Gardeners World
By clarice
Did anyone watch it last night, hope i get use to Toby doing Monty’s job, to me it did’nt seem as good as usual, perhaps in a few weeks i will get use to him.
13 Sep, 2008
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Clarice ~
Did you hear Toby saying something like : " Bonkers thing growing turf in a seed tray ".
Maybe BB masquerading as Toby ?
13 Sep, 2008
Hiya Clarice.
I'm afraid I missed it (bother) but I'll be interested to watch it soon, after hearing a bit of publicity saying that with this new leader of the team they hope to get the programme away from too much designer gardening and make more room for the practical which we all need. I enjoy looking at d gardens sometimes, "show gardens", whatever, but they never feel very real, and I just don't think it fairly reflects most people's experience or meets their needs.
Of the others I like Carol/e Klein, Joe Swift is OK, Rachel Thane just makes me jealous I think because I look like a tramp when I garden, and although she's so capable, she looks as if no dirt ever gets under her fingernails or mud on her clothes!
I was a bit gutted Monty had to stand down, he is great. I really was impressed with that rehabilitation programme he started with a group of addicts who needed help. Don't know if anyone else saw that a couple of years ago?
13 Sep, 2008
It seemed as though Toby was going to be working mostly at Berryfields, with a bit more input from Alys Fowler, which will suit you Weeding, because Alys is good, putting in lots of practical tips and advice,and she has a nice little Terrier helping her !
I reckon Carol Klein will report more from her own West Country garden, and I guess that will be quite practical. I like it when she shows how to take cuttings from just about everything ! I think Carol is super.
I presume Joe Swift will alternate between Berryfields and his allotment. Rachel de Thame seems knowledgeable, but to me, doesn't seem to fit in with that programme, and might be much better in another gardening show.
The above is just guesswork on my part. Yes, Monty will be missed. I agree with you, Clarice that last night's show was rather disjointed, but I think it will improve and I reckon I'm going to enjoy their new set-up.
13 Sep, 2008
Sorry I missed this Clarice always worried about Monty as felt he taking on too much esp with that round the world in 80 gardens thing as well as that project with offenders.
He admits to Seasonal Affective Disorder so its probably affected him sooner this year.Can see Rachel growing it as Nigella cooks it.TT
Sarah the one that does for me - that accent the cut flowers not a gardener she sends one of her minnions to do that.its all a little beneath her dont you know.
13 Sep, 2008
I was disappointed in that it was advertised as having a feature on Clematis wilt - well, did I nod off and miss it? I also hope that they put the plant names on the screen - as they used to. Toby? A sort of 'yes' but we'll see how he shapes up. He has good credentials, anyway.
13 Sep, 2008
It must be very difficult getting the balance right.
We met the production team and programme researcher when they filmed us and our garden for the programme, and they are a lovely group and their knowledge and skills are first rate.
There are a lot of people who work 'behind the scenes' to make it all come to life on the screen.
It must be extremely hard for Toby having to step into the shoes of so many past presenters who not only were so good at their jobs, but they became gardening and celebrity icons as well.
We liked his very natural approach, and wish him every success in the future.I'm sure he will make his own mark on the programme when he settles into the new role.
13 Sep, 2008
Joe Swift seemed to be getting on well with Toby, which is important, and Alys appeared to like Toby also.
No, Spritz, I don't recall a Clematis wilt feature. Maybe all their Clematis were doing too well. LOL
13 Sep, 2008
I missed it too-trip to Sainsbury! what did he to do before?
I sometimes watch old Chelsea shows with Carol doing the walk around-she is great! Why not a woman?
Only went to Chelsea once-didn't realise there would be no plants for sale-only the sell off at the end!
13 Sep, 2008
Arlene ~ I video-taped Carol Klein's walk-about tours at Chelsea, and watched them several times. She was an absolute DELIGHT, hopping from one plant to the next like an enthusiastic child - but with SO much plant knowledge.
Clarice ~ Thanks for starting this blog.
Well done. Lot of interesting views.
On the Gardeners' World website, there's an interview with Toby Buckland, and he seems to be giving the right answers. He has a lot of experience.
But Toby ~ I'll be counting the number of times you say "Bonkers" LOL
14 Sep, 2008
Well dont know how I missed this - typical but guess if he says it a lot , not really complimentary is it.
14 Sep, 2008
I got the impression he was playing everything safe to start with. It will be interesting to see how he develops in the role and makes the positoin his own in, say, six months time
14 Sep, 2008
Last week's Gardeners' World
(19 Sept 08) ~
The content of the show was okay BUT did that orchestra really need to interrupt Toby every time he picked up a pot or walked into the greenhouse?
Someone needs to sort out the music. Preferably remove the orchestra all together. Let's face it ~ those musicians will trample all over the newly planted shrubs, and too many trombones will scare away Alys's Jack Russell Terrier.
Less music, more gardening, please. :o)
23 Sep, 2008
Gardeners' World
( 26th Sept. 08) ~
music seemed a bit less intrusive.
Maybe it's getting a bit cold for the orchestra to be outdoors...
30 Sep, 2008
Wait till they're doing the winter bedding - will they be planting the violas in a tub-a?
30 Sep, 2008
It'll be noisy when Toby starts on the Ajuga Reptans - bugles. Pass the ear-plugs...
30 Sep, 2008
Musical intervals definitely annoying me in this evening's Gardeners' World (3rd Oct 08).
I'm sure Toby can pick apples and Alys can dig holes without intrusive guitar music and violin accompaniment.. :o).
3 Oct, 2008
Past two weeks there seemed to be less of the annoying background music. Well done BBC. I guess you put the orchestra into hibernation.
My favourite parts are Carol Klein's contributions from her own garden where she demonstrates taking cuttings.
More from Carol please. She is super. :o)
22 Oct, 2008
TT i agree with you. I think Carol Klein is great, i would have liked her to take over from Monty.
22 Oct, 2008
There's a large article about Carol Klein in this week's TV book which was sold along with last Saturday's Daily Mail.
It says that when viewers realised Carol was not to be chosen the message board on the website of the Gardeners' World magazine received a huge amount of support for Carol.
It's not that I dislike Toby Buckland. And Alys is good too.
Just would like to see Carol more often.
That Daily Mail TV book has some good articles this week. In addition to the Carol Klein feature, there are Monty Don's pages which include his article about honey bees.
22 Oct, 2008
Gardeners' World [ 24 Oct 08 ] :
The programme seemed better settled into the new format. Not too much music!
When Toby demonstrated planting a tree, a pity he didn't show in more detail tying the tree to the stake.
Grenville ~
Did you notice at one point when Toby was working with old tree trunks, he referred to Victorian stumperies?
What a trend-setter you are. :o)
25 Oct, 2008
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I quite like this new person, I'm sure that he'll grow on you clarice. You couldn't really beat Geof Hamilton, I thought that he'd never be replaced, but he was.
13 Sep, 2008