who can help.
welcome to GoY too.
27 Aug, 2009